40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 16 Two Astartes

Chapter 16 The Two Astartes
Liu Bi and Kane's political commissar followed the traces until they came to a remote place, and then saw a bloody scene.

There are minced meat corpses and broken limbs everywhere, which can no longer be described as a battlefield, it is simply a minced meat processing factory.

Culis saw this scene from the salamander, and the feeling of vomiting that had been suppressed could no longer be suppressed, so he vomited out directly.

Commissar Kane immediately ordered Jurgen: "Hurry up and go back to the regiment headquarters."

Jurgen immediately turned around and slammed on the accelerator to walk back without any hesitation. One of Jurgen's great advantages is that Commissar Kane's orders will be executed meticulously without any hesitation or questioning.

Liu Bi: "Aren't you going to investigate for clues?"

Political Commissar Kane: "Please, check it out. I've only seen this scene on an Astarte-level battlefield. Maybe the other party hasn't left yet. You go down and compete with them."

Liu Bi: "Then let's go."


Something exploded in front of the Salamander armored vehicle, and the huge force directly overturned the vehicle to the ground. I don't know what kind of bomb is so powerful that it can blow the Salamander into the air.

Then I heard the sound of heavy footsteps landing on the ground. It felt like someone wearing overweight iron boots stomping on the ground.

Culis struggled to get out from under the car, and as soon as he stood up, he saw an Astartes in blue armor raised his hand and shot him.


The explosive bomb hit Kulis's upper body and it exploded into a blood mist on the spot, leaving only half of his body falling to the ground with a "bang".

At this moment, a voice came from a distance: "How can you shoot indiscriminately? I said at least keep your head. We need to know the relevant news."

The Astarte put away his gun: "It was just killing a mortal bastard, there are three alive in the car."

A gray Astartes warrior stepped out: "You shouldn't have been allowed to participate in this mission. You have made such a big fuss because of the sneak mission."

Liu Bi, Commissar Kane, and Jurgen got out from the other side and leaned on the salamander as a cover.

Kane hurriedly took out the communicator: "We have encountered hostile Astartes here, repeat, we have encountered hostile Astartes here, and the governor has been attacked and his life is unknown."

Colonel Kasteen's voice came from the communicator: "We will come to support immediately."


Political Commissar Kane boosted morale and said: "Everyone hold on, our support will be here soon... huh?"

Commissar Kane saw Jurgen pinned to the ground by a Night Lord covered in skeletons.

Liu Bi raised his hands and surrendered: "Fuck you! Astartes! I'm just a mortal, why don't you try it."

Commissar Kane also raised his hand, and then the three of them were tied up, and the Night Lord took Commissar Kane to the other side.

The space warrior in gray armor squatted down and said to Liu Bi: "Who are you? Why are you here? My companion will ask another person, if your confession is not correct by then, believe me, you will die a miserable death."

Liu Bi took a breath and said, "My name is Liu Bi, and the one next to him is Jurgen, and the one over there is Commissar Caphas Kane, the political commissar of the Valhalla 597 regiment. We came here to find the governor, and we found that the governor's driving route didn't match, so we followed him to have a look."

The gray armor Astarte was taken aback: "You really said everything, why did you explain it so quickly?"

Liu Bi: "I'm not on the same side as them. I was wanted by the trial court and wanted to find a place to hide, so I kidnapped the political commissar Kane on the opposite side and asked him to arrange for us to be an Star Guard."

The Gray Armored Astarte chuckled and said, "You said you were wanted by the Tribunal. What did you do that made you want them to want you?"

Liu Bi: "Take a document from them?"

Gray Armor Astartes: "What document?"

Liu Bi: "I don't know, the file is encrypted and I can't read it at all."

Gray Armor Astartes: "Where's the file?"

Liu Bi: "In the hands of my son."

Gray Armor Astartes: "How to contact them?"

Liu Bi: "I have a communicator in my pocket, I can contact them."

The Gray Armor Astarte found the communicator in Liu Bi's pocket, and then let him go to make a call.

Liu Bi dialed the phone and said, "Xiao He, bring the file here, I'm..."

Liu Bi looked at the Gray Armored Astartes, who pinched the phone with three armored fingers: "Your father is in my hands, if you want him to live, bring the file to the location I sent you."

The other side was silent for a while and then replied coldly: "Understood."

The Gray Armor Astarte hung up the phone, at this time Liu Bi asked again: "Are you from the Shadow Moon Wolf?"

The gray armored Astarte lit up his shoulder armor logo, which was a crescent moon and a wolf's head logo: "You know this?"

Liu Bi: "I know, the symbol of the Shadow Moon Wolf in the era of the 30K Great Expedition."

The gray armor Astarte smiled: "I know a lot, what else do you know?"

Liu Bi thought for a while and asked, "Are you Abaddon's subordinates? Are you the vanguard of the invasion here?"

Gray Armor Astarte: "No, it's just that we have some things to do. Don't worry, as long as you cooperate, we will let you go after we finish our own things."

Liu Bi: "It seems that you are not the ones who killed the governor and his party."

Gray Armor Astartes: "How can I see that?"

Liu Bi: "There was a tragic scene where no one was left alive. Obviously, this wave of people didn't want to leave any one alive. They were doing extremely covert and time-critical matters, so they didn't even cover it up hastily. The way you left us for questioning is obviously different from the way you waited casually."

Gray Armor Astarte: "Oh, boy, maybe I'm just pretending. Maybe we've finished our work, and the rest will be done by other companions. We just have to wait."

Liu Bi: "I don't think you are like that."

"Think? Heh, kid, don't trust your feelings too much. I used to think that some things would never happen, but even if it happened, feelings can be deceiving."

Although this gray-armored Astarte was wearing a helmet, Liu Bi could still see sadness from his tone and body movements.

These two Astartes have a story, which may be a turning point for things. We have to figure out their purpose of coming here. There is something tricky here, and maybe there will be some benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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