Chapter 101
Sanguinius and Conrad Koz drove the Omnissia into the Shanzheng. At this time, Leman Russ, Zhang Shiyi, Ryan Al Jonson and Robert Guilliman were waiting for them in the bridge command room.

A team of Dark Angel traversers Astartes was already waiting for the two of them at the entrance.

When Koz stepped onto the bridge deck, Guilliman and Ryan immediately cast dangerous glances at him.

Kezi didn't seem to respond to these, just stood there silently, the next time Kozi was wearing a Batman power armor specially made by the traverser.

Only the eyes and the lower half of the face were exposed, and the long hair that was originally shawl was cut short. The whole body still gave people a dark feeling, but there was no longer the bloody smell that stimulated the senses.


The Lion King roared and charged at Ke Zi, punching Ke Zi in the face, Ke Zi had no intention of defending, and received the Lion King's punch straight away.

Ke Zi was knocked to the ground, and the Lion King rode on Ke Zi's body, punching him one after another.

"Calm down, Ryan." Sanguinius immediately stepped forward and reached out to control Ryan from under his armpits.

Sanguinius: "Don't be like this Ryan, now is not the time to settle old scores."

Ryan growled: "He killed me and many of Guilliman's heirs and soldiers, and many of you died at the hands of this monster."

Guilliman also approached, and he clenched his fists. He was using his rationality to suppress his lava-like anger, preventing it from erupting immediately.

At this time, Kezi on the ground spat bloody phlegm and got up from the ground. Kezi still said indifferently without any expression: "You can kill me now, or you can decide how to judge me after I finish what I should say. You can choose."

Ryan took a deep breath. He knew that he had to calm down at this time. The 1 years of deep sleep had changed him a lot. If it was when he was young, Kezi would be decapitated now.

Guilliman said at this time: "Speak, I hope your eloquence can save your life for you."

Ke Zi replied in a hoarse voice: "I have no regrets about my life. You can take it whenever you want. I just want to tell what I know."

Ryan: "So what are you going to say?"

Ke Zi: "At this time, Horus is no longer in our current time."

Leman Russ stepped forward and asked, "Not at this time?"

Kezi: "Abadon's series of operations allowed them to travel back to the Istfan-1 satellite [-] years ago."

Leman Russ' face was very ugly: "What does this mean?"

Cozi: "Represents that history may be rewritten."

Leman Russ: "Fate and history are not so easy to change. History is an established fact. Our universe does not lack people who travel through. Even if they can travel through, they will find that everything that should happen will still happen. Even gods cannot change these facts."

Kezi: "But those time-travelers brought to this world by my father can. They are not the natives of our world. They are external forces. The historical tides they produce will destroy the interference of fate. A big enough change will even kill fate. That's why my father brought them. They are not limited by our universe. Changing history will not affect them. Horus has more than 100 time-travelers parasitized on him. When he went back to the past, he changed the rules of history, and fate can't bring everything back on track."

Leman Russ thought for a moment and said, "Then what do you want us to do? Bring him back?"

Ke Zi: "This is a way to hurt the four gods. They are existences that cover the entire timeline. Normally, they cannot hurt their roots. However, when history is rewritten, they will temporarily reveal their physical weaknesses. That is our opportunity."

Ryan: "But there is one more thing you didn't say. Changing history has an impact on the Chaos Gods, so it will have a greater impact on us. No one knows what we will become. Maybe human beings will be destroyed because of it."

Koz: "It's too late for you to assume a worse situation. Horus has already gone to the past. Either you wait here for the changes brought by Horus and disappear without a sound, or go to the past with me and Sanguinius and work with him to control the situation to our advantage."

Everyone is silent, go back to the past to change history, and imagine deeply that everyone knows how outrageous the controllability is. An empire that might have been victorious due to carelessness may have become the chaotic side to win.

And they will be erased directly because of historical inertia.

Guilliman: "How do we know this is not a trap, not your plot."

Sanguinius stood up: "I believe what Koz said, and I have also encountered what happened. We may ride the Omnissiah together. The Omnissiah can connect our thoughts and abilities. We who sit on the Omnissiah cannot deceive other brothers."

After Ryan, Leman Russ, Guilliman, and Zhang Shiyi exchanged glances with each other, they decided to try to believe the traitor Kezi once.


The conversation turned to Abaddon and Vashtor, who were sitting on the deck of the Vengeful Spirit's ship at this time, and they did not travel to Isstvan III with Horus.

Abaddon looked at Vashtor: "Are we out of the Warp?"

Vashtor: "It seems so, and we have also traveled through time. According to my calculations, we have traveled through time roughly 1 years ago due to this time recede."

Abaddon: "You mean this is the age of the Great Crusade, and the Emperor still walks on earth."

Vashtor: "I think so."

Abaddon: "Can a more accurate time be deduced?"

Vashtor: "If I can sit on the throne of God and complete my own time closure like the gods, then I can give you an accurate answer."

Abaddon: "Yes, Horus!"

Vashtor: "I searched the entire ship but couldn't find him. It seems that he was involved in the turbulence of time and space. Only the Chaos Gods and his father know where he is now."

Abaddon suddenly looked serious: "Vashtor."

Vashtor: "What is it?"

Abaddon: "Is it just the two of us in this room?"

Vashtor: "Yes, it's just the two of us. When I entered the warp, I released the shield to prevent other things from entering this room."

Abaddon: "Did you sense a third person?"

Vashtor: "What nonsense are you talking about? There is no third soul other than you and me here. Who do you think I am? I don't need the eyes of a creature to perceive all the information of the entire Vengeful Spirit."

Abaddon: "Then who is that man in the golden power armor at the door?"

Vashtor: "..."

Vashtor: "Is he as tall as a Custodian?"

Abaddon: "Much taller than them."

Vashtor: "Where's Behorus?"

Abaddon: "Much taller than him."

Vashtor: "He... is he right behind me now?"

Abaddon nodded: "Yes."

Vashtor: "I was only hired by Abaddon to maintain the ship and install some ritual magic, and nothing else is my business."

Abaddon's face darkened: "Damn."

(End of this chapter)

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