40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 104 Muddy Waters

Chapter 104 Muddy Waters
Primarch Two looked at his father. His father was young and ordinary, but he could feel the sense of blood connection in them.

Liu Bi: "Sit my son, please."

The No. [-] Primarch sat down, pondered for a while and said, "Hi Father, my name is Ge Xiaolun."

Liu Bi: "..."

Ge Xiaolun slapped himself in the heart, damn it, I will say bad things again, but it is true that I should introduce myself, but what I said is completely different from what I thought.

Liu Bi smiled and said: "I know, I have seen your growth, your reincarnated parents treated you very well, they taught you very well, they are far more competent and responsible than me."

Ge Xiaolun: "Is your power strong enough to see what happened in other universes?"

Liu Bi nodded: "Yes, but you can't watch a lot, and you can't watch it for a long time."

Ge Xiaolun: "What should I do?"

Liu Bi: "What?"

Ge Xiaolun: "Don't you contact me here because you need help?"

Liu Bi: "Am I a scumbag, leaving my child to be raised by others, and asking him to help me through life and death in the name of my father after the child grows up?"

Ge Xiaolun: "Yes, but I know you are right, this is the best choice, otherwise I would do the same."

Liu Bi: "So that's why you also give birth to children and throw them away for others to raise?"

Ge Xiaolun: "I gave them their mother, they have their mother's company, and I have always given them enough living expenses."

Liu Bi: "I really want to beat you up, kid."

Ge Xiaolun opened his hands: "Come on, but you will understand me after fighting, because what I do is the correct way."

Liu Bi: "But you don't think so in your heart, right?"

Ge Xiaolun: "It doesn't matter what I think in my heart, the important thing is to do the right thing."

Liu Bi: "Have you ever eaten with your children?"

Ge Xiaolun: "Yes."

Liu Bi: "It's not a banquet for political and national purposes, but a family dinner."

Ge Xiaolun: "I don't have that time."

Liu Bi: "Don't learn from your father, don't learn from me, child, you should go your own way."

Ge Xiaolun: "This is my way, father."

Liu Bi: "I don't want to eat."

Ge Xiaolun stood up: "Then I will take my leave, and I will go and bring Horus back."

Liu Bi: "Let's go together, you take me to meet Angron."

Ge Xiaolun: "To see Angron? Are you going to kill him?"

Liu Bi: "No, I'm going to save him. I owe him a lot, and it's time for me to pay it back."

Ge Xiaolun: "You? Can't leave here?"

Liu Bi smiled: "The Gods of the Archons cover the entire timeline, and I can be anywhere."

At the level of the Four Gods and Emperors, they are no longer individuals, but a phenomenon.

As long as there is something that represents them in that place, they can be anywhere. For example, where there are battlefields, there is Khorne, where there is joy, there is Slaanesh, where there is knowledge and change, there is Tzeentch, and where there are viruses and bacteria, there is Nurgle.

And where there are men and vengeful sacrifices there is also the Emperor.


On Isstvan III, an Emperor's Son sneakily avoided all his comrades and came to a ruin. Lucius found a rebel helmet. He adjusted the communication and started calling: "Hey, Eidolon, please call back, I have a deal to talk to you..."

Angron suppressed the pain caused by the Butcher's Nails in his mind, and sneaked all the way to the palace.

He stepped on the corpses of World Eaters along the way. As the saying goes, killing everyone who sees me is considered stealth.

When Angron entered the palace, he saw that the throne was facing away from him, and there was someone there, but Angron could feel that it was not Horus.

Angron stepped forward to split the throne with an axe, and what caught his eyes was not Horus as he expected, but the bound Lucius, the commander of No.13 Company of the Emperor's Children Legion.

His eyes were blank, and he pressed the bomb button in his hand the moment he saw Angron.


The explosion sounded, and the entire palace room was affected by the explosion, but the building of Istvan III was very tough. Horus and the others had used all the bombs they could find and still did not blow up the building.

Correspondingly, a huge blood-red and brass-colored figure also escaped after the explosion.

His cloak and armor were in flames, his face was cut by debris from the explosion, and the wound was blackened and charred by gunpowder.

But with Angron's amazing resilience, these skin injuries are gradually recovering. Isstvan III cleared up the internal fighting spirit, and Horus dropped the Astartes who opposed him, but they did not give them heavy weapons, and the bombs and grenades were very limited.

The Loyalists knew that these things could not kill Angron, so the trump card was not on this small trap.

Horus absorbed the souls of more than 100 traversers. In addition to his powerful power, Horus also gained their memories of the Warhammer world.

Horus knew about Lucius' betrayal a long time ago. On the night of his betrayal, Horus used his ability to control the traitor and left this trap for Angron.

The loyalists among the World Eaters wished to resolve their feud with their father personally, so they stood in Angron's way.

The large number of killings along the way also made Angron relax some of his vigilance, and fell into the trap set by Horus.

Horus came out of the shadows, and he looked at Angron who was in a panic. Angron fought all the way and fell into a trap, which consumed a lot of his energy.

And Horus is waiting for work, no doubt Horus's chances of winning at this time are much greater, and Angron began to sizzle the first time he saw Horus' Butcher's Nails.

The powerful spiritual energy on Horus at this time stimulated the Butcher's Nails to go deeper into Angron's brain, and Angron rushed towards Horus with a roar.

Horus raised his warhammer to strike back at Angron, and the axes and hammers of the two touched each other, and the huge impact of both sides made them take a step back with a sound of "Dang!"

This blow was earth-shattering, and everyone in Loken watching the battle was amazed at the mighty collision between the two primarchs.

Liu Bi and Ge Xiaolun watched the fight between them in the distance, and Ge Xiaolun asked, "I'm going to stop the two of them now."

Liu Bi shook his head and pointed to the sky: "No, there is Horus up there, he will definitely intervene, we will wait for him to make the first move."

Ge Xiaolun nodded after hearing this: "I will let the Tianren No. [-] arrive at the designated location, but I only brought one battleship, and I can't compete with Horus' expeditionary fleet."

Liu Bi looked at the time on his watch: "Another Vengeful Spirit should be arriving soon."

(End of this chapter)

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