Chapter 180
"Hey, hello, I really like your play."

Bai Anliang:
There are some things, not breaking the law, but sick.

For example now.

Bai Anliang didn't lie to Fan Xiaopang, he was indeed holding back his urine.

At this time, he is opening the urinal in the men's toilet to release water~
But how should I put it? Generally, in the men's restroom, there is a customary rule.

That is: as long as the toilet is not full, everyone will never pee next to each other, and basically they will set aside a place by default.

Especially when there is only one person peeing in the whole toilet, an old man suddenly appears, there are so many places that cannot be occupied, and he insists on standing by the side.
breaking the law?
Do not break the law!
But there is definitely a serious illness!

Fortunately, Bai Anliang's psychological quality is very strong, so he won't be interrupted by such things. However, some sensitive people may be able to shrink back directly in embarrassment, and can't stop peeing.

Although the psychological quality is not enough to "stop peeing", Bai Anliang still looked at the little black fat man beside him helplessly.

"Master Guo, what a coincidence~"

The little black fat man froze for a moment, his face was a little surprised, "You actually know me?"

"I know, I really like the cross talk you talked about." Bai Anliang nodded, "And you are quite famous now, the cross talk business is booming, congratulations."

"You praised me, I'm just getting started." Guo Degang smiled a little embarrassedly.

He finally came to his senses, did he get a little too close?

Bai Anliang was already tall, and he was relatively short, so he really could see everything without bowing his head.

Bai Anliang: If you dare to shake hands with labor and management again, you will be beaten in the toilet today.

Fortunately, Lao Guo didn't do that.

The other party simply happened to meet Bai Anliang when he came to the bathroom, and he got excited for a while and got familiar with him.

I kind of forgot the occasion.

How should I put it, the reason why I was so excited was because I had a relationship with Bai Anliang on Anhui Satellite TV before.

Lao Guo felt some fate.

At that time, Bai Anliang had not yet become famous in his career, but he was making a name for himself in film and television.

As for Lao Guo himself. For the position of a host, he acts like a monkey in the glass window.

And now?Guo Degang became popular, he went to Yanjing three times, he finally gained a foothold here, and the performances in the small theater began to be hard to find.
Bai Anliang was even more exaggerated, almost climbing like a rocket.

A year ago, not many people knew this name, but now?How many media started calling him the new Kung Fu Emperor?Directly start the benchmarking link
Everyone started from a humble beginning, and even the company structure is very similar.

Guo Degang accepted apprentices and apprentices, while Bai Anliang brought his own apprentices. They all felt like old-fashioned Jianghu.

Of course, if you really want to say that Jianghu. Baiwumen's Jianghu style is not comparable to that of Deyun Club.

Coincidentally, today is also the day of the annual meeting of Deyun Club.

But they didn't have as much ostentation as Baiwu Film and Television. In total, only a dozen or so people gathered at two tables to hold a so-called annual meeting.

The annual meetings on both sides end at about the same time.

"I hope our development will get better and better in the coming year. Let's go back and rest early."

After Guo Degang said this, his apprentice Cao Yunjin was very active to open the door for others, and he did a good job in terms of etiquette.

It's just that a bit embarrassing scene appeared.

As soon as the door was opened, a group of black and macho men appeared.
Because of the movement of Cao Yunjin who opened the door, some of them looked sideways at him.

For some reason, Cao Yunjin felt a wave of pressure rushing towards his face, and subconsciously took two steps back.

After realizing it, I felt a little ashamed and became annoyed.

At this moment, he was still a little stunned, and he opened his mouth to scold, "Stand on the horse."

"Hey! Jin Zi, be more polite." Guo Degang reacted quickly, and quickly stopped.

Cao Yunjin's face was a little red from suppressing it, but he still listened to Guo Degang's words and stood back silently.

Thanks to Guo Degang's quick reaction, the closest juniors glanced at them and left without paying attention.

If this kid really speaks rudely, now that most people in Baiwumen have drunk a lot of alcohol, it will be hard to say.

Coincidentally, at this time, several juniors surrounded Bai Anliang and walked over together.

And now Fan Xiaopang is still hugging his arm affectionately, sticking to him tightly.

In this scene, it really has the appearance of a big boss in a film and television drama.

The beauties and big stars around her seemed to be the foil.

Even BGM has it.

There was music playing in the corridor right now. Bai Anliang subconsciously stepped on the spot when he walked, and the sense of atmosphere was full.

This is one of the advantages that Bai Anliang likes to maintain his image when he goes out.

Whenever he was outside, he was handsome and aggressive in 360 degrees with no dead ends.

But he wasn't tense all the time, it was too tiring.

Generally speaking, it's quite natural. He just kept the erect look of a martial artist and didn't deliberately go concave.

When passing by here, Bai Anliang naturally also saw the people from Deyun Society.

He nodded slightly at the little black fat man as a greeting.

"You know him?" Fan Xiaopang glanced curiously.

I found that this group of people are tall, short, fat and thin. They really have all kinds of people, and I am a little surprised what they do.

"It's amazing to talk about cross talk."


Fan Xiaopang is not very interested in cross talk, and she thinks that Bai Anliang is just saying polite words.

Is this thing hot?Never heard of it.

On the other side, almost the same conversation is going on.

"You know this guy?" Yu Zhu looked at Guo Degang in surprise and said.

Guo Degang waved his hands in embarrassment, "It's not acquaintance to meet each other, but to save face."

"Let me just say, where do you have the ability to know people?"

"Hey! You can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth"

After exchanging a few words, Guo Degang looked at the people of Baiwumen who were going away, and subconsciously said, "Whenever our Deyun Society can be so grand."

"That's very far away~" Yu Zhixia said with enthusiasm.

"The road is long and the road is long"
Years and years.

Bai Anliang was not very busy.

Apart from staying in the company every day to deal with trivial matters, what he cares most about is the final box office of "Ip Man".

As time went on, it became more and more difficult for "Ip Man" to rise at the box office.

The box office score is more than 6000 million, which is infinitely close to the box office of "Kung Fu".

Now the question is in front of Bai Anliang, this number one, do you want to take it?
This box office performance, in fact, has a lot of room for manipulation, and there is no software such as Maoyan for real-time monitoring these days.

It couldn't be easier to play tricks on the box office results now.

Just go and buy some box office, "Ip Man" is this year's box office champion!

"never mind."

"Boss, don't we really want to fight for it? President Yu also said that it's not a big deal?"

"This year we have achieved enough limelight, so there is no need to take the first place, and the quality of the movie "Ip Man" is not that high. If we force it to take the first place, we may be nailed to the pillar of shame in the future."

If it were another movie, Bai Anliang would really spend money to buy the box office and win the box office champion of the year.

But "Kung Fu". This movie is Zhou Xingchi's pinnacle work, and it is destined to be written in the history of domestic films.

If Bai Anliang keeps doing this, he might be sprayed in the future.

It can only be said to be a pity.

It is already an exaggeration for him to "lead the team with a single core" to get such a box office result, and it is not that he lacks the title of annual box office champion.

Stephen Chow will not shoot "Kung Fu 2", but Bai Anliang will shoot "Ip Man 2".

There is no need to offend Zhou Xingchi's fans and affect the reputation of subsequent works for the sake of temporary fame.

And his choice finally fixed the box office performance of "Ip Man" at the figure of 800 million.

I have a good relationship with Bai Anliang, I feel a pity in my heart, it feels like it's a little bit worse
The competitors also secretly said it was a pity.

That's right, can you bear it?

Many people in the circle felt that this gap was enough, Bai Anliang was determined to "manipulate" the box office and win the box office champion.

Some drafts of black him and his movies have been written, but now I can't send them out.

Then the problem is coming.

Is Bai Anliang too upright to disdain such a thing?Or is he too scheming and has long thought of the disadvantages of doing so?

All in all, this year has passed anyway.

"First, I don't call you hello."

"Have you watched my drama? It started broadcasting yesterday!"

"Me? Of course I didn't watch it. I'm so busy that I don't have time to watch it." Bai Anliang said casually.

Liu Yifei on the other end of the phone was obviously a little frustrated, and even her voice changed a little, "I told you in advance, why is this? Are you busy?"

"Yeah, I'm really busy, and I'm rushing to the set now~ Besides, I don't really like to watch the plot of Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er's wedding ceremony. Wait until I beat Hu Ge up. Look, the mentality should be much better."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei's expression suddenly turned from cloudy to clear.

The small face raised a smile, with a proud and petite appearance holding back a smile.

You still said you didn't watch it?

How do you know the plot of the first two episodes without watching it? !
Hmph~ It's just a stubborn mouth.

It must have been in front of the TV right away.

She seemed to have imagined that scene, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Remember to watch it right later. Are you going to make a new movie? Which crew are you going to?"

"It's not a new play, go and help someone to make a cameo, at most a few minutes of scenes, how about you? I heard that you don't take TV dramas now, only movies?"

"Yeah, mom said, we want to develop into a movie cafe." Liu Yifei told the truth directly, without hiding it at all.

"That's such a pity, I still want to ask you to make a TV series~"

What Bai Anliang said is also true. Now that "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is also broadcast, when the reputation and influence of this show continue to spread, Liu Yifei's popularity in China will rise to a higher level.

When "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is aired again at the beginning of next year, this girl will take the position of Guoming's first love and become Bai Yueguang in the hearts of countless people. No matter what she does, she is a first-line female star.

Under such circumstances, if Bai Anliang could find her to make a TV series or something, he would think it would be bloody profitable no matter what.

He even felt that after he finished filming a TV series, he could keep it on his hands for two years.
Sister Shenxian's TV series "Sweet Song" can be sold for a super high price no matter how you think about it.

If I remember correctly, it will probably be more than ten years before she starts filming a TV series again.
"You really want to film with me?"

Liu Yifei on the other end of the phone asked seriously.

"Yeah, it's a dream!"

"Then you can ask me to make a movie. Mom will definitely let me take over your movie."

"Why do I have so much face?" Bai Anliang asked in surprise.

"Of course! The box office of your movie is so high. So, do you want to ask me to make a movie?"

Hurry up.

Bai Anliang temporarily put down his mentality of molesting the little girl, and began to think about this matter seriously.

How can I fool her into making another TV series?
"But I don't have any plans to make a movie right now~ only TV series."

"Huh? Are you not filming Ip Man 2?"

"Shooting, but it will take a few years, I don't want to consume the gold content of this IP so quickly, I have to polish the book." Bai Anliang will not say something to Liu Yifei at this time, "We have to wait for Da Tiantian to grow up." Kind of words.

"What about other movies?"

"I accepted a movie with Li Lian, but I can't talk about that movie, I just participated in it. Their heroine found Xu Jinlei."

After all, Bai Anliang's meaning is obvious.

There are no movies, only TV dramas, you have to convince your mother.

And Liu Yifei was also very tangled, "Why don't you take the script and show it to my mother first."

Uh ~
There is a play!
At this moment, on the one hand, Bai Anliang first agreed, and on the other hand, he frantically searched in his mind. What drama is suitable for Liu Yifei to shoot now?
He can't just write "Meng Hua Lu" right now.

She is still a little girl now.
Online and so on, in a hurry.

Regarding this question, Bai Anliang thought for a long time but did not come up with an answer.

However, when he arrived on the set of his eldest brother Cheng, he suddenly had inspiration.

"Golden Artemisia, the nest is Jinxishan."

Korean girls?

As soon as Bai Anliang met, he stared at Jin Xishan for a long time, almost turning his face into black eyes.

I already knew he was arrogant, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant!

Is the wind coming to him?

As soon as he entered the group, he stared at the heroine non-stop. This kid.
Quite the style of his youth!
The eldest brother Cheng smiled heartily and hugged Bai Anliang's shoulders, as if jokingly said, "You like it? I'll introduce you later."

Fortunately, they were sitting down, otherwise the height difference between the two would be really embarrassing.

Bai Anliang: Are you so polite? !

Well, then I'm really welcome~
He was actually thinking about Korean dramas just now
(End of this chapter)

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