40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 179 Almost 1 point

Chapter 179 Almost

Commissar Kane felt itching on his palms. This was his innate sense of danger, and he began to look around cautiously.

Commissar Kane was undoubtedly very keen and could sense the most threatening assassination in the universe, but he still looked at the wrong place. He did not expect that this assassin could fly and was right above his head.

A figure streaked across the sky, carefully hiding its figure and adjusting its best position in the air, like a bird of prey slaying prey on the ground.

Sanguinius flew silently through the air, spear in hand, sword and pistol at his belt, armed for the hunt.

The time travel was not in vain. He got back a lot of equipment from the past, and also spent some time with his past self for emergency training to ensure that he was at his peak.

Because he knows that fate is not so easy to change, and he must make the best preparations to fight against fate.

+Stop, my son. +
The voice that suddenly appeared in his mind made Sanguinius suddenly tremble, but he still threw the spear at Commissar Kane without hesitation. The spear hit Commissar Kane like a meteor. This blow hit five hundred people around him. There will be absolutely no living things inside.

One hand grabbed the handle of the spear and stopped the huge energy.

Emperor: "This has nothing to do with your promise to use a gun and not hurt anyone."

Sanguinius looked at the Emperor who could stand in the air without wings: "Don't stop me, Father."

The emperor smiled and said: "The meat rolls in a shop here are very delicious, do you remember? You and Xiao He like to eat Grotto meat rolls the most. I just have some change in my pocket, how about we go and eat together? "

Tears flowed out of Sanguinius's eyes unconsciously: "I, I, I can't..."

Sanguinius threw a grenade at the Emperor. A blinding flash lit up, and a lethal sound wave spread out.

Sanguinius's helmet has special protection against this damage, so he will not be harmed. Of course, this kind of attack is not enough to hurt the Emperor.

Sanguinius just wanted to use these as a cover to get a chance to assassinate.

But when he looked down, he saw an Eldar prophet opening a teleportation circle and leading Kaifas Kane and Political Commissar Yaric into the circle.

"Kaine!" Sanguinius yelled.

Commissar Kane turned around and saw Sanguinius pulling out the Red Blade and throwing it at Commissar Kane. A flash of light flashed, and Commissar Kane could already see that the edge of the Red Blade was stuck in front of his eyes.

But in the end, he fell short. Before he touched Commissar Kane, Kane was teleported away, and the dyed red blade was inserted into the ground until it reached the hilt.

Sanguinius quickly stepped forward and looked around. It was a magic circle that had been drawn up long ago. The dead spirit aliens had already been prepared here to respond.

Sanguinius looked at the Emperor who was slowly landing on the ground in disbelief: "Father, did you ask the Eldar to pick him up in advance?"

The Emperor shook his head: "No, but Chaos will definitely publicize the news that Kane can kill me, and all the major forces in the universe will definitely know that the person who took Kane away must be a fanatic."

Sanguinius pointed to the magic circle carved on the ground: "They obviously have evil intentions. They took Kane away to deal with you."

The Emperor nodded: "I know, this is also my goodwill to them in exchange for their help in attacking the Eye of Terror."

Sanguinius analyzed calmly: "Then they stabbed you in the back and played the Kane card when both you and Chaos were hurt."

The emperor smiled: "My son, you are still so smart, able to point out the essence of any plan."

Sanguinius roared angrily: "Father, are you going to give up the Empire to the aliens?" The Emperor patted Sanguinius on the shoulder: "I am gone, and you are gone. In this universe, apart from me and that Four bastards, no one is a match for your brothers."

Sanguinius: "I don't understand, why? Why do you have to die, father?"

Emperor: "I died 1 years ago. It was destined. At that time, I chose to give up ascension and challenge those four guys in a mortal body. Now if I am given a choice again, I will choose the same way, just like My old friend said, die as a human being and don't live a long life as a bastard."

Sanguinius: "You will not be alone, I will be with you."

The emperor shook his head: "No, little saint, help me take care of your brothers and our race. They need you. Help me fulfill my dream and build a peaceful universe so that people will no longer live in such sorrow."

The Emperor told Sanguinius the follow-up plan. This was his will. He was an unfit father. After his death, he gave his children only responsibilities and tasks.

Emperor: "Let us go, Sanguinius, to join your brothers."


The streets were crowded with people, and a young man was being pressed by a group of battle nuns to go to the church for trial. The people around him were cursing and cursing him crazily.

These people did not know the young man's name or what he had done, so they could use the most vicious curses and curses on him.

Just because the bishops of this holy planet branded him a crime of "heresy."



"Burn him! Burn him!"

"Crack him with a whip and cut open his chest to show us his evil heart!"

The young people looked at the crowd around them, not with negative emotions such as anger and sadness, but with pity for the people being controlled by religious brainwashing.

Various things around him were thrown at him, including food scraps and stones. The person escorting him kept a distance from him to avoid being affected.

But the accuracy of these people's throwing things was surprisingly accurate. After throwing for a long time, nothing was thrown on him or got on his clothes.

The leading battle nun looked surprised when she saw this scene, but she quickly hid it.

The place where young people are judged is the Judgment Square of Justice on the planet Venaris. Because Venaris has to repair and maintain the huge and numerous icons of the God Emperor and saints, the people at the bottom work endlessly and desperately, and finally happen There were many uprisings.

The governor of Venares gathered a large number of people here to judge and kill them one by one. This was a place dedicated to the trial of heretics.

There is a high platform around the semicircle and in front of the square. The governor will stand on the high platform to judge heretics condescendingly, and the surroundings will be filled with state church personnel.

The surrounding clergy and nobles of the state church were wearing the most luxurious jewelry and gowns, and the young people could smell the choking smell even though they were far away from them.

These big shots pointed at the young people below as if they were animals in a cage.

After waiting for a while, an attendant came out and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Governor Lance Sisak and Bishop Von Dyer are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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