40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 102 The Father and Son Meet

Chapter 102 The Father and Son Meet
Abaddon and Vashtor stood there blankly, drops of sweat slipped from Abaddon's forehead.

The two of them were like unlucky travelers who bumped into a bear by accident. At this time, the other party didn't make any moves, so they didn't dare to make any moves.

The other party looked at Abaddon and Vashtor in front of them, and asked after a while: "You guys know where Horus is, he's looking for him."


In the highest sky in the subspace, a scorching sun is hanging high in the sky. It emits purple, sometimes green, and sometimes suddenly red.

A cross-shaped battleship entered the subspace and came to this area. A giant king in black armor sat on the throne. On his right was a red-haired girl in her twenties wearing a pair of demon wings behind a black leather armor.

On the left is the angel queen's armor and the new king of angels with long golden hair.

The red-haired devil girl asked, "Is this your home?"

Sitting on the throne, he said, "Yes."

Queen of Angels: "The space and time of this place are chaotic. It can be said that there is no time and space at all. I read the wailing and fear of the creatures."

The Queen of Angels covered her head, and something was whispering in her ear. At this moment, he stretched out his hand to hold Queen Angel's slender hand. His wide hand can give people an endless sense of security.

The Queen of Angels felt strong emotional and spiritual power from his hands, dispelling the fear and those evil things in her heart.

"Cough cough~"

The red-haired devil girl coughed twice: "You guys pay attention to the influence."

He: "You know I'm doing something right."

His eyes are so clear, the red-haired devil girl knows that he is just a piece of wood. His father gave him too much divinity when designing him, which caused his human flaws to be too great.

The blond angel queen stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Why is there such a sour smell?"

The red-haired devil girl stomped her feet angrily: "Who will eat the vinegar of this idiot."

He is not an idiot, he knows that there are many people around him who like him, some express it blatantly and recklessly, some are shy and dare not reveal it, and some stand in the dark and guard silently.

He is not good at expressing himself, he has a super brain comparable to a super planetary computer and the supercomputers that support him allow him to read every bit of the entire history of a planet from its birth to its destruction in a split second.

Knowing too much about others and being too cutting-edge in one's own ideology will create huge communication barriers with others.

Being in the high position of managing the two nebulas that ruled his world, he had to be serious and restrained his emotions.

He asked his father how to solve this problem, and the answer his father gave him was to complete his great cause and then give up everything and become a mortal to find the answer.

The two women beside him are his right and left hands and partners who have given him great help in his career, and have given him all the help.

It's just that there will be a little friction from time to time, but both of them understand the righteousness and know when to put personal feelings aside, so even though they are rivals in love, they love each other and help each other.

"Primarch, the warship has arrived at its intended location," his guard commander reported to him.

He nodded to the commander: "Thank you, Xin, I have to do the next thing alone."

He stepped off the throne, and the red-haired girl behind him asked, "How about we go with you."

He shook his head: "I'll see my father, it'll be fine."

Turning on the space jump, he left his battleship and came in front of the sun. He just walked step by step, and the black wings behind him exuded a powerful stance to protect him.

He waited patiently for the sun to gradually turn golden yellow, and then said, "I'm back, Father."

His attitude was devoid of any emotion, not that he was really not excited to see his father, but that after being the King of the Universe for too long, he found early on that he couldn't show his feelings on the surface.

+You're here, number two+
He: "Yes, I'm here."

What kind of dialogue is this? Gu Long, a martial arts master, is two martial arts masters. My father said in the next sentence that if he said...

+you shouldn't have come+
Damn, my father really said that, it's so embarrassing!Father, haven't you read Gu Long's martial arts novels?
Primarch Two: "But I'm still here."

Why am I picking this up, am I an idiot?Calm down, I'm the ruler of the entire universe, I can't go on like this, hurry up and say something else...

Primarch Two: "Or maybe I really shouldn't be here."

I'm going crazy, why can't I control my mouth, am I too nervous, I would have brought the letter with me if I knew it earlier, the words he spoke for me must be much better than what I said now.

At this point the sun flickered for a moment and then calmed down.

No. [-] Primarch scolded himself all over in his heart, wishing to slap himself and say bad things to his own father. People in the past would always make up their own brains because of their status, thinking that there was something in their words, and they could easily fool them.

But facing my father, what should I do, he must be very disappointed in me!Having given birth to a stupid son by himself has completely humiliated him.

At this moment, in a flash, a person holding a spear and wearing a yellow cloak appeared in front of the No. [-] Primarch.

Primarch Two saw the adamantine Custodian armor under the other's cloak, his father's Custodian.

At this time, the other party spoke: "My lord asked me to talk to you. I am Constantine Waldo, the spokesperson of the Emperor."

Primitive No. [-] said with a blank expression, "Is there any impoliteness in my words?"

I must have acted very badly just now, very badly, my father doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

Constantine: "The Emperor says no."

Primarch Two: "I see."

The No. [-] Primarch suddenly disappeared in front of Constantine. Constantine was taken aback. He didn't expect the No. [-] Primarch to leave just like that.

Constantine frowned and was about to ask the emperor what to do next when suddenly a light flashed in front of his eyes.

A black-armored warrior wearing black armor but obviously smaller than the No. [-] Primarch appeared in front of Constantine.

Constantine looked up and down at the black-armored warrior, holding a black spear, with a ponytail tied behind him, and a resolute and plain face. For a moment, Constantine felt a sense of familiarity, but Constantine dared to conclude that he had never seen him before.

At this time, the black-armored warrior said: "I am talking to you on behalf of my master, you can call me: Xin."

Constantine frowned: "He shouldn't be so rude, I speak on behalf of his father, he shouldn't be so rude to his father."

Letter: "You speak on behalf of the Primarch's father, but you are not his father. I speak on behalf of my Primarch. Representatives face representatives. There is nothing wrong with that."

Constantine: "But..."

+Konstantin, don't worry about it, it's doable+
Constantine: "Yes, my lord."

The Primarch II sent a message to Xin through the communication channel: Xin, don't speak so sharply.

Letter: "Yes, my lord."

(End of this chapter)

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