40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 124 Father's Battle

Chapter 124 Father's Battle

Perturabo shook his body to shake off the dirt on his body. He just stood up when a beam of light hit his shoulder armor.

But Perturabo only shook his shoulder armor slightly, and when Perturabo turned his head, he saw a metallic skull with red eyes flashing a gun in his hand and shot at Perturabo.

Perturabo stretched out his hand, pointed the gun barrel on the armor and fired at the opponent, the terrifying firepower instantly tore the metal skull apart.

Perturabo took a closer look, and the parts and various wires did not look like Necrons, but robots made with human technology.

Perturabo asked puzzled, "Is it Al's rebellion?"


The sound of metal footsteps stepping on stones sounded, Perturabo looked around, and a large number of robots drilled out of every corner had already surrounded him.

Perturabo sneered: "It seems like an invitation to a special feast."

Perturabo glanced around, and immediately found his father lying on the ground. At this time, his father woke up, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were clear, as pure as a newborn baby. Seeing a mechanical skeleton walking towards him, he There was no fear, but a curious look.

"Hey, don't touch my things." Perturabo raised his gun to aim and shoot, and the metal skull was instantly torn into pieces by the explosive bomb.

The surrounding skeleton robots rushed forward, and the armor on Perturabo's body deformed and extended countless barrels. The muzzle of the gun aimed automatically, and then opened fire.

The exaggerated torrent of terrifying firepower instantly smashed the surrounding skeletons one by one, and Perturabo walked to his father while shooting, and hugged him in his arms.

The emperor looked at this person who had a blood connection with him, and a sense of intimacy was revealed. He smiled and laughed innocently like a baby at Perturabo, and hugged Perturabo's breastplate .

Perturabo felt a warm current in his chest, he held his father in his arms, and continued his killing.

Perturabo's ammunition is inexhaustible, and the metal on the ground attracted by his power will gather on the armor of the Iron Lord, be absorbed by the armor, and then be transformed into countless deadly weapons and ammunition by his abilities.

Even if a robot was able to rush in front of Perturabo, it would be dented into scrap iron by one punch with his free fist.

It didn't take much time for Perturabo to clean up the surrounding robots. After confirming that there were no other things on the augury, Perturabo stopped shooting.

The barrel of the gun was reddened by the high-speed shooting, and a trace of hot air came out.

Perturabo looked up and he could see a huge mysterious metal flying disk looming over his head.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was a burst of applause. Facing the sudden applause, Perturabo was not surprised. He turned his head to look at the slender ghost hidden in the shadow behind him.

"Kezi, you monster is still alive?" Perturabo said regretfully.

Konrad Koz stepped out of the shadows, with a manic smile on his face as pale as a corpse, and his eyes looked at his father in Perturabo's hands.

After staying for a few seconds, Ke Zi looked at Perturabo: "You hit me with the earth, I always remember it, the future Perturabo, now put the father in your hand on the ground, and then leave , I can let you live."

Perturabo sneered: "Why? Why do you monster think you can be better than me?"

Ke Zi stroked his chin: "I'm not sure that I can absolutely beat you, but you don't want your father to die, so neither of us can get it."

Perturabo: "Father will not die at all. No one and nothing can kill him."

Ke Zi: "But when he senses danger, his body will automatically flee. Now he has lost consciousness. I just need to give him a little stimulation. According to my prophecy, he will teleport away by himself."

Perturabo looked at his father in his hand: "Even if I can't get it, I won't let you get it."

Ke Zi buttoned his messy hair: "Maybe we can also cooperate temporarily. Other brothers will definitely come here. You will be found sooner or later if you act alone, and the father in your hand will be taken away."


Perturabo: "Aren't you the same as them, otherwise you wouldn't be the first to chase after them."

Koz chuckled: "No, Perturabo, I'm different from them, I don't want to possess my father, I want my father to understand me, understand my justice, it's right to understand me, I just want to be with you Talk to dad."

The emperor in Perturabo's arms also sensed Kezi, who also had a blood connection with him, and he stretched out his hand to Kezi, showing a smile.

"Ah, ha~"

Seeing the incomparably clear and holy face and smile, Ke Zi was stunned for a moment, and he stretched out his hands subconsciously, and subconsciously shouted: "Father!"

Perturabo hugged the Emperor back into his arms, and at the same time stretched out several gun barrels behind his back, and immediately aimed at Koz and fired.

"Crash! Crash! Crash!"

Facing the super weapon made by Perturabo, even Koz of the Primarch did not dare to take it hard. He instantly sobered up from his addiction, followed by endless hatred.

Damn Perturabo, the bastard bastard, for killing his father like this, he deserves to die, so does Angron, and so does Horus.

Midnight Specter was as agile as a ghost, and even guns couldn't keep up with his movement. Ke Zi quickly found the concrete pile of the bunker and hid behind it.

The muzzle fire intensified, almost leveling the wreckage of the concrete building where Koz was hiding.

Cozmo counted and waited until the gap between the gunshots and he jumped out of the cover. When he saw the situation on the other side, he gritted his teeth, because Perturabo ran away early, and he used the robot parts on the ground to quickly manufacture An automatic weapon rack.

Putting the weapon on the ground, he took his father and ran away, but Ke Zi threw a stone and missed the muzzle of the gun.

The weapon fell to the ground, fired a few shots, ran out of ammunition and stopped functioning, and Koz took the opportunity to rush forward and try to catch up with Perturabo's.

He suddenly heard a slight "didi" sound, he backed up quickly, and a huge explosion sounded, and the blue spherical particle storm similar to a plasma explosion blew Koz away.

"Ahem..." Kezi climbed up from the rubble, closed his eyes and actively used his prophecy ability, turned around and ran in one direction.

What Kezi didn't know was that a group of crows hovered in the air and landed at the place where Perturabo and Kezi had just fought. One of the leading crows narrowed its eyes slightly, and actually made a very humane thinking look.

Under the command of the leading crow "Wow!", the group of crows split into two and tracked in two directions.

(End of this chapter)

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