Chapter 15
A major event happened, and the forces of chaos surged out of the maelstrom. The first to face the impact of chaos was of course Cadia, which was at the forefront.

Chaos war gangs and renegade forces from all over the world have also become active. Commissar Kane's Billy planet is in the limit star field, not too close to the maelstrom but not far away.

The sudden outbreak of war also affected them. After hearing the news from Political Commissar Kane, Liu Bi secretly thought that it was unlucky, but they are not the main battlefield here, but they are only affected by the aftermath of the front-line war, and will not be involved in the real war of ghosts and snakes.

But what Liu Bi didn't expect was that he was not affected by the frontline war, but the frontline was advancing towards him, and a large group of monsters and monsters were rushing towards his position.

But if Abaddon wants to come out, he must break the blockade of Cadia, otherwise Chaos will not be able to give him enough demonic support in the real world.

Not to mention Abaddon, Proportion is under attack at this time, and a large number of green-skinned pirates are descending from orbit, and the number is too large to be accurately counted.

"Brother, I'm going to the battlefield, are you going too?" Political Commissar Kane asked Liu Bi who was following him.

Liu Bi nodded: "Of course, otherwise what would you do if you ran away?"

Commissar Kane had no choice but to take him with him. At this time, Jurgen had already prepared the Salamander armored vehicle.

Jurgen: "Sir, it's ready, we're ready to go."

Political Commissar Kane nodded: "Okay, head towards the Governor's Mansion."

Of course Kane would not go to the front line, he is not stupid, he has already heard the tragedy of the front line from the communication channel, he will not foolishly rush to get shot.

He had already thought of an excuse to avoid going to the battlefield. He heard that there was some chaos in the Governor's Mansion, and it seemed that someone was causing trouble.

Kane immediately volunteered to investigate. The reason he gave was also very good. The Governor's Mansion is in the rear, so there is no room for loss.

If it was someone else, everyone would definitely think that person wanted to be a deserter, but political commissar Kane has proved the accuracy of his sixth sense countless times and saved the entire regiment and all friendly troops countless times.

With his glorious record, no one thought he would be afraid of fighting. In fact, the entire Valhalla 597 regiment felt that Commissar Kane was the kind of ruthless person who liked to go to dangerous battlefields the most.

Liu Bi knew Kane's character, so he followed Kane to death. This guy would definitely find a safe place to spend time, and he could easily get through this war as long as he followed.

The Salamander armored vehicle drove towards the Governor's Mansion. The road was full of people, and it was impossible for the vehicle to pass through it. Commissar Kane seemed to see an acquaintance in the crowd.

Kane yelled, "Cullis!"

A middle-aged man dressed as a local senior military officer also saw Kane, and he hurried to the front of the car: "Commissar Kane? Why are you here?"

Political Commissar Kane: "I heard that there is some trouble in the Governor's Mansion? Is Miss Nora okay?"

Kulis: "It's too messy here, the guards covering the governor have already evacuated."

Commissar Kane: "Why do you want to evacuate the Governor's Palace?"

Kulis: "It was an assassination. There was an enemy's secret attempt to assassinate her in public. Although it was stopped, the old housekeeper still proposed to send the governor to take refuge in the fort built by successive governors."

fortress?That must be safe, I will hide there too.

Political Commissar Kane thought so in his heart, and said: "I have to see the governor and report to her about the situation of the Star Militia Army by the way."

Kulis: "No need, the guards will protect the Governor. We, the angels of Billy Star, are loved and treated by all the people of Billy Star. These people also came to guard freely when they heard that the Governor was assassinated."

Political Commissar Kane: "Seeing her in person is fine, and our soldiers will feel much more at ease."

Kulis: "If you insist, the fort is to the southwest. Do you need me to lead the way?"

Commissar Kane: "That would be great."

Culis got in the car, and soon regretted getting out, nearly throwing up from Jurgen's body odor.

Fortunately, the officer seemed to have seen the world, so he suppressed it.

Liu Bi didn't care, he stayed in the garbage dump all year round, and was immune to the smell, and being with Jurgen seemed to remind him of something else, as if someone like Jurgen had been by his side before.

The car was driving all the way, and Culis directed it forward. In fact, the rut marks that Kane and the others followed the governor could pass without Culis guiding the way.

"Just go straight to the intersection."

When they arrived at an intersection, Kulis told Jurgen to go straight, but Commissar Kane stopped Jurgen: "Wait a minute."

Culis asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Commissar Kane: "You said the road to the fort should go straight?"

Cullis said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Political Commissar Kane: "Then why did the traces of the car brigade we followed all the way turn here?"


Dante's fleet has been delayed in space travel for too long, and the main reason is that the problems of the Red Tears have occurred one after another recently.

When sailing, I always deviate from the sailing, which makes the route that can be completed in a short time extend until now it has not completed half of it.

The technical sergeant came to Dante: "My lord, we have checked and there is nothing abnormal."

Dante: "But the Red Tears deviates from the course as soon as it starts, and it always goes in one direction."

The chief technical officer said: "I can sense the restlessness of the machine soul, she seems to sense something and wants to go somewhere."

At this moment, Mephiston rushed in excitedly: "My lord, brothers, listen to me, we must go to this place, I prophesied, no, I saw it, we must go to his side, he is waiting for us."

(End of this chapter)

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