This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 403: There are actually masters?

Chapter 403: There are actually masters?

Make Bai Anliang unhappy?

To be honest, Zhang Tianai didn't really listen to what his agent said.

She felt that Bai Anliang was so happy being here with her.

What else could be unpleasant about this?

I used a whole box~
It’s so cool!
Zhang Tianai had just started to be careful, and her manager who had warned her found out immediately.

"Don't do any unnecessary things. The free resources will be given to you, but if you do something wrong, it will be hard to say."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianai was a little unconvinced and seemed to want to argue something.

But the manager made a prediction in advance, "Isn't it great that you have slept with your boss? There are many bosses who have slept with you! If everyone is using their brains like a fool, the company won't be in chaos, right?"

"I don't want to compete with those seniors."

At first, she was really worried that the artist she was leading would get crazy and think that he could do whatever he wanted just by sleeping with the boss, so he would have the guts to compete with those "true gods".

"What about the situation in the company? Have you mentioned the follow-up of some projects?"

When Jiang Shuying heard this, he shook his head helplessly while playing with the spoon in the coffee cup, and looked at Zhang Tianai, "I know what you want to ask, but the boss may also let me know a little bit about these things. He doesn't come to the company much recently, so I can't ask Mr. Qin directly, right?"

"I come here occasionally. I don't know when I leave. Sometimes I make tea and send it over. When I go to collect the tea set, I find that I haven't touched a sip and the tea has become cold. I guess I haven't been in the office for long at all. ”

She just has a loose mind, not something wrong with her brain!
"Then what do you mean?"

"Aren't you already in the spotlight?"

But, the fact that things that were originally handled by her were now bypassed by her made Jiang Shuying feel that he might have been offended.

But it's different now.

After receiving a wave of guidance, Zhang Tianai became enlightened.

This made Jiang Shuying, who had been worried for a while, feel~ Hey! It seems that this matter has passed.

With the tacit approval of his agent, Zhang Tianai directly contacted Bo Jiang Shuying.

"more or less."

After all, she felt that she didn't see any particularly revealing scenes, and at most it was a bit embarrassing.

Sure enough, as soon as he made an appointment to meet and chat with the other party, Jiang Shuying stopped pushing the envelope and readily agreed.

The only player who could be named and praised by Qin Lan at the celebration banquet.

Jiang Shuying glanced at Zhang Tianai in a funny way, picked up the coffee and took a sip, "Why are you so concerned about the company's situation? Can it still go bankrupt?"

There are a lot of people in the company. Dilireba was hanging out with Damimi, and Damimi is about to terminate her contract with the company.
It's hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for Didier Reba.

Jiang Shuying is actually not sure whether he has offended Qin Lan or not.

But this is a fairly smooth situation for this to be possible.


"Gee, you know I didn't mean it."

If he just stared at the newcomers and wanted to get in front of them, Zhang Tianai's manager thought about it for a while and felt that this was not something that couldn't be done.

If everything goes well, she should be able to inherit Damimi's "legacy" as a matter of course. The resources that were originally intended for Damimi will be given to her. In two or three years, she might be able to win the next A-lister. .

After all, the other party is also Bai Anliang's secretary, so he might be able to reveal some inside information to her.

She is really not brave enough to challenge Liu Yifei and Fan Xiaopang.

Zhang Tianai accurately captured the connotation of Jiang Shuying's words, "Sister, have you offended Mr. Qin?"

"Isn't the boss not in the company?"

Of course, Zhang Tianai is more outstanding among the dwarfs, but compared with others, he is still somewhat inferior.

There is another possibility, that is, there is no one to protect you, you can’t get anything, and you will be directly surpassed by latecomers.
So the question is, is there anyone covering Dilireba now?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. It's hard to say what's going on right now. I haven't seen the boss in the past two days. He's always elusive."

Zhang Tianai just had the opportunity to join Bai Anliang on the set. Dilireba was even able to appear on the show with Bai Anliang. After that, the development route has been arranged. At least for two or three years, there is no need to worry about running out of projects. shoot.

In a coffee shop a little far away from the company.

"Sister Shuying, what's going on in the company now?"

"There's another one in front of me."

Zhang Tianai felt that his agent might have misunderstood something.

"Who can text you and talk about serious things, and leave you with something to catch? I'm worried about someone recording me when I'm on the phone. You're just fooling around in the workplace and don't even think about it. You're such a fool. You Just ask her out for coffee.”

After all, Qin Lan did not retaliate against her.

Focusing on Dilireba.

Zhang Tianai gritted his teeth, "I just want to stand out among the newcomers."

Among the newcomers in the company, the one who is doing the best is undoubtedly Dilireba.

"What she said in the text message was so vague and foggy." Zhang Tianai complained to his agent helplessly after sending a message to contact Jiang Shuying.

Women are so small-minded.

Women know women best. Jiang Shuying would rather "offend" Bai Anliang than really offend Qin Lan.

However, when Zhang Tianai heard this, he thought Jiang Shuying was testing him.

A wave of "shows of loyalty" came quickly.

"If it doesn't work out, Sister Shuying, just come and be an artist. Didn't the boss say that you can come? Your conditions are so good. It just so happens that we can also sign up for a group. We have good resources for you to choose first."

After hearing this, Jiang Shuying was quite moved.

I didn’t hurt you in vain! Good sisters!
But after thinking about it, she still shook her head, "The competition as an artist is too fierce. I originally had some confidence, but now."

At the beginning, Jiang Shuying actually regarded the path of secretary as a stepping stone.

The main target is still the entertainment industry.

But after staying in the company for a long time, she felt that it was really difficult to join the entertainment industry.
The main reason is that there is almost no room for her to "stand" next to Bai Anliang.

It is difficult for the newcomers to be able to fly easily just by relying on their relationship with Bai Anliang like their predecessors.

In particular, the starting point of the seniors is much higher than that of newcomers like them.

When Liu Yifei met Bai Anliang, she was already a fairy sister.

Fan Xiaopang was also very comfortable in the industry back then.

Da Tiantian has her own golden aura and comes to the circle to reduce the dimensionality.

Even Da Mimi was born as a child star and knows all the tricks in the industry.

The most important thing is that when they met Bai Anliang, he was only in his early twenties.
It's now 2013, and Bai Anliang is thirty years old.

What's the saying? Growing up with a boy has completely different meanings.

But now?

The upper limit of what she can see is probably the same as Dilireba's
Why don't you just follow Qin Lan and become a strong woman?

However, Jiang Shuying was very depressed, as it seemed that this path was not going to be easy for her.

"Then should I fight?" Zhang Tianai was also very melancholy. She originally wanted to ask Jiang Shuying to answer questions, but found that the other party could not provide any good suggestions and was more troubled than her.

"Fight! Why not fight? It's not a bad thing to take the initiative, just don't go too far."

"Huh? What should I do?"

"Show yourself, don't step on other people, and leave the rest to fate. The best advice I can give you right now is not to cause trouble."

This advice Jiang Shuying said is quite consistent with the current situation.

Just about half a month after Damimi terminated the contract, four senior executives of Baiwu Film and Television were raped one after another.

At the same time, it also exported dozens of "outstanding talents" to the society.
This news is definitely not as hot as the Huayi incident. After all, Wang Jinghua left with a bunch of artists, so the level of attention is not the same.

But of these two things, one is the impact on the company's external image and investor trust.

The other is that problems can occur in the normal operation of the company. In the short term, the impact on Baiwu Film and Television will be greater.

Many businesses have been suspended in place.

But Bai Anliang still cut the knife so resolutely that it was so fast that it made people's scalp numb, without any intention of procrastinating.

This incident did not make any headlines or hot searches, but it still spread in the circle.

Everyone’s comment is: This guy is so ruthless!
I thought that now that Bai Anliang was rich, he would no longer be as arrogant as before.

As a result, it seems that the code has not changed at all, he is still the same senior brother of Baiwumen who always shows his fists.

If nothing else, the deterrence was restored again.

This is both external and internal. After the drastic opening of many people, there was a wave of salary increases immediately.

The new year is approaching, and even the bonuses expected to be distributed this year have increased a lot.

Anyway, the employees of the company are very happy and have not complained too much because of the sudden increase in workload.

On the contrary, it made Bai Anliang's reputation among the company's employees rise to a higher level again.

Oh no!
There is also an employee who is very angry!

Qin Lan wished he could be eaten alive by Bai Anliang!

It’s Chinese New Year, you bastard! Bai Anliang had a great time driving people around, and the mess he left behind made Qin Lan work frantically overtime to find a way to wipe his ass.

She won’t be able to go home for the Chinese New Year this year.

Of course, she also found a thirty-year-old woman in Bai Anliang in this scene, which was very annoying.

Bai Anliang has almost become her magic tool to help her sleep.

After the crackdown on the clowns is over, the work arrangements for the new year, that is, the biggest piece of cake for the newcomers, will finally be distributed.
"I finally returned to the company! After filming outside for so long, I suddenly felt that the company is really good!"

Hearing Jin Cheng's emotion, Dilireba nodded seriously, "It is indeed good to be in the company! The food is not comparable to that of the crew, but the training and classes are too hard, and the intensity is not as high during filming."

"Don't worry about food. Your manager says you should control your mouth, but I don't think you should control it too much. The boss just likes you to have some meat~"

"Oh, you dare to say this! No!"

"Why not? A little fleshier does feel better. I just touched it last night and it feels great! Reba, you must maintain your current figure and don't lose weight and lose your breasts and butt."

".You should eat more, you already have no breasts."

"I am born with this, what can I do."

The two of them didn't come back to the company to "visit relatives" today, and you could actually tell that from the way they dressed.

fully armed!

Under Jin Cheng's strong suggestion, Dilireba directly made something that showed off her career. In the words of her best friend, if you have any information, you have to show it.

Don't show how big Bai is.

Now that Damimi has terminated her contract, who in the company can beat you, Dilireba, in this regard? !
Just show off and that’s it!

Then Jin Cheng put on ultra-short hot pants by herself. It was winter, and she was shivering from the cold when she got out of the car.

But still have to show off!

If you don't have breasts, show off your legs. In short, you must be full of momentum.

It can be regarded as taking out the "shirt" at the bottom of the box. If he wasn't worried about being too flashy, he might be able to let his agent borrow a dress.

Her hot pants are also very clever. If she moves a little bit louder, she can directly pull up her butt half-way to expose her buttocks. She really doesn't dare to wear them normally.

No, on the way to the conference room, she and Dilireba were covering their buttocks and the other their breasts, as if they were afraid of being seen.

This really needs to be covered up.

After all, it's not for them to see.

As we all know, poverty has its appearance and wealth has its way.
These two girls put on makeup and outfits carefully, not just to make Bai Anliang's eyes shine.

When I arrived at the conference room, I found that there were not many people there, only a few new female artists were here.

As for male artists, their presence in the company is very low, but the competition is not as fierce as that of female artists.

Because Bai Anliang was the only male artist in Baiwu Film and Television, and they had plenty of resources to share with them.

Except for the martial arts roles, which are not theirs and are taken care of by the Bai family, the other roles are basically evenly distributed.

No need to grab.

And if a man acts like a monster in the company, he must have the courage to do so.

As for new female artists~
The pattern is very clear. Dilireba and Jin Cheng, the two "front-runners", are teaming up. Zhang Tianai, who has suddenly emerged as a new force, does not hang out with others, and focuses all his experience on establishing a good relationship with Jiang Shuying.

The remaining players just stick together as a group, that's how it is for now anyway.

Because they can't keep distance from each other, if they don't stick together, there will be no way to "survive" at all.

However, for those who hold each other in a group, they are still "fighting" even if they hold each other together.

As soon as they came in, Jin Cheng and Dilireba subconsciously turned their eyes to Zhang Tianai.

With just one glance, the two of them exclaimed in their hearts: There are still masters!
The two-piece outfit she wears is already quite a bonus!
Dilireba's face is all white, and her legs are slightly bigger, so she might be able to see something.

In the end, Zhang Tianai seemed to have gone together with them, but in a different way.

She only wore a sports bra on her upper body, and actually wore yoga pants on her lower body.

It's the kind where you can see the seams.
The three people's eyes collided in mid-air, and it was like sparks from the friction.

Now it’s better, now it’s a competition to see who wears less.

(End of this chapter)

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