This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 402 1 ​​Whale falls, all things come to life

Chapter 402: When a whale falls, everything comes alive
"My dear boss, why are you hiding here from me? Those two ancestors are still in your office?"

Although he was a little unhappy with Bai Anliang's recent outrageous incident, Qin Lan found it refreshing to see his boss in such "embarrassed" condition, and now he could laugh and tease him.

As soon as she returned to her office, she discovered that there was another "thief".

She was scared at first, wondering who could be so brave and brave enough to sneak into her office.

Looking at the results, wow~
Bai Anliang waved his hand helplessly, "Tiantian is more stunned, but Liu Yifei sometimes has many clever ideas. I don't want to argue with them, so just hide away."

"These two aunts are the only ones who can make you like this, Mr. Bai. There are still people who can take care of you."

Qin Lan crossed his legs and continued teasing.

But when the conversation changed, she suddenly said: "By the way, if the affair between the two novices is exposed later, how will you tell these two ancestors? Do you believe they can eat them alive?"


"Your child, isn't he just a noob~"

Not only did he have to hide from the two ancestors who were looking for him everywhere in the company, he also had to hide from the outside media.

Qin Lan didn't feel there was any violation when such shameless words came out of his mouth.

Take it heartily.


"What a mentality! I still have a lot to learn. No wonder you are the boss and I am working for you."

All the girls I meet in this way are equal and will not have any weird ideas because of this.


Finally, she couldn't hold back her laughter, and her smile was trembling, "Now I know what I like about you."

In summary, the reason why Lao Duan's son is not his is because he actually married one to the matchmaker.

"I love you so much! You scumbag makes me want to hold you and kiss you twice." Qin Lan said expressionless words that were somewhat disgusting.

His base camp!
In this place, Bai Anliang has many ways to avoid people quietly without alerting anyone.

Subconsciously, Bai Anliang reached out and touched his neck. Although Bai Anliang felt that his skills would not allow him to be chopped off by Da Tiantian, why was his neck so cold?

Isn't it because she was angry that her husband showed mercy everywhere, so she just acted cruelly and didn't mind it and found Duan Yanqing, who was just like a beggar?
What if!
We are talking about what if!
If Duan Zhengchun refused to marry Dao Baifeng, and they were lovers, then her child should be Duan Zhengchun's biological child!

These little words come one after another.

The worst thing is that they will fall apart in one fell swoop!
On the contrary, Da Tiantian, who is a bit clumsy, easily gets into trouble.

To put it bluntly, it is easy to become black.

Liu Yifei is a little better. The smarter the girl, the easier it is to figure things out in this regard.

This Bai Anliang truly believed.

"Boss, you are good at being a scumbag."

Well, where is this?

"so what?"

From this point of view, Bai Anliang is quite "loyal and devoted". He is loyal to his romantic partners and devoted to every girl.


Bai Anliang realized it!
Office Enlightenment!
He named this theory Duan Zhengchun Theory. If there is a chance in the future, he can publish a book to inspire future scumbags.
Just like Big Brother Cheng, he said that a book would be published a hundred years later to expose some darkness.

Bai Anliang raised his eyebrows, "Then I didn't lie. My feelings for you are the same."

This strong contrast is also quite interesting.

Why did Duan Zhengchun and his wife Dao Baifeng cheat on her?

Qin Lan saw that Bai Anliang couldn't answer the question at all, and sighed, "Boss, it's shameful to deceive a girl's feelings."

Qin Lan:.
It sounds reasonable.

After Bai Anliang exported such a wave of fallacies, Qin Lan was convinced.

Bai Anliang can also learn from his predecessors and publish a book "Self-cultivation of a Scumbag" a hundred years later.


Even Cannon, a guy with such an obvious target, could sneak out with him.

"Don't talk nonsense, old Duan died in the end." Bai Anliang said quickly, but then rubbed his chin, "Speaking of which, Duan Zhengchun's only child who is not his own is Duan Yu, who was born to him by his real wife."

If you want to be romantic, you must stay "single".

"Do you love me more?"

After staying with Qin Lan for a while, Bai Anliang felt that the time was almost up, so he left without returning to his office.

It’s not that brother doesn’t love you, it’s just that we both love you too much. The palms of your hands and the backs of your hands are all flesh, and your status in your heart is the same. How can you be so different just because of a trivial matter like getting married?
That's not good!

Oh yes, for his answer, he even brought Qin Lan with him.

"So, if I don't get married, I won't be cheated on."

Qin Lan sighed, "You Duan Zhengchun?"

I left to see my mother.

But Cannon asked a very soulful question.

"Brother, where should we go first?"

Good question!
Mom of two kids, who should I go see first?
Soon, Bai Anliang made a decision.

To be precise, he had no choice.

Because Damimi was no longer in Yanjing at the moment, she actually ran back to the crew to film.
This girl can really mess around!
Bai Anliang silently sent a question mark, but the girl replied with an emoticon.

Nothing to say, let me give you a split.JPG.

What a split! ——
The news of Damimi's appearance in Hengdian attracted many media to go there.

She is now the most popular on the Internet.

And it's the kind of movie where no ingredients have been tested. Who doesn't want to drink oral soup?

Bai Anliang and Baiwu Film and Television seemed to be unable to dig out any information, so they were exhausted and just sent out the news that Liu Yifei and Da Tiantian suddenly appeared there.

But no specific information could be found, so as soon as Da Mimi was found, half of the reporters stationed at the company door were reduced.

But it's a pity that these reporters couldn't touch anything in Hengdian.

Logically speaking, Damimi has "terminated" the contract, and the Bai family class in Hengdian will not protect her like before, but I can't bear to have someone quietly giving orders from behind.

Huang Tu, who is in charge of one area, directly said that the mess on the Internet has nothing to do with us, so we can do whatever we want.

As a result, when Damimi met the crew at Hengdian, no reporter could get close to her.

Even if she was discovered as soon as she got off the plane, many media members wanted to block her outside the set early on.

But with the help of a group of "enthusiastic passers-by", he successfully returned to the set.

The atmosphere on the crew was quite awkward at this time. Most of the filming of "Swordsman" happened when Damimi suddenly did something like this.

It's a bit of a panic.

Fortunately, I received the greeting from the company that "it's easy to get together and part ways," and there weren't any bad things that happened.

A bunch of people still called "Sister Mimi" enthusiastically, but Mimi didn't feel any human feelings.

This little girl was still a little disappointed. I had a bad taste when I came here, and I was thinking darkly that if someone dared to shame her, I would wait until she gave birth to a baby and make a list immediately!

This is not good, but this is something I learned from Bai Anliang.
As the saying goes, it is not easy to learn well, but it is easy to learn badly.

"Sister Mimi! Are you okay?"

Although the two girls, Dilireba and Jin Cheng, spoke in an urgent tone, they were full of concern.

But the words "Are you okay" came up, which still made Damimi feel like something was strange.

Yes, she did an advertisement some time ago to endorse a plum snack.

Bai Anliang thought of this slogan. I don’t know why he was so boring and he specifically emphasized that he should say it several times.

Shaking her head, Damimi still had a smile on her face, "What can I do?"

Dilireba and Jin Cheng looked at each other, not knowing how to start.

After all, they can't talk about the gossip they read online.
"Sister Mimi, just be okay. Those people are really good at talking nonsense, and I don't know how they made it up!" Dilireba said with some indignation.

"Making nonsense? What do you mean?"

"Well, just terminate the contract."

"The termination of the contract is true, and what you said is also true." Damimi smiled.

The two girls were shocked for a whole year!

what? !

Damimi didn't talk to them much and patted Dilireba on the shoulder, "Seize the opportunity~"

After saying that, she turned around and went to find the director. After being away for these few days, she had to quickly arrange a shooting plan so that she could finish filming the film.

As for Dilireba and Jin Cheng, they were already confused.

The amount of information is a bit too much, and I can’t get through it all at once.

this and that.
"What does Sister Mi mean by that?"

"Reba, although it's a little awkward to say this at this time, now is really our chance!"


"Sister Mi has terminated her contract with the company. Without going too far, there are at least three dramas where she was originally planned to be the heroine next year!" Jin Cheng said, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

When a whale falls, all things are born.

Why does Fan Xiaopang have to do so much preparation work and do everything to create a sign that he is still active in the entertainment industry? !

Isn't it because once she leaves, even if it is only for a year, many things that were originally hers will belong to others.

The competition in the entertainment industry is so fierce.

The "fall" of a first-line female star, the vacant position and the resources left behind can feed a lot of people.

The "showdown" path that Damimi chose was to sacrifice those things that Fan Xiaopang couldn't bear to part with.

There's a price to be paid for showing off!
Dilireba was a little worried, "Would it be bad if we think about it this way?"

"But Sister Mimi said so herself, Reba, if we don't fight, let's give it to someone else?"

Makes sense!
Dilireba was not a fool. After thinking about it, she nodded immediately.

After all, Da Mimi took the initiative to give them some advice just now. Some are quick but others are slow.

But I was very excited when I was thinking about this. When it came time to plan how to compete for resources, the eyes of these two girls suddenly darkened.

How do they know what to do? They can't just rush back to the company and ask for it~
"Call the boss?" Jin Cheng suggested.

"Do you want to fight now? Will it look too ugly?"

"Reba, I heard that Zhang Tianai, who came with us last time, went to Hong Kong with her boss. It was the movie where the others did martial arts training to select the actors. She played the second female lead, and others didn't. He stopped to wait for us because he was embarrassed.”

That’s all the words are said for.
The two girls still didn't dare to call Bai Anliang directly.

Even Jin Cheng, who is full of truth, still doesn't dare when things get tough.

The two cobblers discussed it together for a long time, and finally edited a text message and sent it.

Bai Anliang returned quickly and did not keep them waiting for too long.

"Stay peacefully and film."

"Ah? Is that all you said?" Jin Cheng took Dilireba's cell phone and studied these few words for a long time. Still the same few words.

And Dilireba seemed a little discouraged, "It seems to be of no use."

"We will finish filming the scene opposite Sister Mimi. Then we will go directly back to the company to inquire about the news! Our agent sister will also help us!"

Jin Cheng has a high fighting spirit.

This thing is much more exciting than filming!
Although Dilireba's fighting spirit in this aspect is far inferior to hers, she is a bit dragging her feet.

But as the most outstanding and the first player among the newcomers, Jin Cheng felt that at least she would not be held back.

Just do it!


There was another person who thought the same thing.

"The opportunity has come!"

Zhang Tianai is full of energy. She has just returned from the filming of "One Man's Martial Arts" and she has almost seamlessly connected with this "gluttonous feast" that is very likely to come.

With Damimi's "give-in", who among the female artists within the company has no idea?

Maybe you can reach the sky in one step!
Although the start was a bit slow and not as fast as Dilireba, Zhang Tianai felt that she had no disadvantage.

After all, she is filming a movie!
Overtaking in corners is very possible.

However, she didn't think about the two idiots in Hengdian, and directly hit Bai Anliang's face.

Instead, he discussed it with his agent first.

As a result, her agent poured cold water on her.

"Little love, don't even think about it, don't do anything now!"

Facing the agent's seriousness, Zhang Tianai was a little confused, "Why?"

"Our company seems to be surrounded by mountains, but in fact the only one who has the final say is the boss. If he speaks, even Mr. Qin will praise you if he sees you unhappy, but if you make him unhappy, Anyone in the company can help you, and they can knock it off for you."

One word.

The reason why Bai Anliang allowed the girls to cause trouble and form cliques in the company was because he had the ability to call it quits at any time.

Anyone who has stayed at Baiwu Film and Television for a long time knows this knowledge well.

Many of the company's executives do have distant relationships with different artists.

But in fact, in the most important departments, Bai Anliang's true "own people" have the final say.

For example, this is currently the fattest TV series since Damimi's contract was terminated.

The company's screenwriter department has the biggest say, but the boss of this department is Bai Anliang's junior brother.
This is only the situation at Baiwu Film and Television. Bai Anliang's junior brother Zona is keeping an eye on important positions in Baiwu's other industries.

These fierce men of Baiwu Sect really only listen to Bai Anliang.

The incident that Damimi had done allowed Bai Anliang to take a look at who would jump out to cause trouble in the same way.
(End of this chapter)

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