40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 116 Putting on the Mask and Isstvan No. 5

Chapter 116 Putting on the Mask and Isstvan No. [-]

Abaddon and Vashtor are both stunned, isn't the Emperor next to him?Then why are they being summoned here like grandchildren?

The psychic energy in Vashtor's hand gathered, and the traces of electric light flickered.

At this moment, Feng Baobao, who was eating and drinking, suddenly raised her head, how hot stars like stars shone in her eyes.

What Feng Baobao said was an incomparably majestic and sacred voice of the king: "My child, you are here."

The psychic energy in Vashtor's hand dissipated in an instant, and he lowered his head to look at the ground, standing there quietly and motionless.

Horus asked in surprise, "Father?"

The "Feng Baobao" in front of him looked at Horus and said, "Your timing is very good."

Horus: "Father! Is it really you? What about you, Father?"

"Feng Baobao": "Horus, now you have stepped into a crossroads of destiny, your choice will have a major impact on the future, so every step you choose next will be crucial."

Horus: "What should I do? Father please guide me."

"Feng Baobao": "I don't know, my child, I can't tell you more information in my current state. All future paths will be chosen by you."

"Baby Feng" looked at Abaddon beside him: "You have done many wrong things, but your loyalty to Horus is unquestionable, you can choose again."

Abaddon raised his head to look at the emperor, then at his genetic father, and finally he shook his head: "Give me a good time, I have no thoughts of life."

Abaddon looked at Horus: "I have no regrets to meet you again, but I have committed a lot of sins. Although I have not received the blessings of the four gods, the power of chaos has taken root in my body."

Abaddon came to Horus and knelt down on one knee. He took the claw of Horus from the armor and offered it with both hands: "Please give me death."

Horus reached out and took the Horus Claw, he looked at his closest heir, tears flowed uncontrollably, and he re-equipped the Horus Claw on his arm.

"Goodbye! My son." The claw of Horus was activated, and the current of the stand sounded, and Horus swung his claw...

Horus came to "Feng Baobao" and knelt on one knee: "Father, I have completed my choice."

"Feng Baobao": "Son, the road ahead of you will be extremely difficult and heavy, can you bear it?"

Horus: "I have no choice. Because of my mistake and rebellion 1 years ago, too many people have suffered, and too many people have gone astray because of me. I want to bear these sins and pray for salvation."

"Feng Baobao": "Where is the mask Ge Xiaolun gave you?"

Horus reached out to offer the mask, and "Feng Baobao" took the mask, stretched out his hand and drew a few strokes on the eyebrows of the mask: "Put on this mask that symbolizes sin, and go to complete your redemption. From today on, there will be no more Sons of Horus, there will be no more Black Legion, and you and your sin-laden sons will be given a new name."

Horus put on a mask, and the mask covered his face. The black mask contained endless resentment, blood, and tears. They took root with Horus's face. That was the sin caused by him. From today onwards, he will Wear it forever.


Ge Xiaolun on Tianren No. [-] looked at the man wearing the dark alloy mask in front of him: "It seems that you have made your choice, Horus."

"There is no Horus here."

Ge Xiaolun took a deep look at the person in front of him: "I see, you will definitely let me have a lot of things to do next."

"Help me recast the armor and weapons of me and my legion, and my ship also needs to be changed. It needs a different style, different from the style of the empire. I want to borrow the name of you and your legion."

Ge Xiaolun: "I only allow you to use the name of the Second Primarch. As for the name of the Legion, you have to make up your own. The next step will be a big project. Fortunately, I can handle it."

"how long."

Ge Xiaolun: "It is guaranteed to be completed before the massacre at the Isstvan [-] landing site."

"Thank you."


Warmaster Horus had descended from Vengeful Spirit to Isstvan V, and Fulgrim knelt before Warmaster Horus.

The Warmaster sighed: "You let me down Fulgrim, you promised me that you would turn Ferrus against him, but you not only failed, but also let him know our plan, and now Ferrus leads his legion He and his brothers came to hunt us down."

Fulgrim: "My lord, please calm down. My army and I will make up for this. I will decapitate Ferrus to you."

The Warmaster nodded. "There is no next failure, Fulgrim."

Fulgrim nodded: "There will be no next time."

Warmaster: "Ferrus will be handed over to you, go down and prepare."

Fulgrim saluted Horus and walked out of the command room. Abaddon just returned to report when Fulgrim left.

Abaddon knelt down to the Warmaster: "Warmaster, I'm back."

Horus: "Angron is also in place?"

Abaddon: "I placed him in the eighth war zone, so that the Twelfth Legion can enter the battlefield as soon as the battle begins."

Horus: "Is there anything wrong with Angron along the way?"

Abaddon: "Angron's Butcher's Nail broke out once on the way, and he killed some of our brothers."

Horus breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but an angry expression appeared on his face: "This lunatic will be killed by that nail sooner or later, but now he is a very good knife, so far we have to use it , just tolerate him for a while longer."

Abaddon: "I see."

Horus looked at Abaddon: "But I don't know why I'm always restless."

Abaddon: "After all, this is a decisive war that will determine the future. It is normal to be nervous."

Horus: "I hope I'm overthinking."

The war started, and the battleships of the Iron Hands immediately occupied the landing field, and a large number of soldiers dropped down in waves one after another.

All kinds of heavy firearms and vehicles were also used, because Ferrus was in a rage because of Fulgrim's betrayal of their friendship.

Ferrus was contacted by Vulkan the Dragon Lord and Corax the Raven King.

Vulkan: "Brother, you are advancing too fast. I think we still have to wait for other legions to come and discuss how to attack well."

Ferus: "War needs to be pre-emptive. Our three legions are enough to block Horus and all his rebels on Istvan V. The addition of follow-up legions is just an extra layer of insurance."

Ferus said to the Raven King: "Corakos, I need your troops to take the mountainous area of ​​District [-] and block it there. After the arrival of the Word Bearers, your legion will directly replenish supplies at Lorgar."

(End of this chapter)

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