40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 172 Mortarion vs. Mortarion

Chapter 172 Mortarion vs. Mortarion

On a wild planet...

Mortarion waved his scythe to harvest the Tyranid creatures in front of him. He never expected that there would be Tyranid creatures on this wild planet.

Liu Bi raised the Inquisitor's special bolt gun and fired accurately to kill the bugs that tried to get closer.

Liu Bi: "We have to break out. We can't let the bugs surround us. Find the webway and gather the Imperial Army and we'll leave immediately."

Mortarion: "Then stop talking nonsense."

Mortarion picked up the coins and ran away, wielding the Silent Scythe with one hand to harvest the Tyranids' heads.

The figure moved quickly like a ghost. Liu Bi raised his gun on Mortarion's shoulder and fired at the enemy in the distance.

The two ran for three days and three nights before they finally got rid of the bugs. In the following days, Liu Bi and Mortarion rested alternately. Mortarion always dreamed of many things.

There was a voice that encouraged him to kill Liu Coin, telling him about the emperor's conspiracy to use him, and doubts to encourage his ambition, which made him very irritated.

Mortarion asked Liu Bi while running, "Are you getting there?"

Liu Bi: "It's right in front."

The two came to a strange Stonehenge ruins, surrounded by what seemed to be a formation of a large number of boulders.

Liu Bi took out the key and was about to step forward, but was held back by Mortarion.

Liu Bi asked: "What's wrong?"

Mortarion: "I have a strange feeling, it seems..."

"It seems like there is another self, right?"

A hoarse voice sounded, and the calm and green environment around them suddenly disappeared. The Death Guards and Nurgle Demons, all infected with viruses and pustules, no longer hid.

There was a buzzing sound and the sound of the poisonous mist dissolving, and a huge figure in the sky enveloped Mortarion and Liu Bi.

The demon's plague robe is producing poisonous mist all the time, and the venom dripping from the sickle in his hand corrodes and poisons the world.

Mortarion saw something that made him most disgusting and unforgettable from ancient times. Although the fallen demon wore a breathing mask embedded in the flesh, Mortarion could still see the relationship between him and himself. That was Himself after becoming a demon.

The Daemon Primarch's fly wings flapped at hyperfrequency, allowing him to fly through the air like a disgusting fly.

As the wings flapped, the poisonous mist spread, and from afar, Mortarion could smell the stench of the other party, which was enough to infect respiratory diseases.

"The Corpse Emperor who stole the power of my loving father has finally found you. Now give your father's power back."

A man with a bloated figure and a big belly made a gurgling sound from the unknown liquid bile in his stomach every time he took a step.

He had a single horn on his head, a scythe in one hand and a ceremonial dagger in the other, and pus was constantly emerging from the gaps in the armor.

He was walking towards Mortarion and Liu Bin step by step.

Demon Mortarion said coldly: "Typhons, please be quiet. I am the leader of this operation."

That thing is actually Typhons?Mortarion looked at the Nurgle Vanguard in front of him in surprise.

Typhons: "Of course Primarch, but I don't want any more mistakes. Last time, because of your negligence, Guilliman and the Eldar wizard ran away with a part of the Emperor."

Demon Mortarion: "I am the Lord of the Legion, please be quiet, or I will seal you into my scythe." Mortarion took advantage of the two people's quarrel to start observing the surrounding battlefield, and wanted to lead him They followed Liu Bi to break out of the siege, only to find that they were surrounded by demons and they were completely surrounded.

Liu Bi turned his back to Mortarion and quietly handed him the key to open the webway. He whispered to Mortarion: "Xiao Mo, I will use my power to open a way for you in a while. I am behind you, and you run out to find someone." Come and save me."

Looking for help here and there?Looking for those bugs?
Mortarion complained in his heart, but nodded calmly.

Liu Bi slapped his hands on the muddy ground, activated his power, and a large number of huge vines broke out from the ground, growing and spreading rapidly in one direction.

The demons and traitorous Astartes on the road were overwhelmed by the tide of vines before they could react and were trapped under the vines.

Liu Bi shouted: "Xiao Mo, hurry up... eh?"

Liu Bi felt like he was being lifted up and thrown towards the path made by the vines.

Mortarion shouted: "Run!"

Naturally, the demons Mortarion and Typhons did not watch the two people's movements, and they rushed forward immediately.

Mortarion raised his scythe and tried to block the two of them, but only blocked the demon Mortarion. Typhons immediately chose to bypass Mortarion.

The demon Mortarion angrily scolded Mortarion: "Why are you working for the false emperor? Don't you understand the truth I have been telling you these days?"

Mortarion responded with an even more angry slash: "So it's you who keeps making noise while I'm sleeping!"

The two Mortarions moved as fast as lightning, and their slashes had formed a storm of blades.

The demon Mortarion is even more powerful than Mortarion at this time. After becoming a demon, under his skin is the surging power of subspace. In terms of strength, he can easily suppress the mortal Mortarion.

Real time receded under his supernatural power, and the Daemon Primarch's scythe was swifter than Mortarion's.

After just one round of fighting, Mortarion's wrists, chest, and thighs were already covered in wounds.

If this continues, Mortarion will lose. Mortarion knows that in the future he has fallen into the evil way and has received a gift from the evil god. His vitality, speed, and strength are far superior to him. He must find some means to reverse the situation.

Mortarion thought quickly, and he remembered the conversation between the demon Mortarion and Typhons just now.

Mortarion suddenly had an idea: "Typhons doesn't seem to be convinced by you."

Daemon Primarch Mortarion: "What do you want to say?"

Mortarion: "Typhons is a good boy under me. What's wrong? Are you having a falling out?"

The demon primarch seemed to have recalled something, and angrily shouted: "This is none of your business!"

Mortarion's jaw was shattered by the opponent's huge power. He was shocked and at the same time felt the joy of discovering a breakthrough in the difficult problem.

Mortarion continued to speak with a smile: "You are anxious, you are anxious, what are you anxious about? I have touched your sore spot? Is it true that Typhons no longer listens to your orders now? Has he established his own business? Or should I say Now you take orders from him?”

The demon Mortarion suddenly calmed down: "You want to know?"

Mortarion prepared for the coming storm.

The devil's original face came towards me with a ferocious scythe: "Then I will cut off your hands and feet, and then bury you in the venom pool in the garden, so that you can experience the same pain as me, so that you can truly feel the same as me."

(End of this chapter)

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