40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 118 Fatal Support

Chapter 118 Fatal Support
Loken knew something was wrong when the four Traitor Legions jumped out of Mandeville Point.

Loken immediately issued an order: "Immediately go to Planet Isstvan V, we must pass the news to Lord Ferrus and the other Primarchs before the reinforcements from the rebel army arrive."

Loken's ships sailed toward Isstvan V at full power, and Loken ordered the flagships of the three Primarchs to be called immediately.

Loken's position should be the closest to Ferus except for Horus's troops, so when his ship sails to Isstvan V and sends a message, the three loyalist fleets will definitely Received the message first.

The loyal fleet's morale was shaken when it received the news that four supporting regiments had leapt out of Mandeville Point.

Everyone immediately thought that this stupid rebellion was finally coming to an end, and the three fleets were waiting for the arrival of friendly forces with full expectation.

But at this moment they received this message:
"I am Garviel Loken, a survivor of Isstvan III, please convey the following message to the Primarchs of the Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders immediately.

The following legions, the Word Bearers, Night Lords, Iron Warriors, and Alpha Legion are all rebel legions. Isstvan V is a trap set by Horus. Please evacuate the legions loyal to the Empire immediately. "

The captains of the three expeditionary fleets cursed immediately: "Damn it, pass my order, and the entire fleet immediately raises their shields, arranges them in a battle formation, and sends the news to the Primarch."

Due to the haste to fight, many of the entire fleet did not keep up with the queue position, and was destroyed by the firepower of the traitor army.

While the sky fleets fired at each other, Ferrus and the other two Primarchs on the ground also got the message.

They were also shocked. It turned out that Horus played such a big game of chess. They estimated that the gap between the enemy and ourselves was four to seven, but the original calculation in Horus was three to eight, and it was encircled by eight legions. Stance eats them.

Although Loken's news reached the Loyalists first, the rebels also closed the siege to the Loyalists. Loken could only watch as the three legions of the Loyalists were besieged in the sky above Istvan [-].

Loken looked at the surviving brothers on Istvan III: "Brothers, we must do something."

Tavis looked into Loken's eyes: "We only have one ship, what can we do?"

Loken: "Go to the surface of Isstvan V to rescue Lord Ferrus and the two Primarchs. We have to change the history that Lord Ferrus will die in this war. Maybe we lost this war. But the war is far from over, and we have to prepare for future wars."

Taweizi said: "Then give the order. These brothers have all crawled out of the dead. Why should we be afraid of dying again?"

Loken: "According to the future that Lord Horus told us, Lord Corax successfully escaped from this war, we have to go down and gather the Primarchs, and I, Lord Horus, are also coming here, we Hold on until his support arrives."

Taviz smiled and said, "Horus vs. Horus, no one would have believed it before it was changed to Isstvan III."

It was a load-bearing joke, comparable to the fact that I was there when Horus killed the Emperor.

Loken stood on the bridge, and he gave instructions. At this time, their position was very good, and there was still a gap in the encirclement for their ship to pass through, but it was almost like risking their lives.

And they played on the spot, and the whole ship rushed towards the surface of Istvan [-] through the encircling gap that was gradually closing.

The ships of Loken and others were hit by the firepower of the rebel ships at the first time, but at this moment, seeing that Loken and others were under attack, another warship belonging to the Salamander Legion immediately opened fire to cover it. them.

The Salamander Legion didn't know the identity of the ship, but seeing the rebels attacking them so fiercely, it was obvious that they were not with the rebels to a large extent.

Although the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, sometimes keeping the enemy of the enemy alive will definitely make the enemy very difficult.

The captain sorted out the data: "Damn it, the damage is too serious, but it's okay to reach the destination."

Loken sent a message to the friendly forces that supported them and expressed his gratitude. Knowing that Loken and the others were the survivors of Isstvan III, and that the reminder message just came from them, the Salamander's ship also let go. Take a breath.

Loken asked the captain to help the Salamanders in this area of ​​orbit to defend the front, and Loken led a whole team to land on the Thunderhawk to the surface.

At this time, because of the arrival of his own reinforcements, Horus released all the hidden forces in the bunker.

On the surface, the forces of the four Astarte Legions launched a counterattack against the three Legions of the Loyalists.

Because of the potential of Luo Jia and others, Ferrus and others lost the bombing support of ships in orbit, and the number of rebel troops on the ground exceeded Ferrus and others' expectations, and the position of the loyalists began to be pushed by the rebels. went back.

Ferrus knew that the fighter plane was lost, and the best way now was to find a way to withdraw to the ship, and then break through the encirclement and evacuate with all his strength.

But just as Ferrus was about to issue the extremely humiliating order, the purple-gold figure appeared in his vision.

Ferrus was instantly like a dynamite being ignited, his sanity barrier instantly collapsed, and Ferrus shouted out with the roar of a volcanic eruption: "Fulgrim!~"

Ferrus rushed out first, he wanted to kill the traitor first, no matter what Yin did next, he had to kill the traitor who had betrayed their friendship and their father first.

Soldiers on both sides tacitly gave up a duel place, and restrained each other's heirs for their respective fathers to ensure that no one would interfere with the father's duel.

They knew that between the two brothers who had been closest, only one would survive the battle.

Ferrus wields the flaming blade, while Fulgrim wields the furnace hammer, two weapons originally forged in brotherhood but now colliding in vendetta.

The two Primarchs slashed at each other with their mighty weapons, their armor dented, torn, and blackened in battle.

Outsiders can't intervene in this battle at all, and their movements are as fast and terrifying as a storm.

Both were badly wounded and fell almost at the same time. Ferrus staggered to his feet first and slashed the flaming sword towards Fulgrim's neck.

Fulgrim pulled out the Demon Blade he snatched from the alien Ral from his waist, even blocking Ferrus' fatal blow.

The demon in the stabbing blade took the opportunity to move, the power of chaos gushed out from the sword, and the power of the demon spread to Fulgrim's limbs, and Fulgrim resisted Ferrus' attack with amazing strength.

Fulgrim took the opportunity to jump up, and pierced Ferrus' chest with a sword. The Primarch of the Iron Hand felt the rapid loss of physical strength, and he knelt down powerlessly on the ground, and the flame blade slipped from his hand.

When Fulgan raised his sword and was about to behead Ferrus, he was stunned. He found that he didn't have the courage to cut off the sword against his best friend, and he also realized that he was under his own influence at this time. Became such a depraved and terrible person.

At this moment, the demon in the sword made a choice for Fulgen, controlling him to cut off the sword.

Fulgan watched in horror as the uncontrollable self slashed the fatal blow. Fulgan desperately wanted to bring the blow back, but it was already too late.

At this moment, a pitch-black figure broke through the crowd like a black sharp blade, and a pitch-black two-handed dark alloy sword was thrown out, hitting the demon blade over there.

The pitch-black sword exuded a golden light, and this blow sent the Demon Blade flying out of Fulgrim's hand.

A swift figure rushed between the two primarchs, separating them.

Ferrus looked up with difficulty, and saw the jet-black armor that was more focused on agility than defense.

Ferrus asked in a hoarse and weak voice, "You... who are you?"

The man turned around to reveal his face wearing a dark alloy mask, and said in a hoarse voice: "The army of bad people, the bad handsome Sin Star, under the emperor's order, arrest the rebels, whoever dares to resist - die."

(End of this chapter)

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