40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 105 Father, He Doesn't Listen to Me

Chapter 105 Father, He Doesn't Listen to Me
Angron's eyes were red with blood, blood stars burst out from his forehead, and the "click" of the Butcher's Nail disturbed Angron's brain.

A mouthful of sharp teeth mixed with bloody saliva flowed out, and the two axes in his hands struck at Horus.

Horus swung his claws, and a golden stream of light lit up on the power claws, and the moment it collided with Angron's chain saw ax produced an explosion of golden streamers.

Horus raised his hammer to meet this devastating blow, Horus: "Brother stop, we shouldn't do this."

Angron: "Bitch, I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but did you still crawl back to him?"

Horus: "I did everything wrong, this rebellion should never have happened, Angron, if you have reason, you should stop."

"Sane? No, I only hear the sound of nails." Angron's muscles bulged, and veins and blood vessels burst out from under the skin. The skin cracked and blood flowed out, and the huge force knocked Horus' war hammer into the air.

Angron: "You've become weaker."

The ax struck at Horus' neck, and he wanted to chop off the traitor's head: "It is obvious that you took the lead in the rebellion, why did you run to him to be a good boy?"

Horus raised his paw to fend off Angron's chain axe: "You can put it down too, Angron, listen to me, let's go to father, he will definitely be able to remove your Butcher's Nail."

Angron raised his twin axes and slashed down: "I don't need it."

Angron pushed Horus away, and he stretched out his hands to show Horus his posture: "Isn't this what he wants? A pure killer, a knife that helps him slaughter everything, and now I have become."

A voice suddenly appeared in Angron's head, and he found that something that had been with him all his life had disappeared.

It was the sound, the sound of the nail was gone, and the pain it caused him was gone, and Angron suddenly felt more relaxed than ever.

Then it was furious, and Angron roared: "No, I don't accept your grace, and return to me to me, ah ah ah ah ah ah! ~"

Angron roared and rushed in one direction. Horus at the side seemed to sense something, and immediately chased after him.


With a gunshot, Horus stopped, leaving a bullet hole in front of him. This shot prevented Horus from pursuing. Horus turned his head and saw a woman in black body armor and holding a sniper rifle standing on a high place.

Not far from the outer city wall of the imperial palace, Liu Bi shook his head. Although this mortal body was immortal, it was still a bit reluctant to withstand the damage of Angron's Butcher's Nail.

Liu Bi's face was so pale that it was almost transparent, Ge Xiaolun immediately stretched out his hand, but Liu Bi raised his hand to stop it.

"No need, I can do it, you go and meet Horus, Angron is here," Liu Bi said to Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun: "He will kill you."

Liu Bi forced a smile: "Just kill it."

Liu Bi: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Ge Xiaolun took a deep look at Liu Bi, then turned and walked away.

Not long after Ge Xiaolun walked away, the crimson figure appeared in front of Liu Bi, and the huge monster crashed towards Liu Bi like a speeding dump truck. Liu Bi sat on the ground smiling and looked at Angron in front of him.


Is it an enemy?Horus raised his power claw and aimed the muzzle of the lower-hanging gun at the black-armored female warrior, and just before he pulled the trigger, he held him down with one hand.

Horus looked at the person who stopped him, a familiar feeling welled up in his heart, and the memories that had been sealed came back.

Horus: "Number Two?"

Ge Xiaolun let go of his hand and explained, "That's mine."

Horus looked around. He had lost Angron's trace, and the father's breath had disappeared.

Horus asked with an ugly expression, "Why stop me?"

Ge Xiaolun: "This is what my father meant."

Horus pondered for a while and said, "I want to see my father, otherwise I can't believe what you said."

Ge Xiaolun: "I'm telling the truth."

Horus: "Then show the evidence. You and NO.11 have been wiped out by your father, and now you suddenly stand up and say that you are doing things for your father. It's hard for me to believe."

Ge Xiaolun's face became solemn, and then he became ugly, and a little hasty, he opened his mouth but made no sound.

There was silence between the two of them. Horus opened his mouth to ask, but at this moment he found four black-armored warriors surrounding them.

Among them, the male warrior with a ponytail said: "This is the Emperor's decision, you should trust our Primarch."

Horus: "Who are you?"

The largest man with the ax said, "We are the voices."

Horus noticed that Ge Xiaolun turned around and was leaving, Horus hurriedly said: "You have to tell me the truth of the matter."

The female soldier with a sniper rifle said: "The secretary-general has more important things to do."

Horus: "What is more important than this now?"

The soldier holding the halberd said: "Save people, there are still a large number of loyal fighters on this planet. The secretary-general is going to start the teleportation to send them to a safe place."

Horus: "Are you his spokesman?"

The four nodded: "Yes."

Horus: "Then I would like to ask why he prevented me from chasing Angron."

"This is an instruction received by the Secretary-General, and it is a task entrusted to him by your father."

Horus: "I don't believe it, I don't believe that if my father was really here he would not want to see me, so get out of the way and don't make me violent."

Ge Xiaolun set up the portal, and then he received news that Horus had defeated him and continued to pursue Angron.

Ge Xiaolun turned on the communication: "Father, he won't listen to me."


At this time, Horus in the 30K era suddenly received a message that surprised him. Angron returned to his battleship and withdrew all his troops.

He also sent a message to Vengeful Spirit: Stop wasting time on this rotten planet doing unnecessary killings, just blow up here.

Horus at 30K said to Abaddon beside him: "I thought Angron would insist on killing on it for a while, but he also knows what meaningless killing is?"

Abaddon of 30K: "It's really worth thinking about. I heard that Angron brought a mortal back to his ship. We don't know if something happened."

Horus nodded: "A mortal? Are you sure you are a mortal?"

Abaddon: "In terms of size, it is indeed the height of an ordinary person."

Horus thought for a while: "Go to Angron's ship and investigate. What caused our brainless brother to start using his brain."

Abaddon: "The planet down there?"

Horus: "Blow it up."

(End of this chapter)

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