40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 119 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas Perturabo is Behind

Chapter 119 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas Perturabo is Behind
On the Conqueror, the two sailors chatted while working. Since Angron really managed the legion, the life of the mortals has been much better.

Chris: "The Legion isn't right these days, do you feel it? Lol."

Lore: "You just found out? Don't you know that our Legion betrayed the Emperor?"

Chris: "No, haven't you noticed that our daily supplies have increased a lot? I haven't heard of anyone being killed recently."


Lore looked left and right to make sure no one was there, then turned to look at Chris: "This is typical of the original body buying people's hearts, can't you see that?"

Chris: "It's scary when you see it! The Primarch of our Twelfth Legion bought people's hearts, do you think this is normal?"

Lore: "Perhaps it is the Emperor's blessing."

Chris: "Impossible, we all rebelled, Emperor bless? Us?"

Lore: "Obviously, our Primarch is not as brainless as in the legend, knowing that rebellion also needs the will of the people."

Everyone knows that this is Angron buying people's hearts, but buying people's hearts?Angron?Can this kind of thing be connected?
The two shuddered, isn't it possible?


Chris: "What sound?"

Lore: "It seems to be over there to the external maintenance hatch."

Chris: "Huh? Didn't you receive a notification that you need repairs?"

"Go and have a look."

The two walked to the exit area on the outer deck, and saw a giant wearing armor head-on. He was much larger than the Astartes they had seen wearing Terminator armor.

Who is that?The two of them were stunned for an instant. When they saw the horrifyingly distorted face that fused steel and flesh, their minds and bodies were shocked by the great fear...

The Primarch of the Iron Warriors wiped the blood from his gauntlets with a towel brought in from the maintenance room.

Various demonic viruses on his display screen spread throughout the Conqueror's system, and the sudden system attack from inside caused the Conqueror to temporarily paralyze.

Everyone fell into a slow-moving investigation, and now Angron and Kahn are jumping to fight on the Vengeful Spirit. If there is a problem with the Conqueror and cannot operate according to the original plan, then the follow-up Warmaster's revenge will be incomparable. horrifying.

Riding on the Conqueror in chaos, Perturabo headed for Angron's room. He had been hiding in the dark for this opportunity.

In Abaddon's No. 13 Dark Crusade, when Abaddon fought with Horus and Sanguinius on Cadia, he did not leave and hid on the Vengeful Spirit.

As soon as Abaddon and Horus traveled to the era of the three major rebellions, Horus regained the Spirit of Vengeance. It was not until Isstvan V was driven at this time that Perturabo began to move.

He modified a flying machine, took advantage of the stealth technology from the old night age of human beings, quietly approached the deck of the Conqueror, and used his own ability to crack the maintenance hatch on the outer deck of the Conqueror.

Every spaceship has an external maintenance hatch, so that in the universe, if the exterior of the ship is damaged, the people inside can go out to repair the ship.

Although this is indeed a safety hazard, almost no one will choose to enter from here, because if you want to jump into the ship, you can use other safer methods such as psionic portal jumping, transport plane melting jumping, these methods There are many people who can send it and it is safe.

Sneaking and climbing into the ship through the external maintenance hatch like this is almost suicide, because it is easy to be discovered, and if there is not enough force and speed after discovery, there is a danger of being surrounded and killed.

The first to use this method to infiltrate a Queen of Honor class warship was his brother Alpharius, infiltrating Horus' Vengeful Spirit.

Perturabo came to the door of Angron's room, and saw the twelve Devourer guards who were already in full formation.

Perturabo showed a cruel smile: "I really miss it! It's been a long time since I killed Angron's children."


Eighteen seconds later, Perturabo threw the last Devourer on the ground. Perturabo saw that there were still two Devourers who were still alive, and Perturabo showed admiration: "It seems that Ange Ryu gave you very detailed special training! Unfortunately, it wasn't enough! It doesn't take a minute for me to kill you."

The Devourer, who had only half of his body left, struggled to reach Perturabo's feet, as if trying to grab his feet and stop him from moving forward.

But before his hand touched Perturabo, Perturabo had moved away, turned and walked into Angron's room.

After entering the room, Perturabo couldn't restrain his emotions after seeing that figure, covered his face and began to laugh wildly.


After Captain Lotara finished his investigation and the think tanks cleaned up all the devil viruses, a bad news came.

The Primarch's room was invaded, and only two of the guards survived, but they could only be placed in the Dauntless Sarcophagus. The others were all dead, and the Primarch's room was opened.

Captain Lotara only felt dizzy, she could already imagine how furious Angron would be when he came back.

Like the one imagined by Lotara, Angron massacred a large number of Sons of Horus on the Vengeful Spirit as if venting his anger after getting the news, and hurriedly blew up the engine of the Vengeful Spirit and sent it back to the Conqueror.

Angron went straight to the two surviving Devourers, and used his ability to forcibly transfer most of their injuries to himself, forcing them to wake up.

"My lord, it's Perturabo, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors. He has transformed into a monster that resembles a fusion of machinery and flesh, but I still recognize his face."

Angron roared wildly. When he heard that the Devourer in his room was attacked and the door of the room was opened, he knew that his father must have been stolen.

Angron roared and gave instructions: "Immediately attack the Blood of Steel with all my strength, and send Thunder Eagle to the ground to fetch Lin Daiyu back. Kahn, you immediately prepare to join the team again. I will tear that bastard Perturabo alive."

The Warmaster in the bunker was confused, and the World Eaters launched a rebellion and attacked the Vengeful Spirit. When he reacted and ordered to kill the World Eaters in the bunker, he went to the team to report, and the World Eaters there killed all around People who have already escaped from the fortress and destroyed the general air defense facility.

Perturabo in this era of space was also confused. When the Conqueror appeared, Perturabo thought it was an ally who came to help, but he vented all his firepower on him when he met him, and wanted to be completely with himself. The look of fate.

Hired him yourself?Also said that Angron was actually loyal to his father?Isn't his relationship with his father the worst?Will he beat himself because of his father?
Also because of the deadly exchange of fire between the World Eaters and the Iron Warriors, a gap appeared in the encirclement at this time, giving the loyalists surrounded inside a chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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