40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 177 Chapter 22 Divine Power

Chapter 177 No.20 Two Divine Powers
The Emperor put on his hood and said to Commissar Kane: "By the way, you have to stay away when you see Sanguinius and Connor Decozi, my two children, and their legions. You know their precognitive abilities." If you will kill me in the future, they are already secretly sending people to kill you."

Commissar Kane’s hand holding the wine glass was trembling: “Then where can I hide?”

Emperor: "Try to hide as much as possible before seeing my true form. I will try my best to hide this from my sons, but it is destined that at least half of my sons will disobey my orders and kill you."

Commissar Kane: "Your Majesty, I don't think you need to make it so complicated if you want me to die."

Emperor: "I never wanted you to die, my friend. I always protected you."

Political Commissar Kane raised his glass and took a long sip: "But my life now is worse than death! I have to keep one eye open at night."

Emperor: "Take your time, the pain will soon be over."

Political Commissar Kane cried sadly: "Is there an end to this suffering? Why can't I see it?"

The emperor smiled, remembered something, and asked, "What time is it now?"

Commissar Kane looked at his watch: "8:20."

Emperor: "Hurry up and leave through the back door. My son is coming soon."

Commissar Kane quickly packed up his things: "Emperor, please take care, we are leaving first."

Commissar Kane and Commissar Yarrick said goodbye to the Emperor and hurriedly slipped out of the back door.

A few hours later, a commotion broke out outside the tavern. Several Astartes wearing yellow armor with heart-shaped blood drops on their shoulder pads entered the tavern.

They knelt down on one knee towards the hooded man sitting on the wine table.

Emperor: "Did Sanguinius still give chase?"

Several wailers lowered their heads and did not reply. Finally, the leader of the team spoke: "Lord Sanguinius asked us to apologize to you. He said that he could not watch you die without doing anything. Sanguinius My Lord said he would not take Commissar Kane's life, he just wanted the gun back."

The Emperor sighed: "My child, this is the best ending I can find after looking through all the timelines."


Guilliman faced these rebellious battles and it was a one-sided massacre. Guilliman grabbed the outstretched claw of a Terminator, grabbed his wrist, and punched his lower back with the power fist glove.

This punch directly broke the Terminator's armor spine support column and the spine of the person inside, causing the Astartes in front of him to fall to the ground.

Guilliman raised his foot and kicked the rebellious head on the ground, crushing its head to pieces.

The gunshots and flashes of explosive bombs and melta rang out, and the armor of destiny on his body made Guilliman completely ignore these attacks, and pulled out the dagger at his waist and rushed into the crowd.

"Who are you? You believe in the Great Power of Destruction, we can talk" the warband lord yelled and backed away, and the cannon on his arm also ceased fire, expressing goodwill.

Unexpectedly, Guilliman completely ignored the words of the warband lord and rushed forward with a massacre. All the rebel Astartes who boarded the ship were killed by Guilliman.

The warband lords of the Sons of Guilliman could not believe that there could be such a powerful being. They were like a group of children in front of Guilliman, so weak and helpless in front of him.

Guilliman faced that idiot warband lord without any nonsense and just took him away with a power punch.

After the battle, Guilliman sent a message to the captain: "Are there any places on the captain's ship where these bastards are found?"

The captain sitting in the command room was completely frightened by the bloody scene in front of him. Where did this ruthless man come from?Killing an Astartes is as easy as killing a bastard.

The captain swallowed: "There are no more. I can't see the enemy in the surveillance."

All the way to the command room, he found that his father and brothers were missing. Guilliman asked the captain: "Have you seen my father and brothers?"

Captain: "No."

Guilliman glanced at the captain's cabin. Everyone couldn't help but shift their gazes and shrink their necks when they were stared at by Guilliman.

It was obvious that Guilliman's killing spree had frightened everyone.At this time, Guilliman's armor suddenly received a signal communication from Mortarion.

"Guilliman, we are about to receive the spaceship. How are you doing there?"

Guilliman frowned: "The trash has been cleaned up, you want to accept the spaceship? When did you go to the other side?"

Mortarion: "Father opened the portal to send us here."

Guilliman: "Ask father to open another legendary door, and I will go there now."

Mortarion: "No need, we have finished cleaning up and will be back soon. Father is preparing to send this ship to the Webway for support."

Guilliman: "Sent to the Webway War? Is it useful for these guys to go?"

Mortarion: "Father said that the war in the Webway is not just about fighting. Now that the four gods are dormant, the battle in the Webway has been going smoothly. A lot of labor is needed to repair the facilities inside."

Guilliman: "Well, see you later."

After a flash, the entire pirate fleet disappeared into the physical universe, and the Emperor appeared on the lower deck with Mortarion and Angron.

At this time, the emperor was covered in golden light, and the floor he touched began to be contaminated. The ordinary metal floor actually shone with a holy light.

The Emperor's appearance naturally attracted the attention of the crew on the lower deck. These ragged people with pus-filled sores all over their bodies found that the sores on their bodies began to swell.

Under the illumination of the golden light, the muscles of the skinny bamboo pole-like body began to swell, and the whole body began to be filled with strength. The dirty, smelly sweat and stains all over the body began to disappear, as if it had been thoroughly washed with sweet springs.

Hungry stomachs no longer growl, and there is a large amount of life energy that fills the physical needs of these low-class people.

When they looked at the golden giant figure, the slaves who had been living in dark, crowded and often despised places since birth felt boundless optimism and courage for their future lives.

The slaves knelt down and prayed to that figure. Who was that?That was the Emperor, Lord of Mankind.

When a question arises in their mind, the answer is quickly generated.

+Don't continue exploring, don't look at me, don't get close, you will be eaten by me. +
A warning appears in everyone's heart.


Everyone asked this question at the same time.

The Emperor is now a god covering all latitudes. Although he is full of love and goodwill towards mankind, he is the god of chaos, and his power will pollute and assimilate everything around him.

Belief in Him is as dangerous as belief in the Four Chaos Gods, not more dangerous than that. It seems that shining under His light will gain unlimited benefits.

But that is actually the assimilation and erosion of chaos. Eventually, the whole person will be contaminated and assimilated by those forces and eventually become a part of it.

The Emperor expected people to escape from him, but these people issued a will.

"God! Please eat me so that we can become one with you."

"What an honor it is to be assimilated by God and become a part of God."

The emperor smiled bitterly. He knew that people were deceived by his power. Silly children, they would lose nothing if they were eaten by gods.

The Emperor staggered and almost fell. Angron and Mortarion rushed to support him.

Emperor: "Let's go. My power has become stronger again. This time it will take some time to suppress it again. We have to find my other clones. It must be the other clones that show some kind of power outside to increase the number of people who crazily believe in me." ”

The Emperor used his power to teleport the three of himself back to the room. He asked Angron and Mortarion to guard the room so that no one could disturb him.

(End of this chapter)

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