40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 100 The 1 Kneel That Changed History

Chapter 100 A Kneel That Changed History

Horus and Tarwiz retreated to the inner side of the palace, and they immediately saw a group of loyal Emperor's Sons fighting with Horus' Sons.

Horus rushed forward immediately, and both sides were taken aback when they saw Horus' arrival, and then the morale of the Emperor's Children of the Loyalists immediately fell to the bottom.

A hostile Primarch, and with the addition of Warmaster Horus, they were certainly doomed.

The morale of the Horus side of the rebellion was undoubtedly greatly shaken. Although they don't know why the Warmaster himself went down, this undoubtedly gave them a great morale boost.

Horus yelled: "By the command of my father the Emperor, I beg you to cease the war. Children, this is a sad and unwarranted war. We are all caught in a conspiracy. Please let me explain."

Both sides were stunned, and the son of Horus had a question mark on his face, what happened?No rebellion?

Both held weapons but looked away from each other to look at Horus, who used a bit of his ability as he spoke.

Everyone present was infected by his powerful language charm, and couldn't help but want to listen to him.

Seeing that Horus had controlled the situation, he looked to Tarwiz for advice: "Some people joined the rebellion because I bewitched them. I hope I can convince them, can I?"

Horus's sincere gaze made Tarwiz unable to refuse. Horus' influence and authority during this period was second only to the emperor, and being begged by such a great man made it difficult for Tarwiz to refuse.

And if it is true as Horus said, then this may completely quell the rebellion, and many brothers will no longer fight each other.

Tarwiz nodded to Horus, and gave orders to the Emperor's Children led by him not to attack.

Horus shouted to everyone present: "Soldiers, we have all been deceived by the evil forces from the subspace. They designed to entice us to fight each other, just to stifle our achievements in the Great Crusade and destroy our race. We must wake up from this vicious lie and framing. Brothers fighting against the wall will only benefit the enemy. I ask you to put down your weapons against your brothers. Think carefully about why this war really happened?"

After the Emperor's Son and the Son of Horus present glanced at each other, they immediately stood at attention and bowed their chests to Horus: "Warmaster, please tell us who our enemy is?"

Horus secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and he said to everyone present: "The enemy is a terrifying existence from the subspace. They planted their lackeys in the empire a long time ago. My rebellion against the emperor was framed by the design of Chaos lackey Erebus. The Devon satellite is the beginning of their evil plan. Brothers, we must stop this stupid mutual killing and point the finger at our real enemy..."

Horus told everyone the cause and effect of everything, everything that was about to happen and everything that would happen in the future.


A scene that shocked everyone happened. Horus knelt down, not on one knee to swear an oath, but in the appearance of a sinner kneeling on both knees begging for repentance.

With tears in his eyes, Horus pleaded: "I know that what I say is unbelievable, especially after I did something that hurt you and everyone, I beg you to believe me again."

Everyone is silent, believe it?Believe in this Warmaster who betrayed himself and the Empire?
"I believe."

A voice came from a distance, and a passage was opened in the crowd. Gavier Loken, wearing power armor and holding a bolter in his hand, slowly walked in from outside the crowd.

Loken stretched out his hand to support Horus: "I believe in you, my father, I believe that your heart must be loyal to the Legion and your father, the Emperor."

Horus seemed to grab a life-saving straw: "Loken, are you really willing to believe me?"

Loken: "I found a lot of evidence that Erebus is connected with the mysterious dark power, but I didn't expect that their target would be you, us Primarchs of the Astartes Legion."

Horus: "By the way, we must spread the news. Many people don't know the truth. They don't know that they have been deceived by the dark forces."

At this time, a World Eater who followed Loken asked: "What about our Primarch? Was he also bewitched by those mysterious forces?"

Horus was silent. Seeing Horus' appearance, the World Eater understood everything, and he retreated to the team without saying a word.

Loken broke the silence: "No matter what, at least we know the truth, we know the nature of this war, then we can change the current situation by focusing on its key points."

Horus asked Loken, "What are you going to do?"

Loken: "Spread the truth and let more people know the truth. Those who are loyal to you will definitely respond to us."

Horus: "But there is me of this era on board, a me whose mind has been distorted by the forces of chaos. If he labels the truth I say as a lie, we will have no way to pass my words to the entire army, while the other me is in control of the Spirit of Vengeance, holding the throat of the right to speak."

Loken: "We must find a way to get back to the ship."

Horus looked at the Son of Horus and asked, "My children, are you willing to help me? Stop the fall of our legion."

These sons of Horus knelt down on one knee to Horus: "Father, please give orders, and we will always follow in your footsteps."

Horus nodded: "I need you to help us seize air power. I have to return to the Spirit of Vengeance and get in touch with my legion."

Loken: "You have to hide your identity, use a false name."

Horus nodded: "Okay, from now on you will call me Caphas Kane."

But what they didn't know was that one of the sons of Horus in the crowd had his communication turned on all the time, and Horus' words were heard verbatim in Horus' ears at this time.

After Horus thought for a while, he contacted Angron: "Angron, there is a situation..."

Horus told the story to Angron, and Angron laughed at Horus: "The biggest threat to the rebellion you started is yourself. This is really a great irony."

Horus said with a cold face: "You go and kill him, and don't let his affairs spread to the army. I don't need to say how important this matter is."

Half of Angron's face twitched in pain, but the other half was calm: "You want me to be an assassin?"

Horus: "Come back if you don't want to, I will let the ship blow up this planet directly from orbit."

Angron: "Well, I'll pretend to assassinate him."

Horus: "Disguised? What will you Angron disguise?"

Angron: "Call me Caphas Kane now."

(End of this chapter)

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