Chapter 139 Faith
Luo Jia looked at the wizard beside him: "Can you perceive my father's location?"

Wizard: "The emperor's psychic brilliance is so dazzling. Being on the same planet as him, it's like the sun that you can see when you look up. It's too easy to find his position."

Lorgar: "Don't call him him, the false emperor is not a god at all, he is just a mortal."

Wizard: "Yes, I will pay attention, my lord."

At this time, the Blessed Sons in the form of demons came to Lorgar, and one of the enchanted warriors grabbed the thigh of a mortal corpse with his twisted claws, opened his mouth and devoured the flesh.

Angertai found that he could not return to his state, and the demon Raum in his body gave the answer: "Di...that existence exists in this world, and we cannot hide our traces under his radiance."

Angertai asked, "How much chance do we have of winning against the Emperor?"

Angrontai had seen the emperor's stalwart figure like a god, no, because he should be said to be a god himself.

But now their task was to capture that god, with such arrogant and arrogant thoughts and actions, Angertai didn't think they could succeed.

But the Primarch is going to do it, and they, the Blessed Sons, must follow.

Demon Raum: "This is an extremely stupid action, but judging from the various timelines and prophecies, this time is indeed a node that determines the ownership of the entire universe and the soul sea."

Angertai did not pass the words of the demon in his body to the Primarch, he knew that Lorgar was already in a very excited state, and he would not listen to other people's opinions.

Lorgar: "We need a lot of sacrifices, and we need to find Kezi and Alpharius, and then hunt down and kill the Perturabo who crossed over."

Lorgar looked at the broken walls in the ruins. In the half-collapsed church, he saw the statue of the emperor. Lorgar only felt a sense of irony. At this time, his men had already captured some mortals to the open field superior.

A priest stood in front of those people, and the others looked at him. Obviously this priest was their leader.

A Word Bearer brought a book and a tape recorder to Lorgar: "My lord, we have found this."

Lorgar took the book, it was the Emperor's Words, and it was the first draft version he had written himself.

Lorgar laughed, seeing such a church and his book in this place at this moment, the irony is so strong.

Luo Jia pressed the tape recorder, and a familiar voice came from it, it was his own voice.

Luo Jia threw the tape recorder on the ground and crushed it with one foot. He understood that the ceremony did not fail, and indeed another him was summoned, but it was not the future one, but the one who worshiped the false emperor in the past, and He's on this planet spreading that stupid belief.

Lorgar ordered: "Bring their leaders here."

A priest was brought before Lorgar. Seeing these demon warriors and the Primarch like Lorgar, the priest trembled with instinctive fear.

He meditated on verses from the Emperor's Word, resisting fear with unwavering faith in the Emperor.

Lorgar: "You are their leader?"

The priest looked at Lorgar angrily: "I am just a humble servant of the Lord of Humanity, you demons from hell, one day you will be wiped out in the wrath of the God Emperor."

Lorgar laughed at the priest: "Do you know that your god despises religion, he preaches that gods are not worthy of belief..."

Priest: "Believe in science."

Luo Jia choked on the words suddenly interrupted by the other party. After thinking for a long time, Luo Jia asked, "You know?"

Priest: "I know, this is the first holy word of the Lord of Humanity. He told us that although the current doomsday world is caused by technology, we should not be afraid of technology. It is only the wrong use of people that has led to the current situation. We should start from scratch. Get started, master the power of science."

Luo Jia asked suspiciously: "You actually know, so why do you still worship him? He publicly denied his divinity, and the false emperor himself admitted that he is not a god at all."

Priest: "Only the true God would deny his divinity."

Lorgar grabbed the priest by the neck, and he roared, "How dare you contradict me with my words?"

The priest was pinned down and couldn't speak, and his face quickly turned red due to lack of oxygen.

Lorgar threw him on the ground, and the priest asked after coughing twice, "What do you mean?"

Lorgar raised the Emperor's Words in his hand: "I wrote this book, how did you get it?"

The priest's eyes were full of disbelief: "We rescued a soldier of the Rebel Army, and he carried this book with him. I took care of him for a while, and he led me into the hall of faith, but how is this possible? This book is yours. written?"

Lorgar held up the Emperor's Words in his hand: "I once built the most magnificent palace for him, but he didn't care about it, and even sent someone to burn it down."

Priest: "So you turned your back on your faith?"

Lorgar stared at the priest: "He trampled on the dignity of me and my legion, and treated all my sacrifices to him as rubbish..."

Priest: "Didn't it occur to you that maybe it was your fault?"

Lorgar was stunned: "My mistake?"

Priest: "You put your dignity above God. You are not a believer at all. Have you ever thought that this may be God's test for you?"

Lorgar: "A test?"

Priest: "Serve God wholeheartedly. This is faith. If you put your dignity above God, how can you call yourself a believer?"

Lorja asked, "If your god asked you to sacrifice your life and your family's life, would you offer a sacrifice?"

The priest's eyes were burning with fanatical faith: "Yes, as long as it is what God asks, I will gladly offer it. It is such an honor to be chosen by the emperor to sacrifice my life."

Luo Jia was jealous of him, and cursed: "You religious madman."


Taking the rhino troop carrier, Lorja led the people to the camp that was attacked. At this time, there were dead bodies everywhere. The head of the newly erected statue of the Lord of Humanity was cut off, and a dead man's head was inserted on it to desecrate.

Angletai: "It doesn't look like a Skynet robot did it."

Lorgar looked at the eight-pointed star pattern painted with blood around him: "It's a cult cult, a hateful heresy belief, which is also what Perturabo called the Chaos Demon belief."

Lorgar came to the statue and prayed to the dead priest: "May you be with the Father beside the golden throne."

Angertai: "My lord, there are survivors."

The two Word Bearers removed the stone, revealing a nun below, her eyes brutally burned and scabbed with blood.

Lorgar: "What happened here?"

When the nun heard Lorgar's voice, she struggled excitedly.

Lorgar knelt in front of the nun, and he carefully helped her up: "Sorry, we are late."

Blind nun: "You? Are you not that demon?"

Lorgar: "I'm Lorgar Aurelion, can you tell me what happened?"

Blind nun: "Yes, there is a man who is very similar to you. He attacked here with a group of demons. They burned everyone except me. He looks very similar to you, but I can Sensing the difference between you, he is more violent and merciless, and his minions resemble the Emperor's angels, but they are demons in disguise."

Lorgar: "People like me? Lorgar who has deviated from the way of the God-Emperor in this era?"

Angertai asked the nun, "Do you know the direction they left?"

Nun: "I don't know. They burned my eyes blind with torches. I fainted. I was very scared. I hid in a corner and didn't dare to move."

Luo Jia comforted: "You don't have to be afraid. With us here, I will never let any villain harm any of the emperor's people. We will escort you back now. Don't worry, your injuries will be properly treated. We will restore your sight."

Angertai sent the message analyzed on the personal terminal to Luo Jia: "My lord, according to the on-site analysis of my brothers and me, the weapons used by the enemy to cause damage include explosive bombs, meltas and flame-breathing weapons of the same model as ours. .”

Lorgar: "You mean there are Astartes slaughtering the Emperor's people?"

Angertai took out a roll of smoked and pitch-black film: "This is the film we found at the scene. After our technical sergeant's terminal scanning and analysis, we got such a photo."

A picture was sent to Lorgar's helmet display screen. Lorgar watched the atrocities of the Astartes burning the civilians with a flamethrower. Because of the shooting angle, the shoulder armor logo was clearly photographed. It was a book burning with flames, and in the flames was a demon head.

Lorgar: "Books are the vehicle of truth, and flames symbolize truth. This is the symbol of our legion, but there is a demon head in the middle flame. What does this represent?"

Angertai gave the answer that Lorgar was most unwilling to believe: "The truth they believe in has changed, from the emperor to something else."

The only time Lorgar's eyes became so fierce was that he looked at the Word Bearers: "Maybe there are people you know among them, maybe it's you and me, but they betrayed their beliefs and became demons, children, what do you say? what to do?"

Angertai: "Only the emperor is the truth in the galaxy, and heretics are all eliminated."

Lorgar: "That's right, my children, go and clean up these traitors, whoever they are, those who are not loyal to the Emperor will be wiped out."

Word Bearers: "For the Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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