This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 185 Are you not under 8 years old?

Chapter 185 You Are Not Eighteen, Are You?
"Just for two days, I'll bring the script to your house to visit."

After returning to Yanjing, the first thing Bai Anliang did was to inquire about Liu Yifei's schedule.

If this little girl ran out to answer some announcement, she would be in vain.

Fortunately, the other party is... a little lazy.

A phone call was made, and it was discovered that this little girl had been lying at home for a week.

"Isn't this too formal?"

Hearing that he was coming to the door, Liu Yifei on the other end of the phone blushed, but fortunately Bai Anliang couldn't see it.

She has read a lot of romance novels and film and television dramas recently.

I always feel that such a thing as door-to-door sounds like a shame!

And Bai Anliang was a little puzzled, "Are you okay? You are underage, such things require the presence of a guardian."

The sentence of underage made Liu Yifei a little sober, and her mentality changed immediately.

That little face swelled up, a little angry, "I'm eighteen."

"You're not eighteen years old, are you?" Bai Anliang said, not used to her at all.

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone.

After the silence comes the "outbreak".

"Bai Anliang, you are so annoying!"

Hearing such humming, Bai Anliang actually found it interesting, "Hey, by the way, it seems like it's the first time you've called me by my name~"

At this time, Liu Yifei was about to roll her eyes to the sky, "Now the streets are full of your name! You are so amazing! Who doesn't know you?"

"Bullshit, I didn't pick up a single endorsement, why is my name all over the street? No matter how weird you are, I'll push you on the sofa and spank your butt, or take off your socks and smack the soles of your feet."



At this moment, after hearing the sound of "daba", Bai Anliang's inner shock was beyond words.

Why did you do this kind of work all of a sudden?Then he can't stand it.

If you have the ability, you also shout like this when you meet~
Daba daba, daba yo
Inexplicably, some strange pictures came to mind, um, the kind without clothes.

However, Liu Yifei's tone of voice was obviously not very good.

Prefers to act like a spoiled child more than that. Still needs to be adjusted.

After a baa.

It's Bai Anliang's turn to be silent
And Liu Yifei listened to the slight panting on the phone, her little face became more and more red, she couldn't help it, and explained, "I'm learning Japanese recently."

"Oh, I can do a little too." Bai Anliang answered.

"Huh? You will too? Like?"

".no! No! Please."


The topic ended here, and the two really didn't know what to say.

Going on, it feels a bit inappropriate for children.

Bai Anliang took the initiative to change the topic, "So, should I contact your mother?"

"No! I can make a decision!"

Liu Yifei obviously hated having to go through her mother for everything, but at this moment she agreed without hesitation.

The two set a time and asked Bai Anliang to come to visit officially two days later.

As for why it takes two days?

Hmm, "Zhu Xian" has two heroines.

Bai Anliang wanted to solve another problem.

Da Tiantian, or Fan Xiaopang?
There should be a classmate of Yang Mi in the original candidate, but what to say~
Although Yang Mi's current popularity is not that transparent, she still left a relatively impressive performance even in "Ip Man".

But her fame is still not enough.

At least, not enough to keep pace with Liu Yifei as the heroine.

Moreover, the fat and water do not flow into the fields of outsiders
This classmate Yang Mi is still an artist from Rong Xinda.

Bai Anliang and Rong Xinda, the two women surnamed Li, had no friendship at all, and it was only because of their relationship that Yang Mi was asked to come to the production team of "Ip Man".

But it's not for charity that Zheng'er Bajing opens a drama to praise her buddies.

If you want to praise her, you have to wait until her contract expires.

Just like Fan Xiaopang.

Fan Xiaopang's contract is about to expire, and by then he will be his own, and Bai Anliang should praise her.

As for Da Tiantian. I don’t need to say much about it. Although she is not an artist of Baiwu Film and Television, she has the identity of a little rich woman, not to mention that Bai Anliang started his business with the money she paid.
As a human being, emotional debt is the hardest to repay.

Even at the beginning, Bai Anliang used deception
So, who should you choose?

Bai Anliang threw this question to Qin Lan, hoping to get some answers from her.

Qin Lan looked confused, "Of course, whoever is more suitable for this role should be chosen. Shouldn't the degree of fit be considered first when casting film and television dramas?"

Bai Anliang:
It seems to be so!

Just thinking about the ways of the world, he forgot about it.

After thinking about this, Bai Anliang crossed out Da Tiantian's name without any hesitation.

What do you say~
If Liu Yifei doesn't act, then Da Tiantian and Fan Xiaopang can play each role.

The current Da Tiantian is somewhat similar to Liu Yifei's style.

Qin Lan: I shouldn't talk too much!
She didn't want to help Fan Xiaopang at all, but she subconsciously gave Bai Anliang advice.
"Boss, why don't you think about it again? What I said may not be right." Qin Lan tried to make amends.

Bai Anhao glanced at her with a smile, "Are you two so disagreeable?"

Qin Lan didn't put on a show, she pursed her lips, "Who would like her as a vixen?"

While talking, she still didn't forget to make a pot of tea for Bai Anliang, and when she bent down to pour tea for him, she unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt carefully
Hmm. What Wugao said is right, purple is really charming.

Bai Anliang liked this suit.

But before he could take the next step, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

"Come in~"

"Handsome~ I heard you are back?"

Before the person came in, the scratching sound reached the ears first.

Immediately afterwards, a touch of black came into view.

Hmm. Compared to purple, this black dress. Bai Anliang also likes it very much!

"It's winter, you wear a tube top skirt. Isn't it cold?"

"It's beginning of spring~" Fan Xiaopang didn't seem to care about the temperature at all, even if she came in from the outside, her ears were a little red from the cold.

But it didn't stop her from wearing skirts.

Not only do you have to wear a skirt, but you also have to pay big benefits. At least, it's much more exciting than Qin Lan's professional attire.

It can be seen that this girl is also well prepared.

"Why are you here today? Aren't there a lot of commercial performances going on recently?" Bai Anliang asked strangely.

After Fan Xiaopang made up his mind not to renew his contract with Huayi, he didn't do charity, so naturally he stuffed her with a bunch of messy business performances.

The main focus is to extract a value.

If it weren't for her to have some initiative, maybe she would have to cut the ribbon for the pig farm~
But even if it is not so low, various activities to make money are indispensable.

Even though she looks like this, she can earn a lot of money herself, but unless she is an artist who is ready to make a fortune and run away, and seriously wants to develop in the entertainment industry in the long run, no one is willing to spend her reputation and popularity like this.

Some things, after going down, want to come up again, but it is not so easy.

Otherwise, Bai Anliang should be covered in all kinds of messy endorsements right now.

Just give it a pick, from panty socks to condoms Viagra.
Instead of being like now, there are indeed endorsement talks, but they are picky and not anxious to make money at all.

After Fan Xiaopang heard this, he rolled his eyes helplessly, "I'm a human being, not an animal, and how can there be commercial performances to run every day. By the way, I heard that you are going to buy a house? I also want to If we change houses, we can take care of each other whether we want to be neighbors or not."

Qin Lan spat directly in her heart.

Are you trying to take care of each other? !
You are a scumbag.

"Buying a house? Oh yes, there is such a thing." Bai Anliang thought that Fan Xiaopang had heard the news that the company was going to launch a new drama and came over after smelling it, but he didn't expect that she was going to talk about it .

"Are you optimistic about the real estate?"

"Qin Lan is doing this, and I don't know if it's suitable." Bai Anliang cast his eyes on the angry Qin Lan, with the intention of asking.

"Boss, according to your request. There is a very good villa area, not very far from our company. The area is large and the distance is large. It is the price."

"How many flat houses?"

"There are more than a thousand flats."

"You want to buy it so big?" Fan Xiaopang asked in surprise, "Can you live here?"

"I thought you were going to ask me if I have so much money." Bai Anliang smiled.

"You must be rich and your gym has made a lot of money! I have heard that many members give you money, so don't have too much liquidity, plus the share of movies and TV shows and your salary."

It’s not that I don’t know. After doing the math, Fan Xiaopang suddenly felt shocked.

Bai Anliang made so much money? !
That's not even counting the profits and performance of the Bai family class of his gang of juniors.

A smile appeared on Qin Lan's face, wondering how many there are?I know!She knows every account clearly, but she doesn't tell you!
And Bai Anliang scratched his head, "I don't know either. You have to ask Qin Lan if you haven't calculated it specifically. Besides, if you think too much, it's not like I can only go in and out, and there are many places to spend money. Buy one that big The house is probably a bit difficult.”

Fan Xiaopang glanced at Qin Lan, his eyes were much more serious.

This woman manages money? !

The level of threat went up several steps.

"Forget it, if you want to buy a big villa, I can't afford it. I can't be your neighbor anymore," Fan Xiaopang said while spreading his hands helplessly.

"It's okay, I'll leave you a room~"

"What about Secretary Qin, does she have a room?" Fan Xiaopang blinked and asked tentatively.

"Boss, I'm going back to work first."

Qin Lan looked like I couldn't be bothered to care about you, and just opened the door and walked away.

As soon as she left, Fan Xiaopang let himself go completely and sat down directly in his arms, "Brother~ look at her."

"You're a little more normal."

"Okay, I know you love your little secretary, I just don't want to be a bad guy~ Don't reserve a room for me, if I want to live with you, I will live in the master bedroom."

"You sleep in the master bedroom, where do I sleep?"

"Well, you sleep with me~"

Sao woman!
"Okay, people are leaving too, let's be honest~"

Although Bai Anliang really wanted to carry her directly to the small room at the back.

But that place was Qin Lan's little world, and she had told Bai Anliang very seriously that no other women were allowed in or she would fall out.

Therefore, Bai Anliang could only hold back for the time being, and when the business was over, he would find another place to teach this coquettish fox a lesson.

Besides, he didn't believe that Fan Xiaopang came here on purpose to buy a house.

This kind of thing can be solved with just a phone call, why bother to make a special trip and put on such a cold shirt.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you. I heard that the company is going to launch a TV series? Are you playing the leading role?"

"Ang~ Did Yang Tianzhen tell you again?"

"I found out by myself, don't blame others."

Let's talk shit~
However, Bai Anliang didn't bother to take care of these matters. Originally, he acquiesced to Yang Tianzhen being a "spy" for Fan Xiaopang, otherwise he would have fired this guy long ago.

"Okay, don't let my temptation go, go back and find Bai Wu to get the script, by the way, go and read the original work of "Zhu Xian"."

"I've seen it, who shall I play?" Fan Xiaopang once again demonstrated with actions that she really came prepared.

Have you even read the original?
". Baguio."


With a sip, it really hit Bai Anliang's face, leaving a lipstick mark.

After taking such a sip, she didn't stop, her complexion became more rosy and charming, and the eyes she looked at Bai Anliang became more and more captivating
The meaning is very simple, now, immediately, she wants it.

It's still in the office~
Bai Anliang did not expect this woman's enthusiasm to be so unexpected.

After subconsciously embracing him, I realized that I didn't even lock the door or close the window.

Fortunately, he has great physical strength, even if he holds a girl with one hand, he can still do these things with the other hand.

It's just that. The fact that the sound insulation in this office is not very good was ignored by him.

There's no way around it, Qin Lan's office is next door to him, and there is a thin wall between the two offices, which was originally divided into two.

Not to mention that I heard everything clearly, but I could also hear [-]% of it.
But after Bai Anliang told Fan Xiaopang about this, the woman's voice became more energetic? !

Listening to the commotion next door, Qin Lan's expression was naturally not very good-looking.

But she also has her own way of coping.

"Boss, there is something I need you to sign."

Looking at Qin Lan who suddenly appeared from the bookcase, Bai Anliang was fine, but Fan Xiaopang was obviously taken aback.

Quickly stretch out your clothes
For some things, she was very courageous across the wall, and even dared to deliberately "perform" for Qin Lan.

But when A really came over, she didn't know how to accept the move.

You can't really put on such a big show in front of her.
That would be too outrageous.

And Bai Anliang looked at Qin Lan helplessly, "Are you in a hurry?"

Qin Lan blinked her eyes, as if she didn't see Fan Xiaopang's current embarrassment, "It's urgent."

"Give me the pen."

After signing, Qin Lan turned around and left.

In less than a minute, she came back again.

"Is there anything else?!" This time, Fan Xiaopang's voice seemed to be mixed with grief and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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