40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 122 The Battle for the Emperor

Chapter 122 The Battle for the Emperor

Lorgar was lying on the chair, and he was absorbed in spirit. Ever since he saw those incomparable great beings in the great eyes, Lorgar seldom thought about it.

He will spend a lot of energy and time listening to the voices in the warp and using some rituals to watch the "real" enlightenment given to him by the gods.

Lorgar's spiritual body came to the wilderness of the god of war and strength. He walked on the hot red sand, and then he felt something was wrong.

It was too quiet, the sounds of killing and slashing, the sound of blood gushing, and the battle cries of soldiers fighting to the death all disappeared.

Lorja quickly ran towards the eight-layered gate fortress, the long-dried blood was everywhere along the way, the decay was almost petrified, and the bones of the dead Khorne dogs were already dried up.

The world of endless demon wars that should last forever is like a relic forgotten by everyone in the peacetime after the war.

Lorgar searched everywhere but saw no living creatures, and the ground was full of rusty and broken weapons.

"What the hell happened here?" Lorgar arrived at the Blood Fortress, the gate was closed, and it was eerily quiet except for the sound of wind and sand blowing by.

There was a sound of rubbing, and Luo Jia rushed to the source of the sound. He saw a shadow flashing by, and Luo Jia quickly rushed up to grab the thing out.

Luo Jia took a closer look and found that it was a vampire, but at this time one of its horns had been broken, and half of the big sword in its hand had been broken.

Lorgar: "Who are you?"

Vampire: "My name is Jiajia Warehouse."

This vampire's name is very good, and he doesn't seem to have the fanatical warlike look in his eyes like other vampires.

Lorgar: "What happened here?"

[Jiajia Warehouse]: "The Bloody Wilderness was attacked, and I escaped by hiding."

Luo Jia: "Someone invaded? What about the true god? Why does someone invade the true god and ignore it?"

[Jiajia warehouse]: "The blood god is trapped, the blood god is trapped on the throne, and his power is constantly being consumed."

Lorgar: "How is it possible? Who has the ability to do such a thing?"

【Jiajia Warehouse】: "Yes..."

"Don't listen to its words, it's a lie! It's infecting you! Come Lorgar, come to the labyrinth."

A scream rang in Lorgar's ears, the sky tore open, and a demon like a giant blue bird with two heads waved his staff and released Tzeentch flames towards the vampire named "Jiajia Warehouse".

Under the roasting of the fire of change, [Jiajia Warehouse] turned into a human being shining with golden light.

Carlos grabbed Lorgar's hand and dragged him up into the sky, and then the two heads began chattering in Lorgar's ear.

The head on the left of Carlos said: "That's the time traveler."

Carlos' right head: "The gods are devouring the Emperor."

Carlos left head: "It is the Emperor who devours the gods."

Carlos' right head: "Those Earths are Soul Fragments of the Emperor."

Carlos left: "Those earths are fragments of the gods."

Right Head: "Collect Fragments."

Left head: "It's Destroyer Fragments."

Lorgar hurriedly asked, "Carlos, what are you talking about? What instructions do the gods have?"

The bird's head on the left was dangling like a drunk: "Your father..., Di... can't say his name, he will be noticed, he eats the gods, and the universe will be swallowed by the son of the curse."

The bird head on the right: "The son of the curse is now unconscious, killing the son of the curse will gain his power."

Left: "No, use Perturabo's machine to control your father and get everything."

Carlos said a lot, but the words did not match up, and many sentences had different meanings. Lorgar couldn't tell which sentence Carlos said was true.

In the end, his consciousness only heard one sentence: "Don't go back to the domain of the gods, there are his people hiding everywhere."


Lorgar woke up sweating profusely, and he immediately summoned his subordinates for a meeting. After he told what he heard from Carlos in the subspace, everyone fell silent.

Aribas on the side suddenly had a thought in his heart at this moment, can the team emperor survive now?

Then the two of them recalled what they had done, and confirmed that they had only one way to go to the dark with the Chaos Gods.

Arebas on the side said: "I think we have to tell the Warmaster about this, and he will decide what to do next."

After thinking for a long time, Lorgar accepted Arebus's opinion and held the Primarch Assembly again.

For the so-called gods and ghosts of Lorgar, the Primarchs of this era are not interested in them at this time. They have not seen the four gods that Lorgar has seen.

At this time, it was at the end of the calm period of the subspace, and the energy torrent of the subspace had just begun to wave, and the messengers of the four gods began to operate.

Except for the Word Bearers, the other legions only use psionic spells as a tool for war.

After thinking for a long time, Horus said: "No matter what, we must first find Kezi. Only his spiritual language ability can find his father. We have to go down to which earth to bring Kezi up?"

Alpharius: "I have sent a team to rescue, but the transport planes that entered the atmosphere of the blue planet have lost contact, and the people inside cannot be contacted by any other means."

Warmaster Horus: "Is it disturbed by something?"

Alpharius: "I don't know yet. According to my think tank analysis, it may be because this planet comes from other universes. At this time, it has not really integrated into our world. It is still in the uncertainty of the quantum state. The connection between the inner and outer layers of the atmosphere is basically Belonging is in two."

Warmaster Horus: "Can't they fly back and report the situation?"

Alpharius: "Obviously, the people who entered at this time should not be able to come out."


In the time period of 40K, several Primarchs of the Loyalists headed by Sanguinius are also ready to travel back to the past.

The hatch of the Omnissia opened, and eight people, Sanguinius, Lion King Ryan, Wolf King Leman Russ, Kezi, Zhang Shiyi, Guilliman, and Vulcan boarded it. Why did the seven Primarchs Is it eight?

The Wolf King patted Commissar Kane on his thigh: "Commissar, sit here."

Commissar Kane: "My lord, why do I have to take on such an important task? It's not that I don't want to work for my lord, but I'm just afraid that the limited ability of my subordinates will spoil the affairs of my lord."

Leman Russ patted Kane on the shoulder: "Father told me to take care of you. From now on, you have to follow me wherever I go."

Lion King: "Should we go alone? Without troops?"

Sanguinius: "Taking too many people will have a big impact, and it is very likely that we will be sent to nowhere."

After confirming that everyone was ready, Sanguinius and others flew the Omnissia into the Eye of Terror.

(End of this chapter)

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