This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 410 It’s really a pleasure to act for them

Chapter 410 It’s really a pleasure to act for them

Moon stars are rare.

It is difficult for a black magpie to fly.

In the room were a girl holding a cat and a man wiping sweat.

Bringing his cat Little Tiger to Yunnan was definitely one of the most correct choices Bai Anliang made.

Originally, he just thought that Yunnan's climate was good and he could give his cat a whole vacation.

And it happened that Da Tiantian was grieving the loss of her beloved cat, so she could let the little tiger stay with her.

But the little tiger still managed to live up to his expectations, and it also played a role in buying time.

Just like now.

Da Tiantian put on a new cheongsam, which was a little tight and bulging on her body, making it slightly inconvenient for her to move.

But she likes this dress very much because it is tight and shows off her figure!

She is now a twenty-six-year-old girl. She is not as embarrassed to wear clothes as before. Instead, she likes to wear clothes that make her look extra plump.

Even when I lie down on the bed, my butt is round and upturned. Ahem.

Of course, this is actually not the first outfit tonight.

There are already two or three worn cheongsams scattered nearby. They are of fine workmanship, expensive fabrics and are worth a lot of money.

But now it was thrown on the ground like garbage.

Hmm. Mainly because it was contaminated with sweat and other unknown liquids. Da Tiantian didn't want to touch it until it was washed off.

But she still stubbornly put on a new "battle".

These were worn during filming and will not appear in the film again, so it doesn't matter if they get a little dirty for the time being.

"The little tiger is so good! Let my sister kiss him~"

The little tiger who was forced to do business seemed to have resistance written on every paw.

But it happened to know that the two-legged beast holding it in its arms could never extend its claws, so it could only passively bear it.

Dear, living dad, who can disobey you~
Bai Anliang pretended not to notice his cat's pleading eyes and was replenishing water vigorously.

I already had two or three bottles of mineral water on hand, but I still drank half of them in one gulp.

Of course, there were a lot of empty bottles on the cabinet on the other side of the bed, and Da Tiantian actually sweated more than him.

Otherwise, the little tiger wouldn't be so resistant to being held in her arms.

Even though Da Tiantian was sweating, she didn't actually smell bad, but the cat felt that the smell was stronger when the person smelled it, and it would cause some discomfort.

But, Da Tiantian obviously had no intention of taking a bath today, or in other words, she didn't even want to give Bai Anliang this little time.

No, after playing with the cat for a while, she came close to Bai Anliang, tilted her head and smiled, "Uncle?"

Bai Anliang was silent for two seconds. "Come on, take two straight steps and let me see. Then walk from one end of the room to the other."

Damn girl!
His hair was stuck to his face with sweat. When he had just changed into a new cheongsam, it was so difficult to wear it and his hands and feet were weak. Bai Anliang also noticed it.

Even when holding the cat, he leaned against the head of the bed and let the weight rest on him, instead of just picking him up like before.

Her arms now couldn't even hold a little tiger weighing more than ten pounds.

In the end, you still don’t want to “let go” Bai Anliang?

Are you really going to fight him to the death? !
"Take two steps? Are you making things difficult for me?" Da Tiantian didn't try to be brave, and even coquettishly said, "How can I walk if my legs are numb?"

"Then I'll put some water on you, take a bath and get some rest early?"

"Why don't you take a bath with me~"

".Are you sure you want to take a serious bath?"

The two looked at each other in silence for more than ten seconds, and finally Bai Anliang gave up.

Okay, okay~
"It's time to take a bath~ Hug me!"

The happy Da Tiantian immediately lay down in Bai Anliang's arms, with a joyful expression on his face like a little fox who had succeeded in playing a prank.

But Bai Anliang still overestimated this girl.

She thought she really wanted to "divide life and death" with him today, but after soaking in hot water, she fell asleep in less than a minute.

Half an hour later, Bai Anliang walked out of the house feeling refreshed after finishing "cleaning up" the girl's aftermath.

Oh no, he is going back to his room.

You could tell from the smug smile on his face that this was a big win.

Little girl, you still want to take advantage of him?
If it hadn't been for a whole month, Bai Anliang's intensity would have been too high, and he wouldn't have even broken a sweat.

That is to say, the workload today was really too heavy. He only stayed with Liu Yifei for half a day in the afternoon, but he was asked to work again in the evening.
"Ding dong~"

Bai Anliang received a message on his phone at this time. Bai Anliang thought it was some child's mother who couldn't sleep at night and wanted to video chat with him. But when he clicked on it, he saw that it was actually from Liu Yifei.

"Where have you been? I couldn't find you when I woke up."

Before he could reply, the message came again.

"Come back soon."


Looking at the exclamation mark, Bai Anliang subconsciously touched his waist. Fortunately, he didn't feel any pain.

His body didn't give him any warning, mainly because he couldn't bear it mentally.

Regardless of the fact that the two crews of "Si Teng" and "Go Where the Wind Is" actually have many beautiful actresses.

If it were in the past, Bai Anliang would be very romantic and would be a fool if he didn't flirt with her a few times.

But the fact is that he is quite honest in both crews.

There is really no extra time.
This shows how ruthless these two little girls Liu Yifei and Da Tiantian are.

It was just a matter of life and death with him.

So the question is, what does Liu Yifei, who has been sleeping since the evening until now and sends him messages as soon as she wakes up, asking him to come over, want to do?

Bai Anliang's choice was to turn off his phone and pretend that he fell asleep early.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, there was a knock on his door.

Dong dong dong~ dong dong dong~
There is a posture of knocking all the time without opening the door.

He had no choice but to walk to the door and open it. Sure enough, Liu Yifei, who was wearing pajamas, looked at him with a pout on her lips, "Why is your phone turned off?"

"Really? Maybe the power is out."

"Avoiding me on purpose?" Liu Yifei said with a slightly unkind expression on her face.

"No. Why do you think of coming to see me at this time?"

"I'm looking for you to have supper with me. I only ate a little bit at noon and didn't eat dinner. I slept until now and I'm starving to death."

I told you about late night snacks!

"Okay, what do you want to eat? It's a little late. Don't go out. I'll have someone deliver it to you. I happen to be a little hungry too."

Based on Bai Anliang's experience in the industry for almost ten years, she has basically never encountered such a thing like female celebrities eating late night snacks.

Even if it's a late night meal, it's usually just a couple of symbolic bites, and I've rarely seen a few female celebrities actually eat.

Even Fan Xiaopang doesn't actually eat much at night. She is a bit exaggerated - she gains weight even if she drinks water.

Liu Yifei is an exception.

This kid really eats it!
Eat fat, lose weight, eat fat, lose weight. Basically, it goes back and forth in this range.

However, during this period, although she ate a lot on the set, she did not gain weight at all, but lost a few pounds. Too much exercise!

Sweating profusely all the time, who can gain weight?

However, just when Bai Anliang was about to call someone to buy some midnight snacks, he just turned around and a soft and warm body pressed against his back.

This made him stiff.

He is a late night snack! ——
Hotel gym.

Bai Anliang exercised with Cannon as usual.

This good habit of long-term fitness and boxing is the basis of his physical strength. He has maintained it for so many years and has never fallen behind.

Therefore, unlike many male artists, he was refreshing and handsome when he debuted, but as time went by and he grew older, he gradually became greasy.
In the evaluation of many people, he is in his early thirties and feels that he is not much different from when he was in his early twenties.

Of course, some people are flattering.

But Bai Anliang is not surrounded by "good people", and he can still hear criticism.

Girls will not be polite to him in this regard. If they really have any "shortcomings", one will be more direct than the other.

Even they said it was almost the same, but it really was the same.

But Cannon offered a different perspective today.

"Brother, I feel like you have lost a little weight."

"Have it?"

Cannon scratched his head, carefully observed his senior brother again, and then nodded with certainty, "It must be yes, you see that your muscle lines are much better than before, mainly the abdominal muscles."

Bai Anliang lowered his head and glanced at his abdominal muscles. It was true.

In the past, in order to cater to public aesthetics, he had done some fat loss to make his body look thin and muscular.

How to put it, it just gives up some practicality and focuses on beauty.

The audience still prefers those who look thin when dressed and sexy when undressed.

But then I gradually stopped doing it, it was no longer necessary.

Of course, he didn't become particularly majestic because of this. He still maintained his figure, but he didn't control it as deliberately as before.

As for the abdominal muscles, well, I can barely see four.

Instead of like now, the six neatly arranged abdominal muscles are clearly visible, just like a horse sculpture, and there is no need to use special force to concave the shape.

If these kind of abs were given to idol artists or young actors in the industry, they would probably attract a lot of fans and make female fans scream.

But when Bai Anliang looked at this thing, he felt it was broken! Dude is getting weaker.

After looking in the mirror for a long time, I could only reluctantly admit this reality.

All thanks to those two little vixens!

Some people, after encountering a "female demon", may turn into a "mummy" in clothes, as if their life is not long.

But Bai Anliang's foundation is too strong.

When he met two female fairies, the effect was actually: he looked younger and thinner.

No wonder I recently heard some actresses on the crew discussing something. I feel that Mr. Bai has become handsome again. Good weather and a good environment are all about nurturing people.
This is really a compliment, because most girls like this.

But Bai Anliang himself felt a little uncomfortable.

You are such a strong man. You can't continue like this.

The muscles with beautiful lines are of no use. He doesn't need those things at all to seduce girls.

He values ​​practicality more!
Never mind the practicality.

However, the directors of the two crews admire Bai Anliang's "professionalism" quite a lot.

Because the role he wants to play has to be like this.

The pressure and momentum before were too heavy.

Playing this kind of warm-hearted man, little milk dog, and little wolf dog character is also a challenge for Bai Anliang.

He often unconsciously acts in a way that makes people think: the next second after he codes, he has to press the heroine against the wall and kiss her~
His eyes and aura were too aggressive.

That's pretty good right now.

The role of a warm man is not that easy to play. If you overact it, the audience will think that this man is so useless, so greasy and disgusting.

But if the "licking" is not done properly and it doesn't fit the character well, it will be hard and unnatural.

Now Bai Anliang has reached a perfect balance point.

He will neither make people think that he is cowardly because he "indulges" the heroine in this way, nor will he have an image that is too fierce and suppress the limelight of the heroine.

Instead, it performed a kind of flavor that can only be found in female-channeled novels.

Probably: I only do this to you, you are special.

In fact, Bai Anliang was not very involved or serious when filming. He had too many things to do every day.

There are two little girls in front of him to deal with, and Yan Jing and the mother of two children have to pay attention to her from time to time.

It can be said that this filming was the most careless one in his career as an actor.

Basically, the director said that he didn't even take a look at the monitor and didn't care about his performance at all.

But the effect doesn't seem to be bad either.

Who knows that Bai Anliang's image is consistent now, and his behavior in and outside the drama is pretty much the same.

However, although he acted in the same way in both dramas, the performance gap between the two girls is still quite obvious.

In the drama "Go Where the Wind Is", Liu Yifei played the role like a duck in water.

In her own words, this is a completely authentic performance.

In the drama, she fell in love with Bai Anliang and she was so happy. The various little expressions on her face were like a duck in water.

There is almost no trace of performance, and every smile comes from the heart.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't be paid for this drama. She should be paid to act in it.

But the progress of the drama "Si Teng" is a bit difficult.

It's also because of Da Tiantian's performance.

That's not to say that her acting skills are really not as good as Liu Yifei's, the main reason is that the roles are different.

The role of Si Teng needs a kind of... how to put it, a condescending look at trash.

It's hard for this little girl to look like this at Bai Anliang.

The two acted well, but a strange situation often occurred, that is, Da Tiantian, who had finally made his eyes look "murderous", couldn't help but look strange in front of Bai Anliang's warm-hearted character. The strange aunt laughed.

Bai Anliang often laughed and was stunned.


She was so cold, she wanted to get into Bai Anliang's arms.

The director can put on a mask of pain every time.
Basically, most of the NG scenes were due to her inability to hold her eyes and expressions tightly. Generally speaking, she was pretty good at acting, but when she felt good, the camera had to be scrapped.

The difference between the two sides caused the two dramas, which were originally planned to be at about the same progress, to be delayed in terms of filming progress.

While "Go Where the Wind Is" is about to be finished, "Siteng" has only finished shooting for most of it, and it will take at least more than two weeks to wrap up.

This leads to a somewhat "scary" situation.

Liu Yifei, who has finished filming all her scenes, started to work on the set of "Siteng".

(End of this chapter)

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