Chapter 178 Clone
The Emperor locked himself in the room after returning from the ground floor, with Angron and Mortarion guarding the door.

The middle and upper levels of the ship have remained the same as before, but the changes in the lower levels have been earth-shaking. The people at the lower levels, who were originally due to long-term malnutrition, have now reached the peak of ordinary human beings in terms of physical fitness.

With perfect muscle lines and beautiful and handsome appearance, the place where the emperor once stood has been shining with golden light.

Anyone who is sick or injured can have all their injuries repaired by just coming here and kneeling down and praying sincerely.

Any dirty water and moldy and stinking spoiled food brought here will be purified into sweet holy water and a holy meal that can sustain a person's nutrition for three days in one bite.

Any negative emotions such as worry, sadness and fear of those who come will be distorted into positive attitudes of courage, excitement, happiness and tranquility.

This is the place where the Emperor showed his true form and stood. Although the Emperor has been trying his best to suppress his power, it is inevitable that this place has been distorted and polluted, and it has become a sacred place for the Emperor.

If it were the place where Tzeentch stood, it would become a strange place that mutates and twists all the time. Tzeentch doesn't even know what it will become when entering that place.

The place where Nurgle stands will form a highly poisonous plague land, producing unlimited viruses, bacteria, and plagues.

The place where Slaanesh stays becomes a place of bliss, where all kinds of extreme pleasure and perverted entertainment can occur.

Wherever Khorne is, there is naturally a place of endless carnage, where the rules of gladiatorial combat, war, blood and skulls are twisted.

The most terrifying thing about the Chaos Gods is here. Wherever they are, the world will develop in the direction of their priesthood.

They have no shortage of subordinates. Wherever they come, the consciousness and body of living creatures will be distorted by their power, and even the physical rules of that place will be almost permanently distorted and changed.

This is not a good thing. There is a price behind all seemingly beautiful gifts. The Emperor used his power in the room to look down at the galaxy, and finally found the clone who was using power wantonly.

The merchant ship landed at the spaceport. This holy planet is called Venaris. It is famous for the statues of the emperor's saints. You can see the clusters of statues with the naked eye when you look down from the orbit of the spacecraft.

The Emperor and the three Primarchs disembarked from the ship. The Emperor had already used some means to transform the appearance of the four of them. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were just four ordinary men.

A spaceport is filled with religious statues and painted pictures. Priests preach around, and pilgrims get off the spacecraft. They hold candles and go to the surface to worship.

Guilliman: "Where should we go?"

Emperor: "Follow me."

The emperor took the three people to a hotel in Starport. The emperor took the three people straight to a room No. 13.

The emperor reached out and easily opened the door to the room. No one was staying here at this time, and there was no one inside.

Angron looked at the narrow room: "What are we looking for here?"

Emperor: "My clone lived here, and this clone of mine is quite special."

Mortarion: "What's special?"

Emperor: "That was a period of my history. At that time, I hoped to use religious beliefs to guide mankind to do good. In the end, I found that the faith I developed had caused boundless harm to mankind that continues to this day in human history. So I started from that time Produced a hatred of religion for its own stupidity."

Illusions began to appear in the room, and scenes that had happened in this room began to reappear.

Two figures appeared in the room, one was Conrad Coates, whom everyone was familiar with, and the other was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

Although he looks ordinary, his eyes are very bright and seem to contain the wisdom of endless years. Looking into his eyes will make people feel calm.

Kezi looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of him: "Get out of the way." The Emperor said: "Don't go, child, don't be stained with blood for me anymore."

Koz: "...will kill you."

Emperor: "Yes, that is my agreement with him."

Kezi: "I have protected you for so long, and your life is no longer just yours."

Emperor: "My life is not mine alone. When people lift me to the highest level, I should also protect them from the danger of falling from a high place."

Kezi: "They are just afraid of your power. Have you forgotten how this empire came about? Why did you create the Thunder Warriors, the Custodes, the Astartes and us?"

Emperor: "They just don't understand. No one is born to know everything. One day they will understand my wishes."

Kezi: "Your wish? The things you hate are held up by them. Look at this planet. Those who don't believe in you are burned alive. In your name, they do things as cruel as Chaos."

The Emperor stretched out his hand to Kozi: "Then go and correct them. There is nothing we can't do together?"

Kezi covered his face: "I won't play any game of saving the world with you. I will definitely kill a lot of people before I can return to normal."

The Emperor held Kezi's shoulders: "There is no need to kill anyone. Just watch from the sidelines and don't do anything. I will take care of everything."

Koz: "What are you going to do?"

Emperor: "You must promise me that no matter what harm I receive from the people of the Empire, you will not help me."

Kezi: "You plan not to use force? That's impossible."

Emperor: "Many times people just need some guidance and someone to tell them what to do."

Kezi: "Don't forget that this clone of yours doesn't have much strength. If someone catches you, one or two adults can knock you over. If you want to die, go ahead. I'm going to kill... I'll be there at six o'clock. The ship sets off.”

Kezi left the room, and the Emperor did not chase him. Instead, he stood there and sighed before walking out of the cabin.

Angron: "Koz left his father behind and left."

Mortarion: "Obviously it was a mistake to entrust his father to him. Koz has no sense of responsibility, neither for his father nor for his Legion."

Guilliman: "Who did Koz say would kill my father just now? Who does he seem to want to kill?"

Guilliman looked at the Emperor and asked: "Father, can you play it again? There seemed to be noise just now. I couldn't hear the name Kezi said clearly."

Emperor: "That's enough. Let's go find my clone first. If you find my clone in advance, you can find Kozi. Then you can ask him."

The three of them thought for a while and decided to do as their father said.

Guilliman: "Father, how should we find your clone next?"

The emperor looked at his middle-aged clone in the illusion: "Follow him."

The middle-aged man walked towards the door and walked out. The emperor and his three sons chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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