Chapter 123

Ferrus came to the detention room deep in the battleship, and after several genetic tests, passwords, and identity verification, Ferrus entered it.

There were as many as fifty Iron Hands guarding here along the way, and there were a large number of deadly weapon surveillance. Even Ferrus himself didn't think he could escape under these organs.

He came to the door of the cell, Fulgan was bound hands and feet, he sat on the ground, he was locked in a small narrow room.

The gorgeous purple and gold battle armor has been stripped off, and at this moment he has nothing but the thin clothes covering his body.

The gorgeous and noble purple phoenix stayed listlessly in the corner like a defeated chicken. After hearing footsteps, the Primarch raised his head.

Fulgrim forced a smile: "You are here."

Ferrus: "I can't figure out why you betrayed your father. You and your legion are his pride. You call yourself the emperor's sons, and your armor is decorated with the imperial emblem. Why? Why did you betray?"

Forgan: "I..."

Fulgan opened his mouth, but couldn't say it out. In the end, Fulgrim could only say four words: "I don't know."

Ferrus: "You don't know?"

Fulgan: "That sword, ever since I got that sword, I have been affected by it and the power inside it. When I swung the sword towards your neck, I realized how twisted I have become."

Ferrus recalled and noticed the strangely shaped purple sharp blade that Fulgrim pulled out at that time. Although he only took a few glances, when the sword pierced into Ferrus' chest, Ferrus also deeply felt it. The great evil power on that sword.

Ferrus asked, "Where did that sword come from?"

Fulgan: "It's the Assassin's Civilization. I found it in a temple when I was destroying the Assassin's Civilization. I didn't know what happened at the time. I was attracted by the sword at the first sight. Now that I think about it, it should be That’s how it all started.”

Ferrus: "That sword was taken away by the bad commander of the bad guy army."

Fulgan: "Not handsome? Horus took it."

Ferrus: "You can see it too."

Fulgan: "He still had the claw of Horus on his hand at the time. Although he was wearing a mask, I saw his eyes, which were the eyes of Horus."

Ferrus: "Why did he help me?"

Forgan: "He came from the future, maybe he realized his mistake and changed his mind."

Ferrus: "This is open to question, or for some other purpose."

Forgan: "In any case, neither the present nor the future will be able to show up in front of people. This is the reason why he wears a mask, so he chose to wear a mask to atone for his sins. Bad people, Doesn’t it mean that you are not a good person but a sinner?”

Ferrus: "If it were you, would you wear a mask to redeem yourself?"

Fugen opened his eyes wide and looked at Ferrus, his lips trembling: "You... you are willing to let me atone for my sin?"

Ferrus threw an iron mask in front of Fulgrim: "Death cannot wash away your sins, put on the mask and use the rest of your life to atone for your sins from now on."

From that day on, the subroots in the prison disappeared, and the Primarch of the Iron Hands announced that he had beheaded Fulgrim in honor of the fallen soldier, and had thrown the head and body into the stars.

After receiving the news, the remaining Emperor's Children joined the army of Warmaster Horus and swore allegiance to Horus, but the demand was that Horus would help them cut off the head of the Iron Hand for their The Primarch takes revenge.


On Spirit of Vengeance, Warmaster Horus looked at the information sent back, and Horus looked at the rebel brothers in front of him: "Bad news, everyone, now Koz is missing, Fulgrim is killed, we lost two Why didn't you save Fulgan? Perturabo was on the track at the time, didn't you go to help him?"

Perturabo asked coldly: "Who was the first to give the order to chase Koz when he was running?"

Warmaster: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things, let's talk about more important things, how to rescue our brother Koz."

Alpharius: "Koz's prophecy ability is an important means to find his father. I think the Loyalists must know this."

Horus: "Sanguinius also seems to have the power of prophecy."

Lorgar: "If things go well there, Sanguinius may be able to join us."

Horus: "Then Lorgar, has your god successfully brought the angel to us?"


Sanguinius looked at the man with wings on his back and wearing the same armor as himself. They looked at each other as if they were looking in a mirror.

The Blood Angels below are also confused, don't look to the left, look to the right, there are two Primarchs, why are there two?

After the two approached, they reached out to each other and touched each other's breastplate. It was real, not an illusion or other tricks, this was themselves.

Sanguinius: "Can you explain?"

Sanguinius: "I'm from the future."




Political Commissar Kane looked at the two wolf kings in front of him holding a barrel of wine with one hand and pouring it into their mouths. The surrounding Space Wolves cheered and howled very lively. Si finished his drink, and the first sentence was a tie.

After drinking, they started a competition to eat. The pile of food in front of them disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the second round was tied.

The two Leman Russes grinned, lifted the table suddenly, and started the third wrestling match amidst the wild booing of the surrounding people.


Lion King heard of Horus' rebellion, and Perturabo joined the rebellion.

Ryan roared and punched the company commander beside him with a fist, and a hand with exactly the same arm armor as Ryan grabbed Ryan's hand, stopping his madness.

The old, white-haired Ryan persuaded: "Control your emotions and don't vent your anger on your own people. These should be gifts you give to your enemies."

Lion King Ryan looked at the old future self in front of him: "Leave me alone, old guy, recognize that this is my legion and my territory."

Old Lion King: "I am yourself, the Dark Angels are also my legion, and the descendants here are also my descendants. Would you like me, an old fellow, to teach you what it means to respect the old and love the young?"

The two lion kings pulled out their swords and fought together. The old lion king blocked the lion king's sword with the emperor's shield and slashed hard. The huge counter-shock force knocked the lion king back several steps.

The old lion king took the opportunity to step forward, and knocked the young lion king to the ground with a leg. The sword of loyalty was in the lion king's throat: "young man, you are still immature, so how can you become the future commander? There is still much to learn, and I can teach you."

(End of this chapter)

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