40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 106 Angron doesn't want to fight anymore

Chapter 106 Angron doesn't want to fight anymore

In the room of Angron's battleship, Angron looked at the man slumped on the seat, his pale and bloodless face twitching with pain.

Angnu touched the Butcher's Nail on the back of his head, the nail did not disappear, but the nail no longer hurt his brain.

The man in front of him didn't know how to transfer the pain and hurt that the nails gave Angron all the time to himself.

And not only his own pain, but the pain of the Butcher's Nails of Angron's sons of the entire World Eaters Legion was transferred.

Angron stepped forward and grabbed Liu Bi's hair, and raised his head violently. He sarcastically said, "Look at you now, are you still the emperor of the galaxy, the master of all human beings? You are like a clown, like an ant, and now anyone can trample you to death."

The corners of Liu Bi's mouth and face twitched wildly, but he looked at Angron calmly: "It's okay, I should bear this."

Angron pushed Liu Bi to the ground, and then stomped on his head: "Do you think I will pity you? No, people like you don't deserve sympathy at all."

Angron glared at Liu Bi like an enraged beast, and the two stared at each other until a strange sound broke the silence.


Liu Bi: "I'm hungry, can I have something to eat?"

Angron sneered and said, "Where do you think this is? Your palace? Just open your mouth and someone will get you anything you want? Noble emperor, taste the pain of hunger."

Angron turned around and immediately walked into the room. Kahn was standing there at the door. Seeing Angron coming out, he asked, "Is that the Emperor?"

Angron: "Yes, it's him."

Kahn touched the Butcher's Nail on his head: "The nail has failed. I asked the technicians in the legion. They said that the nail is still working, but I don't know why the nail can't hurt the brain of the wearer. Is it because of him?"

Angron grabbed Kahn by the collar: "Don't call him "He", he is not a god, he just knows some psychic tricks."

Kahn: "Psychic power can't solve our nails. You don't want me to call him him, are you afraid that the distance between you is getting farther and farther?"

Angron put down Karn: "Go get him some food."

Kahn: "You still care about him."

Angron: "I just don't want to be tortured by nails anymore, and I enjoy him being tortured by nails."

At this moment, a voice came into Angron's channel: "My lord, the Spirit of Vengeance has sent an envoy."

Angron recognized that it was his captain, Lotharin, and Angron asked, "A messenger?"

Lota LS Lin: "It is Abaddon, Captain of the Sons of Horus."

Angron: "Let him go."

Lotta LS Lin: "Well, although I want to say that this is not good for our covenant relationship, but you have said so, I will obey."

The communication was shut down, and Angron instructed Kahn: "Take care of me, and don't let others, especially my other brothers, know about this."

Kahn nodded: "I see, so what should we do next? Continue to resist the empire? The emperor is in our hands."

Angron thought for a while: "Let's find a chance to leave and let Horus fight those guys by himself."

Karn: "The Primarch."

Angron: "What?"

Kahn: "You seem to be in a much better mood and personality. In the past, you were always happy without fighting."

Angron touched his forehead: "I'm tired, go to sleep first."


On Isstvan [-], Horus watched Angron take his father away, and his teeth creaked in anger. If only he had wings like Sanguinius.

At this time, Ge Xiaolun, behind Horus, stretched his wings and slowly landed. Horus pointed to the sky and said, "Take me to catch up."

Ge Xiaolun glanced at the sky: "No, it's full of warships, and it's a target if you fly up."

Horus grabbed the collar of Ge Xiaolun's armor: "It was because of your father that Angron fell into Angron's hands. Angron is a pervert. He would do that kind of thing to his own children. I don't know how to torture my father now. We have to go to the Conqueror to rescue him."

Ge Xiaolun: "Then come with me, we need a battleship now."

Horus: "Do you have a battleship?"

Ge Xiaolun: "I have a fleet, hurry up, the Vengeful Spirit is about to carry out a devastating blow to this planet."


Under the order of Horus at 30K, all warships used all their firepower on Istvan III, and various orbital weapons such as light spears and vortex torpedoes hit Istvan III into broken pieces in the universe.

There will no longer be any living things on it.

And the loyal Astartes on Isstvan III gathered on Ge Xiaolun's flagship at this time.

Horus and the others looked at the warships whose layout and architecture were completely different from those of the Empire. The warships of the Angel civilization had a large number of gorgeous decorations in Western Rome, which was similar to the interior of the Empire, but the style was more concise.

Horus watched a group of female angels with wings sitting on the seats, controlling the entire battleship with the light balls in their hands.

Horus frowned: "You use aliens?"

Ge Xiaolun glanced at Horus: "That depends on how you define the concept of aliens. Their appearance, thinking, and body structure are no different from humans, and they are not reproductively isolated from humans."

Horus: "But they have wings."

Ge Xiaolun spread his wings on his back: "You mean this? This is the Wings of Time and Space, a piece of technological equipment, a piece of individual flying equipment."

Horus reached out to touch Ge Xiaolun's wings: "You mean this is equipment?"

Ge Xiaolun nodded: "You don't think that there will be creatures in nature that evolve this kind of biological wings, do you? These things are obviously artificially transplanted."

Horus: "Can I equip it too?"

Ge Xiaolun: "Yes, you can implant a dark matter engine into your body or modify your armor directly. You can also attach wings to the armor. Shall we start now?"

Horus waved his hand: "I'll talk about this later, the most urgent thing now is to rescue my father on the Conqueror."

Ge Xiaolun: "No, it's obviously not wise for us to confront you in this era head-on. We won't be able to save our father in the end, and we will sacrifice everyone we managed to save."

Horus: "What do you mean?"

Ge Xiaolun: "Let's find reinforcements."

Horus: "Among the loyalists of this era, who are you going to find?"

Ge Xiaolun: "Go to the five hundred worlds."

(End of this chapter)

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