Chapter 186

Bai Anliang rarely saw Fan Xiaopang break his defense.

Few people can make her break the defense. Under the appearance of smiling, this girl is actually very strong inside.

But today, Qin Lan did it.

Successfully regained a round.

For a long time, Qin Lan was still a bit embarrassed in front of Fan Xiaopang, and the two of them were at odds with each other.
Today is such a rare occasion. For Qin Lan, it is just like the Chinese New Year.

Therefore, she could even endure the scenes that were somewhat inappropriate for children.

Cut, it's not like I haven't seen it!Her own boss, she has seen it countless times, maybe she is more familiar with it than you, Fan Xiaopang.
If it wasn't for worrying about making it too big, Qin Lan would have taken out a camera to take some pictures for Fan Xiaopang~
Let's see if she dares to be so arrogant in the future!

Show hoof!
Qin Lan turned back again and ignored Fan Xiaopang, took out a box from her small bag and handed it to Bai Anliang, "Boss, be careful."

"Ah, actually, it's quite safe."

Bai Anliang looked at Qin Lan with interest, but he didn't expect this little girl to be so courageous now.

Seeing his boss making out with other women, he was so "magnanimous" that he gave him a small umbrella.

Isn’t this the distortion of human nature and the loss of morality~
Qin Lan seemed to have misunderstood what Bai Anliang meant, and glanced at Fan Xiaopang, with a serious expression on her face, "If you get some kind of disease, it will be fine."

"Qin Lan! Tell me clearly! What is illness?! You are the only one who is ill~"

Facing Fan Xiaopang, who was a little mad, Qin Lan took half a step back, her lips moved slightly, "I'm in a hurry~"

Fan Xiaopang's eyes widened, "You"

Qin Lan shook her head in disdain, twisted her waist and dodged again, and before leaving, her last words completely "destroyed" Fan Xiaopang.

"That's it?"

"Bai Anliang, you bastard! What kind of words are these? You taught her? I've only heard you talk to people like that."

Fan Xiaopang was out of breath, but was blocked by Bai Anliang in the end.

It doesn't matter what you use to block it, it just works.

No matter how angry she was, after her mouth was blocked, she could only express her emotions with her eyes.

Of course, even if it is this one, it will soon be impossible to continue. The eyeballs are all rolled up, how can you stare at people?

Facts have proved that it is useless to try your best to make the girl happy when she is angry.

It's better to be more direct so that she doesn't have the time or thought to continue getting angry.

And this point, Bai Anliang did quite well.

A quarrel was eliminated by him.

Infinite merit.

Another day to maintain world peace.

"This matter can't be left alone!"

Afterwards, Fan Xiaopang was still a little upset, she had never suffered such a loss
When Bai Anliang heard this, his first reaction was to untie his belt and return it?Block you again!

As long as girls don't tear up in front of him, they can fight as they like.

But it’s not enough to force nagging in front of him, it’s very annoying to listen to
Seeing this posture, Fan Xiaopang surrendered resolutely and gave the French military salute.

"No, no, no, I won't curse. I mean, next time."

Hearing her muttering, Bai Anliang had a strange expression on his face.

If you play like this, that's fine!

Hit, hit hard!

It seems that what he wants to do in the future is not to sit on the sidelines or not let these two chicks fight.

If you really play like this, then enjoy!He's afraid he's going to be on fire! ——
Liu Yifei and her mother had a serious discussion about whether to take on Bai Anliang's drama.

Originally, their idea was indeed to follow the movie cafe route. After all, the chain of contempt in the entertainment industry is that movies are greater than TV dramas.

No, to be precise, I want to take the singing and dancing route while making a movie. The main character wants to be involved in everything.

Fortunately, these days, multi-location development does not mean that you are not doing your job properly, but it shows that you are omnipotent.

So her team is in contact with Sony and wants to release a record
Hmm. It's hard to evaluate. Bai Anliang can only wish her good luck.

This little girl even came here to fool him~
What to say, Bai Anliang can also try singing or something, maybe he can become the next Liu Dehua.

The whole person is very helpless.

The media likes to say that Bai Anliang is the second Bruce Lee, but this little girl turns around and asks him to be Liu Dehua?
You really need to find an opportunity to "beat her up"!
Standing at the door of Liu Yifei's house, Bai Anliang looked at the big villa in front of him, his eyes lit up.

Hey, this house is nice!
Looking back at the villa area, he felt that the environment here was quite suitable for his requirements for buying a house.

"Cannon, how about we buy a house here?"

Cannon, who had just parked the car, scratched his head and said, "I can do that, but if it were me, I'd still prefer a smaller house because it's too big and I don't feel safe."

Bai Anliang:
It's hard to imagine that Da Pao, a burly man, has the same habits as his own cat.

What does that mean?

Cats always like to get into some narrow places, such as cardboard boxes, under the bed, behind the sofa.
And the cannon is about the same.

With his size, driving an ordinary small car would seem extremely crowded even if the driver's seat is adjusted to the rear.

Even the driver's seat of the commercial vehicle was crowded, Bai Anliang felt uncomfortable looking at it, and asked him if he wanted to change to an off-road vehicle or something to drive.

As a result, this guy directly refused, saying that he just likes to stuff himself in the car.
The car is like this, and the house is similar.

No matter where he lives, he will always live in the smallest room. Such a macho man actually needs to find a narrow sense of security in this regard.

Outrageous very.

"I'll buy you a small RV later. You can live in it instead of buying a house."

"Hey?! Senior brother, what a great idea you have!" Da Pao's eyes lit up.

yes!What kind of small house can be smaller than those slightly larger RVs?

Plan pass!
When he turned around, he went to look at the RV, and he looked for the small and cheap one. He stuffed himself in it, and he was very happy.

"What are you looking at furtively?"

Just when Bai Anliang was not in a hurry to knock on the door to find Liu Yifei's mother and daughter, and was about to take the opportunity to stroll around the villa area, the window on the second floor suddenly opened, and a small head poked out, waving at him.
The little girl smiled brightly~
Before Bai Anliang could reply, Liu Yifei's figure disappeared from the window.

It is not difficult to guess that the person probably ran downstairs.

Sure enough, in just ten seconds, Liu Yifei appeared at the gate a little out of breath.

He didn't even wear a jacket, just a pair of jeans and a close-fitting woolen sweater.

Bai Anliang took a closer look. The little girl has really grown up~
Before, it was a poached egg at most, but now, tomato.

It is estimated that it will evolve into an apple in a while.

Going forward, there is not much potential, unlike classmate Yang Mi, who runs all the way for pineapples. It is said that the size of underwear needs to be changed every once in a while.

"Why are you running? Your face is sweating."

Looking at the flushed face that quickly appeared in front of him, Bai Anliang couldn't hold back a little, and reached out through the iron door to wipe the fine sweat on her forehead.

This action was actually not too sudden. When he was on the set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Bai Anliang pinched her face and played with her when she was fine. He even pinched her feet in his hand and coughed.But I don't know if it's because it's been a while, but Liu Yifei was subconsciously startled by his action, her pretty face turned even redder, she bit her lip, "Come in quickly!"

"No hurry, Cannon, bring the presents."

"Okay, brother."

Liu Yifei, who had already opened the iron door and came out, her eyes lit up, "Is there any gift?"


The weather was cold, and the little tiger, who had been sleeping soundly in the car, groaned in displeasure.

He opened his eyes impatiently and found that the person holding him was Cannon. He silently retracted his paws and started licking them in a pretentious manner.
"Wow! That's it!"

This surprise caught Liu Yifei a little off guard.

After reacting, his face was full of joy.

He immediately wanted to take the little tiger into his arms, but was dissuaded by the little thing's silently extending paw.

Obviously, although she was excited, she did not lose her mind.

"It's still so fierce~" Pulling Bai Anliang's sleeve, Liu Yifei complained, but actually said happily, "It's a gift. Do you want to give it to me?"

"You have a beautiful idea, I just brought it here for you to play with."

"Stingy, I'm good at raising cats."

Before entering the door, Liu Yifei finally hugged the little tiger as she wished.

Although this little thing criticizes fiercely, he always likes to bully humans who are "weaker in combat ability".

But in front of Bai Anliang and his juniors, he can always recognize himself well and keep himself low.

Bai Anliang first took the cat into his hands, held down its head, stared at it for a few seconds, and then hand-delivered the little thing into Liu Yifei's arms
Soft to start with, soft~
Cough cough, this is talking about cats.

"It's amazing, it really doesn't kill me anymore"

"Sissi, huh? Where did you pick up this cat?"

As soon as he entered the door, Bai Anliang found Aunt Liu already standing at the door waiting.

After seeing him, the other party smiled at him, "Long time no see, Director Bai."

Guidance Bai?
It’s been a while since anyone called me this name.

Everyone calls Mr. Bai in the company, and people usually call him that when they go out to socialize.

In the film crew, those veterans are more used to calling him Bai Ye. This seems to be more quack-like.

However, Bai Anliang is also confused now.

Are you calling me sister?Or call me auntie?
In terms of age, the other person was more than twice his age. With an age difference of more than [-] years, it was normal to call her aunt.

But... it seems a bit weird.

It's not that Bai Anliang is being hypocritical, if he shouted that, Liu Xiaoli would probably find it strange.

"Sister, long time no see, why does it feel like you are younger and prettier than before?"

"Really? I'm already old, don't say such things to coax me." Liu Xiaoli smiled and covered her mouth.

However, seeing Bai Anliang "talking happily" with his mother, Liu Yifei became anxious.

"You should call me mom and aunt!"

Bai Anliang:
Liu Xiaoli:? ? ?

At this moment, her eyes became a bit dangerous.

Even the little tiger in Liu Yifei's arms seemed to feel this dangerous aura, and jumped out of Liu Yifei's arms, and it didn't know where it went.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang is good at "warming up the scene", looked at Liu Yifei and smiled, "You should be calling me uncle~"

"What! How old are you older than me?!" Liu Yifei said with widened eyes.

"I'm 32 this year."

"You still want to lie to me?! Do you really think I don't know?"

Such nasty tricks can no longer be played after Bai Anliang became popular.

Youth is one of his famous labels. Who doesn't know that he is only in his early twenties?

"Okay, I'll make some tea for you first. Aren't we going to talk about the script today? Let's talk slowly. Boss Bai can also stay for a light meal."

From Director Bai to President Bai. Aunt Liu is still very sophisticated.

She didn't call her "Xiaobai" directly, even though Bai Anliang was really not much older than her daughter.

The last time I saw Bai Anliang, he was just a martial arts instructor.

And now?How long has it been since?
It became popular in the film and television industry, and its reputation spread far and wide. Even other industries are doing well. Liu Xiaoli has already done background tunes.

And Bai Anliang was not restrained. After putting on the new slippers prepared for him, he even walked around the villa with great interest.

As for Liu Yifei?She searched the house for the cat.

Obviously, there are pets for every kind of owner.

The little tiger, a dead cat, was so quick-sighted. After wandering around in the living room, he rushed straight to Liu Yifei's boudoir.

This really depends on the owner.

If Aunt Liu hadn't been at home today, Bai Anliang would have wanted to chat with Liu Yifei about the script in her bedroom.

Pink, squishy and fragrant boudoir for girls
"Do you like my family?"

When Liu Yifei appeared again holding the cat, Bai Anliang didn't answer her question.

Instead, he reached out and wiped away the dust on her nose, "Why do you look like a tabby cat?"

"It got under the bed." Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose and explained.

The sound of something falling to the ground sounded like a cup or bowl.

"It's okay, I accidentally knocked the cup on the ground."

Aunt Liu, who was making tea in the open kitchen not far away, explained.

Bai Anliang: How about me?

If you are a normal person, if you are reminded or warned by a girl's mother in this way, you will basically restrain yourself.

But for a guy like Bai Anliang, what he focuses on is daring.

Not restrained at all.

After sitting on the sofa, she and Liu Yifei sat almost next to each other.

Legs leaning against each other, the two of them petted a cat together.

If Liu Xiaoli hadn't brought the tea over, she wouldn't be able to remember why she came here today.

But, how to say~
After Bai Anliang came, although he hadn't mentioned a word about filming, he already felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

On the one hand, it is Liu Xiaoli's attitude, on the other hand, the bell on Liu Yifei's wrist is very familiar~
(End of this chapter)

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