This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 409: This life is still very long, make up for it slowly

Chapter 409: This life is still very long, make up for it slowly

"If you give me ten children, I will not leave you."

"I'm not a little pig. I still have ten children. I don't want to have any of them." Da Tiantian said with red eyes and wrinkled nose.

"That's fine, I'll find someone else to live with, and you can be responsible for accompanying me~"

There is discussion and consideration, and everyone is happy.

I don’t know if Da Tiantian, who was overly sad because the cat left, suddenly became enlightened because of this.

In short, a wonderful sixth sense made her blurt out, "You have already found someone else to have a baby, right?"

Bai Anliang was stunned for a moment, could he guess this?
But his IQ at the moment is comparable to Sherlock Holmes, "Then he must not have given birth yet."

The child in the belly is Schrödinger's child, and its life is not complete until it is born.
But this time Da Tiantian was not so easy to deceive, and suddenly pressed his face against Bai Anliang's chest, "Let me listen to see if your heartbeat speeds up."

This move is sudden!
However, it turns out that this thing can only test a person's psychological quality, and Bai Anliang is too strong in this aspect.

She really wanted his heartbeat to speed up. It was useless to stick it on his chest. She had to stick it in another direction.

After listening for a long time, Da Tiantian didn't hear any clues except the sound of a strong and even beating heartbeat.

But she didn't leave either, as if she was addicted to listening to the heartbeat.

After waiting for a while, Bai Anliang lowered his head and saw that he was really asleep this time.

With this action, if he carried her to the bed to sleep, he might accidentally wake her up.

So Bai Anliang simply let himself lie down on the sofa slowly, letting Da Tiantian lie on his chest, sleeping soundly.

By the way, I didn't forget to pull a blanket over the girl.

The next morning, after a dreamless night, Da Tiantian slowly opened her eyes and subconsciously felt that the place where she slept was different from usual.

Not as soft as the bed but very warm~
When he looked again, he saw Bai Anliang's chin.

He's still wearing a white shirt~
Before Da Tiantian could play any pranks, such as reaching out to scratch Bai Anliang's nostrils, his eyes opened.

"Ancestor, are you finally awake?"

"Aren't you asleep?"

"I didn't sleep much. There was a person weighing dozens of kilograms on top of me. It would have been difficult to breathe given my physical condition. Half of my body is numb now."

Bai Anliang didn't lie. Da Tiantian was too honest when sleeping. She shrank like a kitten and didn't move much all night.

This is very painful for him.

It was easy for him to hold a girl who weighed less than a hundred pounds with one hand, but it was really unbearable to have her pressed against him all the time.

Sure enough, when he unbuttoned his shirt, he saw that half of his body was a different color, and the area that was being oppressed was about to be transformed into a human shape by this little girl.

This was also the first time Bai Anliang had to hold on to the sofa to stand up. His legs were also numb.

This is the first time that a dignified Senior Brother of Baiwu Sect has been tortured like this by a little girl.

I almost had to hold on to the wall and walk out.

Da Tiantian obviously felt very embarrassed about her masterpiece, and quickly gave Bai Anliang a pair of small hands to rub it.

"I'm sorry, but you are so strong, why don't you carry me to the bed?"

"You are clinging to me like a koala, how can I hold you down? Won't you wake up if I pull you off?"

Da Tiantian was really touched, "Uncle, you are so kind to me!"

Every time a pet name is spoken, it shows that the words really come from the heart.

But, even after a good night's sleep, this girl still seemed to have not forgotten yesterday's sixth sense.

After the two of them took a bath and brushed their teeth together, allowing Bai Anliang to fully recover, the girl suddenly said, "Is Mimi really pregnant?"

"Huh? How can I see that?"

"When her story was going viral on the Internet, I couldn't even contact her because her contract was terminated and she was an outsider boyfriend. When I contacted her later, she was hesitant. She said she wanted to rest, but I wasn't. How silly!”

Da Tiantian is indeed not stupid. There may have been signs of this in the past, but at least not now.

No, after Bai Anliang didn't give any clear conclusion, she suddenly stopped asking.

It’s as if this question has never been asked at all
I've just always been concerned about when I can start filming that TV series.

She liked that drama called "Si Teng" very much.

It's not because this drama allows her to wear many beautiful clothes and become a "queen", but mainly because Bai Anliang agreed to act with her.

The male protagonist of the drama "Si Teng" is a loyal dog type.

When have you ever seen Bai Anliang play such a role? Not to mention in movies, he has never lived like that in real life.

So Da Tiantian is looking forward to it.

Want to have fun!
Feel the life of Bai Anliang as a dog licker~
Coincidentally, Liu Yifei thought the same way, and the male protagonist in her drama "Where the Wind Goes" was almost of the same type.

It features a beautiful female protagonist, and the male protagonist is so happy to lick and lick her!
So I got a call every two days, and another call every two days, and nothing else. I just wanted to start filming as soon as possible.

Can’t wait to enjoy it!
They were both worried that Bai Anliang would regret it.
Not that I regret it.

In fact, as long as these two girls are treated as normal people, Bai Anliang will know that the matter of children is basically impossible to cover up.

You can deceive fans and netizens, but how can you deceive those close to you?
Moreover, the two of them are still best friends with Da Mimi, so it would be too easy to find out some clues.

Even Da Tiantian, whose brain is not particularly useful, could sense something was wrong, let alone Liu Yifei, who also had her own mother who made plans and was a military advisor.

I'm afraid not everyone has guessed it, but just like Bai Anliang is pretending to be stupid, the girls are also pretending to be stupid.

How far does it go to pretend to be stupid?

"I had a fight with my mother. Do you have a place for me to live there?"

After receiving Liu Yifei's call and hearing her pitiful voice, Bai Anliang was a little confused, "You are still running away from home at such an old age?"

"I didn't run away from home, and my mother didn't kick me out. I just didn't want to quarrel with her, so I just moved out and lived there for a while."

Of course this girl has more than one house, but according to Bai Anliang's own understanding, she and her mother seem to only have one villa in Yanjing, and the other properties are in other cities.

Of course, this is old history, I only talked about this at least two or three years ago.

But since the other girls had already asked him if he had a place to live, Bai Anliang naturally had to help him.

Some of the properties he invested in were concentrated in several cities such as Yanjing and Shanghai. It was easy to find a place for Liu Yifei to live.

Of course, the place where Damimi and Fan Xiaopang live is definitely not possible, so they can only arrange to move to another place.

Liu Yifei, who moved out, didn't tell Bai Anliang the reason for the quarrel, but if she didn't mention it, Bai Anliang could guess a little bit.
I really can’t hide it!

Regarding when the filming of the TV series with the girls will start. Originally, Bai Anliang wanted to wait until the mother of two children had "unloaded" before doing this. But Qin Lan kindly reminded him: You don’t think everything will be fine after you’re born, do you? You need to visit more often after you give birth, because it is your own child, and you won’t have time then!
This sentence awakened Bai Anliang, and the company immediately announced that the two projects would be launched at the same time.

Yunnan was chosen as the filming location, and the two crews were even right next to each other.
That's right, Bai Anliang is going to be in the show!

Otherwise, Bai Anliang would have to spare at least five months if he shot them one after another, even if they were seamlessly connected.

Fan Xiaopang was about to give birth at that time.
But now this method can be done within three months.

After the news that these two projects were to be launched spread, it caused quite a stir.

Bai Anliang's fans don't understand, no, why did Bai Boss go back to film TV series again? Out of character!
I have never heard of actors who, even though their status as actors are considered to be among the small group of people at the top of the entertainment industry pyramid, would lower themselves to film TV series.

What's more, Bai Anliang himself is still a big boss in the industry, so this news sounds like a joke.

Two more movies to make? !
Not to mention fans of Bai Anliang, even fans of Liu Yifei and Da Tiantian think it's outrageous. Aren't these two sisters doing well in the film industry? Why did they come back?
Comments from insiders: If you have resources, you can do whatever you want.
Will returning to film TV series have any impact on Liu Yifei and Da Tiantian?
Yes, but only a little.

Because they don’t have the so-called situation where it’s difficult for them to return to the film industry after they fall off their talents after acting in a TV series.

Especially since the male protagonist is Bai Anliang, even if he is endorsing a brand, he will not feel out of character, but will have a positive effect.

As for Bai Anliang?
Come on, he doesn't even have many endorsements, and he basically doesn't film for other companies.

The so-called rules in the entertainment industry are only effective for some people, and are of no use to people like Bai Anliang.

People in the industry jokingly call this incident: Mr. Bai is here to make the beauty happy~
If you think of this matter as Bai Anliang's way of flirting with girls, it suddenly makes sense!

So reasonable!

There's nothing Bai Anliang can't do to pick up girls. Half of the entertainment industry is full of his romantic anecdotes.

This is what you need to do to be a scumbag, so that you can be respected by the younger generations.

I don’t know when he started, but he started to look like the originator of scumbag men on the Internet. Bai Anliang was quite dissatisfied. He secretly asked people to set the pace many times, trying to lose this title to his eldest brother Cheng, but in the end, netizens did not buy it. .

Who told my eldest brother to be old? He only started picking up girls so many years ago.

And Bai Anliang is attracted to all the goddesses in the current entertainment industry.
How close is it almost?
As long as you find a pretty enough female star who is doing well in the entertainment industry, if Bai Anliang appears in her life story or life path, there is no doubt that there is a 90% chance that she has a story with this guy.

Especially as some people whom Bai Anliang has not been in contact with for many years or even have started to get married or have boyfriends, some outrageous netizens have even begun to say that Bai Anliang has cuckolded half of the entertainment industry.

This is a bit slanderous.

He Bai is quite particular about this aspect. There were stories before, so what does it have to do with now?
Now Bai Anliang has basically begun to enter the stage of "cultivating one's moral character" and does not go out much to eat "wild food".

After all, there is no grass around the nest to eat.

Under the full operation of the company, the two TV series projects were quickly approved and prepared.
Liu Yifei had only "run away from home" for about ten days, and she was informed that she could join the group.

The speed was so fast that she was a little confused.

ah? This "new home" has just been decorated and filming started?

Da Tiantian was quite happy and felt that Bai Anliang kept his word.

But her pretending not to know was not as good as Liu Yifei's performance, and she said to Bai Anliang a little cluelessly: "Is this considered compensation?"

Bai Anliang thought for a moment and gave a sincere answer:

"This life is still very long, so make up for it slowly."

"Of course you have to compensate me for the rest of your life, you owe me!"

"Eh? Did I lend you money and not pay it back?"

"Idiot, emotional debt!"

Ah. Then he is indeed not finished yet.

This would require everyone to come and "demand debts" from him, and even Bai Anliang would not be able to repay them.

However, when the two girls learned about Bai Anliang's two-way operation, they were both a little unhappy.

It's quite a feeling of "I thought you were just for me, but it turns out other girls have it too".

Da Tiantian complained directly to Bai Anliang, and Liu Yifei even imitated Lin Daiyu and played with the yin and yang.

The stubborn Mr. Bai said that this time, brothers have to enjoy the "blessing of everyone".

Even when they arrived at the scene for filming, they discovered that the two crews were actually stationed together.

Stay in the same hotel.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang was not so arrogant as to arrange for these two people to stay in the same suite, otherwise the hatchet might have been placed on his neck.

At the same time, Bai Anliang is not so crazy that he has a full shooting schedule every day.

For example, from morning to night, from this crew to that crew, the whole process is non-stop, and we are crazy about progress.

If the two dramas are filmed together, he will have plenty of time.

Fan Xiaopang and the others have dedicated people to take care of them. Bai Anliang only needs to make regular video calls to provide psychological comfort.

He made a very correct choice by placing Fan Xiaopang and Damimi on the upper and lower floors.

The two of them now get together every day and have a great time.

We don't have to work, we watch dramas, eat snacks, and exercise together every day. With a "similar person" by our side, nothing will be boring.

There is no need for a man at all.

As for Bai Anliang.

The filming schedule of the crew is quite reasonable, either focusing on filming during the day or focusing on filming at night.

I can always find a lot of time to wander around with the girls and feel the natural scenery.

Or maybe have a fierce fight in the hotel.

Thanks to Bai Anliang's good health, otherwise with this intensity of work and "work intensity", if someone had a weak point, he might look like he was "sucked dry".

Without this body, don’t be a time management master.

Young girls may still be "polite and courteous" to you, but as girls get older, they are no longer as shy and helpless in this regard as before. They are very fierce!
There is a lot of energy in a small body!

Now even Da Tiantian is no longer polite to Bai Anliang.

There was quite an aura that she had everything "explained" to her, leaving Liu Yifei with no opportunity to take advantage of her.

Coincidentally, Liu Yifei thought so too.

Haha, if a creature like a scumbag is not in good health, it will be short-lived.

Bai Anliang had to live this kind of high-intensity life for about three months.
(End of this chapter)

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