40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 17 I am Alpharius

Chapter 17 I am Alpharius

Political commissar Liu Bi and Kane were blindfolded and taken away by two Astartes. They walked around in circles along the way. It was delusional to try to remember the way.

When Liu Bi woke up, they were already locked in a basement, the surrounding bricks were all wet, and they didn't know where they were.

Liu Bi's hands and feet were bound by iron chains as thick as a child's fist, and there was no way to break free. Before the two Astartes searched them all over their bodies, all metal objects were taken away, not even the metal buttons on their clothes.

Liu Bi sighed and thought, "What a professional! These two must have done a lot of kidnapping and extortion business, kidnapping people are so professional."

Liu Bi didn't know how they tied it. The tighter the iron chain was, the tighter he was, he would definitely be unable to run away, and something was stuffed in his mouth, the size of a small ball, but he couldn't swallow it, and he couldn't spit it out.

It was all because the thing smelled like medicine when it touched the saliva, which made the whole mouth numb and couldn't make a whining sound, so I had no choice but to wait for someone to rescue it.


But what are Xiao He and Xiao Sheng doing at this time?They modified the gun in a processing factory. Under their tampering, the power of a bomb was three times stronger than the original one. Of course, the size and recoil were correspondingly stronger.

Xiaosheng welded a chainsaw sword to a metal pipe with a welding torch, then moved the switch down and installed it, turning it into a chainsaw spear.

Xiao He fiddled with the two power swords for a while, removed the position generator on it, and installed it on a claw just made of steel, so Xiao He had to get a power claw.

Where did these weapons come from?

This is thanks to the two Holy Blood Angels who came to Valhalla's 597 regiment as guests, and sponsored the equipment for Xiao Sheng and Xiao He in their sleep (knocked out).

The two of them were not too dark, at least the power armor didn't touch them, mainly because they didn't have time and tools for processing, otherwise they would have to borrow the two sets of armor to make them smaller and wear them for two days.

Xiao He raised the Power Claw that he had made with his own hands: "Complete."

The blue-white electric light flickered on the claws, and Xiao He easily cut a corner of the metal work table aside with a light wave.

Xiaosheng also put on his equipment and took the chainsaw spear: "Let's go, I have to save Dad."

Xiao He took out two grenades and handed them to Xiao Sheng: "Hey, when you said we knocked those two guys out, why did they kneel down when they saw you?"

Xiaosheng thought for a while: "I don't know, I just feel that the two of them don't look like bad guys. I really like them from the bottom of my heart."

Xiao He: "These Astartes are simply the best soldiers in the army. If I can make those two guys obey my command, I can stand on this planet within three months."

Xiaosheng: "Then recruit soldiers and buy horses to become the king and take down Taila and make Dad the emperor? You become a commander in chief? Dad won't agree. He just wants to earn money and marry a wife, and he doesn't want to fight or kill."

Xiao He put her arms around Xiaosheng's shoulders: "Being an emperor can also marry a wife. At that time, Dad will pick all the beauties in the galaxy. How about the rest after Dad chooses? What do you think of the red-haired woman named Kasteen? If Dad handles her, we will have an astral army."

Xiaosheng gave Xiaohe a white look: "Your hegemony started with your dad selling your looks?"

Xiao He touched her "hairstyle": "It's not that I can't sell myself, the main reason is that I haven't met a good buyer. Let me tell you, I have found a goal. As long as I get her, we will definitely get up..."

Xiaosheng put on his backpack: "Don't brag, the first thing to do is to rescue Dad."

The two got on the stolen and modified motorcycle, Xiao Sheng drove, Xiao He sat in the back, and the two drove out.

Xiao He took out a locator: "It has to be the foresight of the old man, who buried the locator under his skin, so we can find him immediately."

Xiaosheng: "Colonel Kasteen has already mobilized people to save people, and the chances of us saving people in secret will be much higher."

Xiao He: "Dad said that if you encounter a situation that cannot be saved, you can shoot him in the head. He will pretend to be dead until the danger is over, and then come back to life."

Xiaosheng: "But if you use this trick under the eyes of everyone, if you are recognized later, then the father's secret will be completely exposed. The father said that his physique is called eternal life, which belongs to a kind of spiritual power. If he is caught, he will be taken to burn the astronomical torch."

Xiao He took out the map and started planning: "Look for an opportunity, don't use this trick to escape unless it is absolutely necessary."


Sitting around the fire, the two Astartes took off their helmets, revealing two handsome faces, but one was as pale as a corpse and the other was bald.

Bald head: "Kasimota, do you think I will succeed?"

Kasimota disemboweled a local murine animal he caught, and then skewered it with twigs and roasted it on the fire: "It's hard to say! Mozen, the other party is Hydra, and their credit is almost zero."

Mozen: "Then we still come here to take risks?"

Kasimota: "Because we have no choice, our hundreds of brothers, our fathers are all mutinous Primarchs, what has become of the current empire? Superstition, stubbornness, chaos, without a Primarch to lead us, we will have no future."

Mozeen: "Will Kezi be a good Primarch? We got Konrad Kozi's body from them, even if the rejuvenation spell works, and resurrect a young Primarch, he can lead us on the right path in the future?"

Kasimota: "We can teach him to be a good Primarch."

Mozen growled: "But we don't even know what we are! Are we good people? We're just a bunch of people who can't survive alone and piled up to rot together."

Kasimota was silent for a while and then said, "The Emperor bless you."

Mozen: "Enough, the Emperor is not a god, he spurned the gods, have you forgotten what happened to the Word Bearers?"

Kasimota smiled bitterly: "That incident seems to have happened yesterday, not for us, because it should have happened not long ago. It has been more than 1 years since we came out of the subspace turbulence, but we feel that it has only been a few months. A joint team composed of several of our legions went to perform a mission, and when they came out, they became traitors to the empire. Gree said in front of the state church priest that the truth of the empire was shot in the head and died by an idiot fanatic, and then we fought with the empire."

Mozeen: "If Gree doesn't die, go to Macragge to find someone from the Ultramarines Legion to explain clearly to us. Are we in a different situation now?"

Kasimota: "Based on what you're saying, if Lorja is not rebellious, will he get what he wants by now?"

"It's a pity that there are no ifs in the facts."

Quasimodo: "Are you here?"

A man in a black robe walked up to the light of the fire: "Hi, I'm Alpharius."

(End of this chapter)

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