40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 114 You Can't Have Your Father Alone

Chapter 114 You Can't Have Your Father Alone

Angron asked suspiciously, "What are you?"

Magnus: "This is my soul fragment. I used a ritual, which caused part of my soul to be scattered in the universe. Maybe it was because I sensed the attraction of my father's power, and one of them landed on your ship."

Angron: "You are using psychic witchcraft again. It seems that you have not obeyed the Nukainian prohibition."

Magnus: "You became eloquent Angron after the Butcher's Nails expired."

Angron: "Where did you hear that my father was with me?"

Magnus: "There is such a powerful father's spiritual energy flashing on your boat, it's hard for me to miss it, but don't be afraid, that's why I can understand this spiritual energy. Others only know that your clothes have powerful spiritual energy, but they don't know that it belongs to father."

Angron: "I heard that the navigators signed a contract with their father. They can see the father's psionic projection in the subspace. Why can't the navigators tell the difference?"

Magnus: "Because the father you got is the future father. I don't know what happened to him. He is far more powerful than the father who is now on the golden throne of Terra. The frequency of psionic energy is different from the current father. The psionic attainments of those astropaths are still far from being able to distinguish these changes."

Angron's brain quickly thought and analyzed the message in Magnus's words: "What if I don't intend to hand over my father to you?"

Magnus: "Your legion has been liberated, and my legion is now suffering as cruelly as yours."

Angron: "I am not the Primarch of the Thousand Sons, what does your legion have to do with me?"

Magnus: "What do you think Horus will do to you if he finds out that your father is on your ship?"

Angron: "Threat."

Magnus: "It's a warning, Angron, you will not end well if you hang out with Horus. He has been just blocking you from cannon fodder and knives."

Angron looked at Magnus playfully: "Then you are not a good guy, you just want to cheat my father away."

Magnus: "I don't intend to deceive. I know everything since I communicated with you. Has there ever been a lie?"

Angron: "There's more to deception than lies."

Magnus: "Then how can you trust me?"

Angron thought for a while and asked, "Next I will ask you some questions, and you must answer them without hesitation, otherwise we won't have to talk."

Magnus immediately agreed: "Okay."

Angron: "Have you chosen to side with Horus? I mean the rebel side."

Magnus: "No, in fact, my body has been trying to suppress the mutation of my legion in the Eye of Terror so far. I have no intention of intervening in this rebellion."

Angron: "Does Horus know about this?"

Magnus: "I think he must know that you have a powerful psychic reaction on board, but you must guess that it is your father. If the dark forces in the subspace behind him didn't tell him, he would definitely not know."

Angron: "Do you think something behind his back will tell him?"

Magnus: "Because not."

Angron: "Why?"

Magnus: "Because if Horus knew that his father was on your ship, he would definitely give up the plan of Istvan V and go to your ship to snatch his father back."

Angron: "I see, so tell me now, if father is in your hands, will you tell me or other brothers?"

Magnus was silent, and while he was silent, his phantom began to solidify, and Angron could even smell the sweat from Magnus' skin.

Magnus squinted at Angron: "You..."

Angron raised his fist and punched Magnus's soul projection. He felt that the punch hit something firmly, and Magnus's soul fragment was punched into the warp by Angron.

Angron grabbed his wrist and rubbed it: "Fortunately, I have also learned something from my think tanks recently, otherwise I would almost have sent you here. Do you think you delay the time to send the main body here? I don't know?"

Angron turned on the communicator with Lota LS Lin: "Captain, shoot me at the Vengeful Spirit, and make sure that the damage to them is enough to prevent them from jumping or catching up with us in a short time."

Lota LS Lin: "Are you going to attack the Warmaster? I know, but a hasty attack is very difficult to cause any damage. The time for the light spear weapon to recharge is enough for them to open the void shield. I suggest using the impact angle for a direct impact, and then cooperate with a round of firepower to leave the battlefield at full speed."

Angron: "Just do as you say, now you can command everyone on the Conqueror, including me."

Lotharin: "Okay, Lord Angron, please go to the dressing room and put on your new armor immediately. The raid will start in four hours."

Angron: "Why four hours?"

Lota LS Lin: "Because I received information from the Spirit of Vengeance that Ferrus and his fleet have arrived at the Istvan [-] star area, and it is expected to arrive within eight hours."

Angron: "Are you going to use Ferrus?"

Lota LS Lin: "The scale of Horus' fleet and his subordinates is much larger than yours. Now you have nothing but the Conqueror."

Angron awkwardly scratched the Butcher's Nail on the back of his head, and accidentally scratched off a cable. Angron discarded it casually. The crack in the skull and the missing brain at the back of his head healed and grew with amazing resilience.

It was only then that Angron realized that he really didn't have the capital to fight Horus. When he was killing and killing like a lunatic, Horus was forming cliques everywhere for personal gain, and half of the Empire's Mechanics taught him logistics to provide him with resources.

In terms of Astartes, Horus himself has more legions than Angron, and now he has the support of the Emperor's Children, Death Guard, Iron Warriors, and Night Lords.

Even without the Astartes, Horus possessed enough space fleet power to reduce the Conqueror to a space hulk.

Angron didn't think about the harm his rebellion would cause to Horus at the beginning. All he wanted was to cause a little trouble for the main ship of Vengeful Spirit, so that Horus could not catch up with him in the first place when he escaped.

Of course, Angron never thought of joining forces with the Loyalists to destroy Horus, and his father must also be what the Loyalists wanted.

He just wanted the two parties to fight to the death, so that he could take the opportunity to leave here. Angron couldn't control what the universe would become in the future, and he didn't want to.

(End of this chapter)

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