40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 141 Battle of the Fortress

Chapter 141 Battle of the Fortress ([-])

It rained heavily, and the smell of blood in the air was diluted a lot, but it was still very heavy.

John Connor watched as the gathering place that had been rebuilt with great difficulty was completely destroyed. This was not done by Skynet, but by other more malicious things.

Skynet kills people out of emotionless execution. In war, except for experimental research, it cleans up human beings very quickly.

And these things prefer to kill people after their tortured mental breakdown. They enjoy the screams and pain of innocent people.

The blasphemy of the eight-pointed star and the altar of bloody corpses, a cult of evil in the truest sense of the word.

Those evil cultists are torturing innocent people in the most vicious and filthy ways they can think of.

Connor raised the chainsaw sword in his hand: "Kill!"

Connor and the rebel fighters behind him rushed down, and when the cultists were all focused on their priests, Connor's troops had already surrounded them.

They use high-tech weapons such as light guns, blasters, and plasma weapons equipped by the Iron Lord to pour out their anger on the cultists.

A wizard released a magical flame when he raised his hand, and the flesh and bones of the person stained with the flame began to twist sickly and rapidly.

His flesh and blood crumbled into ooze, his bones twisted weirdly, and his internal organs melted to death while screaming.

The vicious magic in front of them undoubtedly dealt an extremely shocking blow to the morale of the soldiers.

"Fear not, warriors, you are warriors of the Emperor, and the Light of God is concerned to protect you."

Lorgar led a group of priests and nuns to stand on the commanding heights of a hill, and his voice was transmitted to all parts of the battlefield by a strange force.

Hymns and prayers written on parchment were taped to his power armor, and in his right hand he held a golden scepter, while in his left he held the Emperor's Word written and bound by himself.

He exudes a golden holy radiance, and under this radiance, endless courage arose in the hearts of all the emperor's warriors.

Lorgar certainly set off a mighty tidal wave of courage, which swept away the fear of the wizard's evil spell, and the soldiers rushed forward and tore the wizard to pieces.

Lorgar walked slowly into the battlefield, behind him was a long procession of priests, nuns and believers.

They recite words and hymns from the Emperor's Word, and come to the rescue of wounded civilians and warriors when they are around.

When encountering heretical heretics, smash their heads with a chain hammer in your hand, or tie them up and build a pyre to purify them with flames.

Soon everything was over, Connor looked at the suffering people in the ruins, he was extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

Connor: "How much longer, how much more suffering do people have to endure?"

Luo Jia put his hand lightly on Connor's shoulder: "No matter how much suffering, the God Emperor is with me, no matter how much suffering we will bear together."

Luo Jia's words made people feel comfortable like a spring breeze blowing on his face, which made Connor unconsciously let go of the burden in his heart.

Connor smiled at Luo Jia: "I heard that you will be appointed Pope soon."

Luojia smiled: "My brother Perturabo hopes that I will help my father manage and teach the believers. He said that my father agreed to this matter. This is the affirmation of the God Emperor. I will definitely not let him down."


Perturabo looked at the document in his hand, and he asked George beside him, "How are you preparing for the ceremony?"

George: "Lord Lorgar's ceremony has been prepared, but you don't seem to like Lord Lorgar, why did you give up this important job of guiding people's beliefs?"

George has been working under Perturabo for a long time, and he was able to climb up to this position step by step. Apart from his decent handling ability, it is because he never hides anything from Perturabo.

Perturabo is undoubtedly a very suspicious person, which he discovered very early in the time when George was in contact with Perturabo, so he never concealed any thoughts in his heart from Perturabo.

He will not do things on his own, he completely obeys Perturabo's orders, no matter how small the order is, even if it is building a fortress, every brick and tile in the decoration will firmly follow Perturabo's orders Execute the build.

This made Perturabo willing to hand over many things to George to execute. Perturabo was not angry when George saw his dislike for Lorgar and said it directly.

He likes this young man who never hides anything about himself, and he is willing to answer George's curiosity many times.

Perturabo: "Because no one is more suitable for this position than him, I really don't like his set, but his set is really useful, the work efficiency of Bastion has improved a lot, and there are many people who are willing to join us , so I will give him this position."

This is the truth, but it is also a clever lie that uses the truth to deceive people. The reason why Perturabo made Lorgar the Pope was because he had to find something for Lorgar to do.

It's best that he has no time to spare due to the massive number of things, otherwise this guy is always clamoring to see his father, which is not allowed by Perturabo.

Another reason was that Perturabo was already planning to leave, he didn't want to fight with so many brothers on this crowded planet.

Let these guys make trouble here, he is almost finishing all the procedures, and if he finds the right opportunity, he will take his father out of this ghostly place.


Lorgar looked at the two brothers in front of him, Koz was sharpening the dagger in his hand, and Alpharius looked at Koz sharpening the dagger.

Lorgar: "Glad we are together again. The Warmaster is not pleased with Koz that you have left us behind to pursue your father's treachery."

"Giggle, unhappy? What does he want? Kill me?" Ke Zi mocked in a hoarse voice.

Alpharius: "Koz, where is your legion?"

Kezi: "Who knows? Maybe it was buried in the ground, or swept away to another time and place."

Lorgar: "Are you so indifferent to your legion?"

Koz: "Believe me, I don't care about them if I kill them all. I don't care about them. I don't think you really care about them. What you care about is being your knives to kill people and serve as cannon fodder for you. That's all."

Alpharius stopped Lorgar from continuing to quarrel with Kezi, and Alpharius asked: "Can you meet the Emperor's location? Perturabo hid him very well, and my informants have no way of finding traces." .”

Ke Zi: "Of course I know, I always knew, I have many opportunities to attack him, but I didn't, because it needs an opportunity, and it's useless for us to do anything without the opportunity."

Alpharius: "Where is the opportunity?"

Ke Zi showed a strange smile: "It will be when you attack tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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