40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 115 Nazhang Spirit of Vengeance

Chapter 115 Retrieving the Spirit of Vengeance
Horus received a message from Angron, Angron: "I'm ready, sail over now."

Horus nodded: "Very good, Angron, you bring someone to drive the boat from another route."

Angron: "Why didn't you take the planned route?"

Horus: "I don't know why, but Ferrus' fleet didn't come from Mandeville. They jumped out of the airspace near Isstvan [-]."

Angron: "This is indeed strange, so what are you going to do?"

Horus: "Although this makes our arrangement a little tighter, it doesn't hurt. You go around through another route."

Angron nodded: "Okay, I'll go talk to my captain."

After hanging up the communication, Horus felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

Angron looked at Lotara at the side: "Has Horus discovered our plan, so he changed the route temporarily?"

Lotara: "I don't think there is any place to design traps in this route change. Our ships are still on the periphery, and we are still in a safe position."

Angron: "Then it seems that what Horus said is indeed true. For some unknown reason, Ferrus and the others appeared directly outside the Mandeville Point and disrupted his plan."

Lotala: "Then shall our plan be carried out?"

Angron nodded: "Continue to execute. We have to get rid of Horus before Magnus flips the table. Magnus is a person who wavers before important choices. Before he considers whether to expose me, I have to get rid of Horus first."


At this time, Horus, who traveled so far on the Skyblade, was shocked when he received Loken's message. Ferrus and his fleet did not come out from Mandeville.

Horus paced anxiously on the command deck: "What should we do? Do we want Ferus to really die on Istvan [-] again."

Ge Xiaolun reached out and pressed Horus' shoulder: "Don't worry, think of a way slowly."

Horus took a deep breath: "We have to split into two groups. You go to Calth to help Guilliman resist Kor Phaeron's invasion of Calth, tell Guilliman the truth, and I will take people to rescue Ferrus."

Ge Xiaolun's eyes were blank, a large amount of data was flowing in his eyes, and he briefly looked at the future through some psionic divination techniques given to him by his father.

Ge Xiaolun stretched out his hand to decompose and reassemble the substance in his hand, and a black mask appeared on his hand.

Ge Xiaolun handed it to Horus: "Wearing it can conceal your identity, so it should be useful to you. I will give you a piece of advice, don't reveal your identity casually."

Horus nodded with a wry smile: "I know, I am not trusted. The brothers on Istvan III and I will act in other identities."

Ge Xiaolun: "Before I came here, my father also gave me some time-travelers, and I entrusted you to command these people."

Horus: "One more thing, I need a ship."

Ge Xiaolun: "Your flagship father has already been brought over."

Horus: "?"

Ge Xiaolun pointed to the display screen in front of him, and saw that Tianren had detected a huge battleship approaching in their direction.

The fighter planes and detectors sent out accurately transmitted the picture. Horus looked at the very familiar ship in the picture, and he recognized it as his Vengeful Spirit.

Horus: "The Vengeful Spirit? Why is she here?"

Ge Xiaolun: "That's your ship. When you come back from rebirth, she is destined to meet you again. Go and take her back."

Horus: "But she has been tainted."

Ge Xiaolun: "If you can get rid of chaos and return to the right path, let alone a ship."

Ge Xiaolun took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Horus: "This is a time traveler virus made by [-] time travelers through a sacrificial ceremony, and it contains the huge power of my father. Spread the time traveler virus in the spirit of revenge. They can help you regain your battleship."

Ge Xiaolun waved his hand, the floor sank, and a pair of silver power armor rose from the lifting platform.

Ge Xiaolun: "I have upgraded and optimized your armor, added a little silver coating, and added an anti-gravity flight device."

Horus's eyes lit up when he heard the anti-gravity device: "Does it mean that the wings are installed? Open it up and show me."

Ge Xiaolun: "No wings."

Horus: "No wings? How can you fly without wings?"

Ge Xiaolun: "The principle of flight relies on anti-gravity, not on aerodynamics. You can fly without wings."

Horus pointed at Ge Xiaolun: "But don't you also have wings behind your armor?"

Ge Xiaolun: "That's just for decoration, you want a pair of wings that much?"

Horus: "Okay, I'm satisfied if I can fly, so how are you going to send us to the Vengeful Spirit?"

Ge Xiaolun: "I will send you directly up."

Horus: "Direct teleportation, if it encounters interference, it will be very dangerous, right? It seems that there is a tough battle."

Ge Xiaolun: "No, there won't be any tough battles. The enemies on this ship have been subdued."

Horus: "Already subdued?"

Ge Xiaolun: "You will know when you bring someone up."

Horus: "The Riddler get out of Gotham."

Ge Xiaolun: "Don't casually learn things from those time travelers."

Ge Xiaolun used wormhole teleportation to teleport Horus and the people on Istvan [-] up in batches.

The expected counterattack did not come, which reminded Horus of the last time he jumped to help the Vengeful Spirit. Horus asked his men to wait in place while he explored the way ahead.

Along the way, he used the power of the traverser in his body to expel the chaotic pollution on the ship.

After confirming that there were no abnormal chaos tricks, Horus sent people to occupy the engine area immediately, and rushed to the command bridge with his troops.

When Horus kicked open the hatch, he saw Abaddon and Vashtor standing on both sides, and a giant in golden armor was sitting at a long table eating a delicious meal that he didn't know where to get.

Horus saw the golden giant subconsciously called out: "Father? No."

Horus raised the muzzle of the bolt gun on his paw to the golden figure: "Who are you? How dare you pretend to be my father."

Vashtor and Abaddon standing on both sides were also taken aback, isn't this the Emperor?
(End of this chapter)

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