40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 171 Guilliman’s Catharsis

Chapter 171 Guilliman’s Catharsis
The battle was over, it was over when the Conqueror was ready to fight.

The Emperor is far more powerful than Guilliman and the others imagined. Even if He only has one-tenth of his power now, when this man walks among the stars, no existence can match Him, even if he can survive. Swallowing the swarm fleet of a galaxy is as easy as squeezing a few ants to death in His hands.

The Emperor did not return to the battleship. He sat cross-legged on the roof of the Conqueror, looking at the wreckage of the battlefield ahead.

Guilliman put on his armor and helmet and allowed a Thunderhawk to carry him to the top of the Conqueror. The Thunderhawk landed on top of the Conqueror's ship.

Guilliman stepped off the Thunderhawk and said to the pilot on the communication channel: "Leave here and go back, and come back to pick us up when I call you."

The driver turned his head and glanced at the golden figure: "I can wait here. I can be here at your command at any time."

He wanted to stay a little longer and get closer to the god that he and his ancestors had believed in for thousands of years. For this reason, he would not leave even if the oxygen ran out and suffocated him to death.

Guilliman: "What follows is a private time between a son and a father. Do you understand? There is nothing interesting to see. You certainly don't want to have outsiders around when you are talking to your father."

Pilot: "Sir, I am an orphan."

Guilliman: "..."

Guilliman turned to look at the Thunderhawk, letting the other person see his front, pointing at the mouth of his visor: "Look at my mouth, get out of here, get out of here with this broken Thunderhawk right now." Go back to the parking deck."

Amidst the threats from the original body, the pilot reluctantly drove the Thunderhawk back to the deck.

Guilliman came to the Emperor and stood behind him, thinking about how to speak, asking his father about his next strategic plan, and then trying to find a way to secretly gauge his father's attitude towards his current brothers.

The Emperor smiled at Guilliman: "You don't have to be so angry."

The Emperor was not wearing a helmet. Theoretically, they were in space at this time, and sound could not be transmitted without air, but Guilliman could hear the Emperor's voice clearly, as if they were not in a vacuum universe.

The Emperor turned his head and looked at Guilliman gently: "Son, take off your helmet and let me see your face. It has been a long time since I have looked at you seriously."

No one could refuse the Emperor's request, especially when he made it to Guilliman in a fatherly voice.

Guilliman didn't hesitate for a second and immediately opened his helmet. As for the dangerous consequences of this dangerous move, Guilliman didn't even think about it. This was his absolute trust in his father.

Guilliman opened his helmet, but the air leakage and rapid loss of temperature in space that should have occurred did not appear.

Guilliman's presence with the Emperor was like being in Macragge, the land of his birth, where he could breathe the fresh air and feel the warm rays of the sun emanating from his father.

Guilliman came and knelt before the Emperor.

The Emperor reached out to touch the wrinkles on Guilliman's forehead and saw a strand of white hair carefully hidden among his golden locks.

Guilliman burst into tears. He felt his father's pity for him. He could no longer suppress the long-suppressed feelings, from the longing for his family after the death of his adoptive father and adoptive mother, to the various horrors he encountered in the cold and cruel universe. threats, brother's betrayal and misunderstanding, and his descendants died in large numbers in battle.

For the first time in this universe, he cried like a child in front of his father.

On the roof of the Conqueror, Guilliman's tears and nose were all flowing out, and he opened his mouth wide and cried loudly.

The emperor smiled and hugged the big blue boy in front of him, reaching out to pat his back.

Guilliman only felt so safe and warm in his father's arms. He gradually became tired of crying and closed his eyes to sleep.

When he woke up again, he had returned to his room. Guilliman stretched. It was the first time that he slept so solidly, and he was so full of strength and spirit.

For the first time in this dark and dangerous universe, he didn't have to think about anything and felt at ease in the true sense of the word. He got enough rest.There was no place in the universe where the Primarch could feel more safe and secure than in the arms of the Emperor. One night crying in his father's arms allowed him to let out all the negative emotions he had suppressed for many years. Now Guilliman felt Easier than ever.

At this time, there was a knock on Guilliman's door, and Guilliman said, "Please come in."

The person who came in was Efreni. Guilliman smiled gently and said, "Good morning, Ms. Efreni."

Efreni entered the room and saw Guilliman. She was surprised: "I feel you have become stronger."

Guilliman: "It should be said that I am truly healthy now."

Efreni pointed at Guilliman's neck: "Your wound is gone?"

Guilliman touched his throat, and the scar Fulgrim left on him disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Guilliman praised: "It must be my father's great power that helped me cure it."

Efreni: "The Emperor has once again worked his miracles."

Guilliman instinctively wanted to refute that his father was not a god, but when he was about to open his mouth, the reality that the Emperor single-handedly destroyed the entire Tyranid fleet and healed his own injuries came to mind.

Guilliman changed the subject: "What brings you to me?"

Efrenie: "I've come to say goodbye to you."

Guilliman frowned: "You want to leave? Why?"

Efreni: "The real decisive battle is about to begin. My god asked me to summon all the Eldar warriors. Together with the Emperor, we will avenge the Chaos Gods."

Guilliman exclaimed: "Father plans to unite the Eldar to confront the evil god head-on?"

Everene: "The Eldar, Orcs, and Necrons have united with a large number of forces in reality. The current Emperor has this strength and courage. He will summon all his sons, and Chaos will attack them in the future. There is a price to pay for the crimes committed in the real universe.”

Guilliman nodded: "This is certain. Humanity and the Eldar will stand on the same front when facing the issue of Chaos."

Efreni opened her mouth to speak but then stopped, Guilliman asked: "What's wrong?"

Efreni: "Say this may make you angry, but I'd better not say it."

Guilliman: "There are only you and me here now. Under the witness of my father, our two races have officially formed an alliance. I am not a stingy person. You can express any opinion you have."

Efreni was silent for a while and then said: "Be careful of the Emperor."

The smile on Guilliman's face gradually disappeared: "I don't understand what you mean."

Everene: "The Emperor is gradually devouring the four gods. His power is getting stronger and his emotional side is gradually increasing. Don't you feel that his feelings for you and your brothers are from the heart? "

Guilliman: "Isn't that a good thing?"

Evelene: "The Four Gods will never really die. They are the aggregation of the emotions of living creatures. If the Emperor no longer loves all mankind selflessly, but selfishly only thinks about himself and his own genetic descendants, Then He will gradually move closer to Chaos and eventually become the Four Gods..."

"That's enough! Alien, are you trying to sow discord between me and my father?" Guilliman yelled angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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