40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 140 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 140 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
John Connor didn't believe in God. He grew up in an orphanage. He never believed that gods could save him, because he was indoctrinated by his mother that he was the savior since he was a child.

Until he really saw the existence in front of him, he felt that if there is really a god savior in the world, then it must be the existence in front of him.

Golden armor, a huge and magnificent body, He sits on a metal throne, a large number of cables are connected to His body, the dazzling light makes John Connor bow his head, he cannot look directly at that existence, look directly at the shining sun His eyes will be blind.

And now John Connor believes it, he believes that there are indeed existences in the world that humans cannot understand, and they exist in this world.

Perturabo showed no emotion at the prospect of a mortal prostrating himself at the Emperor's feet again. He knew it was inevitable.

The only thing he cares about now is the news from Lorgar, those familiar eight-pointed star patterns, and the demons that the survivors claim to see, Perturabo knows that the rebels have entered the earth.

The Iron Throne that father was sitting on at this time was an improved version of the instrument used to extract the emperor's power re-manufactured by Perturabo. However, the instrument had not yet been completed at this time, and there were still many places that needed time to be tempered and modified.


Angron and Magnus met on Pluto, and the two sides led their own troops to fight each other.

Both sides know that this battle cannot be fought, because the two have no reason to attack each other at all, even if they completely eliminate the opponent, they will only gain damage to their own strength.

On the contrary, both sides have a need for cooperation, because they alone cannot compete with Horus' rebels.

Angron's forces were short of supplies, and his troops were suffering high casualties from the wild fighting methods.

And the most terrible thing is that Angron lacks supplies. The World Eaters Legion has always been fed by others for logistics.

Leaving Horus behind and taking people to other galaxies to find supplies, Angron was afraid of any changes in the situation, so he lost his father's track.

So now the World Eater is in a dilemma, he can't get in if he fights, he doesn't want to go if he wants to go, and he can't run out of energy.

In a dilemma, Angron really couldn't refuse Magnus' alliance request.

Magnus: "Angron, I think you are also aware of the current situation. You cannot break into Horus' encirclement by yourself. You need my help."

Angron: "But I know there is no free lunch in the dark universe, what about your conditions?"

Magnus: "You and I need father, but with the strength of our two legions alone, it is impossible to fight Horus head-on. We must unite."

After thinking about it, Angron said, "The covenant is that after Horus is dealt with, we will break into the earth, and it will depend on our own ability to own the father."

Magnus: "A fair deal, that's it."

Angron: "When do we act?"

Magnus: "The two legions still don't have enough firepower. Horus relied on his position as Warmaster to gather all the elite equipment and troops under his command. The Titan Legion and the Mechanicus who turned against him are enough for us to fight. gone."

Angron thought quickly and quickly thought of what Magnus meant: "You want to use the Loyalists?"

Magnus: "The fleets of Guilliman and Dorn have already sailed here, but the first to arrive here must be Ryan's troops. He has the Ouroboros engine in his hand, and the Dark Angel's fleet will arrive within three days. here."

Angron: "And we'll just have to wait."


Ryan looked at the general cannon in front of him: "I didn't expect these things to exist on Tiamat."

The old lion king looked at these general cannons: "Horus originally planned to use these things on Terra, and now we just use these cannons to attack Horus."

Ryan: "Are you sure Horus will stay where he is?"

The old lion king: "As long as the father has not fallen into his hands, he will definitely stay there."

Ryan: "How did you know about your father and Horus?"

Old Lion King: "I contacted Magnus and got the information from him."

Ryan: "But you said that Magnus will also rebel in the future."

Old Lion King: "Yes, so we are just using each other with him. I won't trust him. After solving Horus, he will be next."

Ryan: "In a hurry, even Perturabo won't build any good defense facilities. We can use heavy weapons to push all the way through."

Unlike what Ryan expected, his heavy firepower projection did not achieve the expected results.

The defense built by Perturabo in a hurry was very strong, but it was still defeated by Ryan several times with heavy firepower.

But the opponent's strength is actually more than that of the Dark Angel, and the opponent does not directly fight directly, but uses various harassment tactics to delay the Dark Angel's attack.

In this war, Ryan used a large number of taboo technological weapons, causing the rebels to suffer heavy casualties. Even though Horus had a huge advantage in military strength, he did not dare to easily confront Ryan head-on.

Watching the beating numbers of casualties, Horus was already numb. Ryan's military ability was undoubtedly not inferior to his own, and the First Legion was originally a unit commanded by the Emperor himself, and there were a large number of super weapons stored by the Emperor.

At this time, Ryan is used on the battlefield, and Horus's front line is likely to be defeated by Ryan if it continues like this.

What's more, the Loyalist troops from the rear are also rushing here. Once the other Loyalist troops arrive, Horus' collapse will only happen sooner or later.

At this time, the only way for Horus to break the situation is the emperor on the earth. As long as Lorja can bring the emperor back, there is still a chance for a comeback.


Angron quietly watched the incoming information, and Kahn asked Angron: "Aren't we going to act yet? Horus' troops are already in decline. We join the battle at this time, and Horus' troops are collapsing quickly." Come back faster."

Angron: "It's not that simple. Horus has planned this rebellion for so long and has already made full preparations. Do you think his strength is only here? No, his cards are far more than these."

Angron looked out the window: "Use your brain more, what do you think we can get by attacking now? Don't forget that our good allies haven't moved yet."

Kahn: "You mean the Thousand Sons will stab us in the back?"

Angron: "When I connected with him from my father, he gave me a lot of knowledge. There is a story about a kind of insect called a cicada. The mantis cannot see that a praying mantis is about to eat it, and the praying mantis cannot notice the oriole behind him because his attention is so focused on the cicada."

Kahn: "This is a very philosophical story. What you mean is that we will be the oriole, and we will dispatch it after the Thousand Sons Legion dispatches."

Angron: "No, we're going to be oriole hunters. After the other loyalists arrive and defeat Horus, we'll kill them all at once."

(End of this chapter)

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