40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 182 Omnisiah 4-fit form

Chapter 182 Omnissiah Quadruple Form

In the webway, Chagatai Khan led his most elite hundred or so descendants to fight with the Chaos in the City of Hope together with the heroic spirits who fell thousands of years ago.

But it was very hard to persist. After all, they had to face all the demonic forces of the four evil gods. The endless demonic tide in front of them was just a small sand dune in the huge desert.

Countless demons are coming to the webway in a steady stream.

For thousands of years the Custodes and the Emperor have been thinking about repairing the Webway, but in the end they could only allow the demons to wreak havoc here.

If it hadn't been for the continued suppression by the Emperor's power, this raging demonic tide would have burst through the gate and poured into the real world.

"We still need more troops, father, think of a way quickly." Chagatai Khan killed a large number of demons with his sword, and he shouted to Liu Bi on the side.

Liu Bi smiled and said: "There is no other way but to fight hard. Are you afraid, kid?"

Chagatai Khan glanced at the wave of demons in the distance and suddenly felt relieved: "Hahaha! Father, you are not afraid. What should I be afraid of? Come on, let's see who can kill more between us, father and son."

Liu Bi and Chagatai Khan rushed to the front. They were like giant blades cutting through the tide, directly breaking through the demon tide. The road was full of dead demon corpses.

Although the demon corpses will soon disappear due to the loss of energy, they kill too fast. They dance their swords so fast that they can only hear the sound of wind and countless afterimages, like hundreds of knives flying around them. Slash.

The demon corpses had piled up into a high mountain at their feet. If the demons wanted to die in front of them, they would have to climb up this mountain of corpses before they could reach them.

Suddenly a burst of mist spread, not the mist caused by the flames, but the mist containing moisture.

Countless vines sprang out from the mist, entangled hundreds of demons, and then collected them like a python strangling its prey. The barbs on the vines minced the trapped demons into pieces.

A dull sound rang out, and a figure over a hundred meters tall slowly walked out. On his body were numerous weapons of various kinds, powerful enough to destroy several warlord-level Titans in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

All weapons opened fire, instantly clearing a more than ten kilometers of avenue from the demon group, spreading to the front of Chagatai Khan.

Chagatai looked at the divine machine in front of him in surprise. It was not that he had never seen a divine machine like the Mechanical Titan, but this Titan gave him a very different feeling. It seemed that it had a very special relationship with the Primarch.

Liu Bi pointed at the Titan: "Hurry up, kid. Omnisiah is here to pick you up. Get on it and join your brothers. It is your most powerful mount."

"Yes" Jaghatai Khan rode his motorcycle and rushed towards Omnisiah. At this time, the demons seemed to have discovered something. They rushed in front of Jaghatai Khan and stood between him and it, preventing them from letting them. Have some contact.

The surrounding vines, weapons and artillery fire were not decorations, they cleared the way for Chagatai Khan.

At this moment, several bloodthirsty demons of Khorne and Slaanesh flew out of the demonic tide and flew towards Jaghatai Khan.

The great demons of Slaanesh move very fast, and they all have the ability to teleport. In a few flashes of their figures, they arrived in front of Jaghatai, and used their claws to slash at Jaghatai Khan to stop him.

Jaghatai Khan hit the accelerator, and the motorcycle actually jumped on the spot and flew towards the Great Demon Slaanesh. Jaghatai Khan swung his sword and beheaded the Great Demon Slaanesh.

Although Jaghatai Khan solved one demon, he was also held back. Other demons had arrived to surround Jaghatai Khan, and all swung their weapons at him.

Unable to hide, he could only fight for his injuries. Jaghatai Khan was ready to face the next injury.

A raging cold current hit, and everyone except Chagatai Khan was immediately frozen.

Chagatai Khan looked around in confusion: "What's going on?"

"You fool, don't stand there in a daze, come here!" Omnissiah's chest opened, and Leman Russ came out and shouted to Jaghatai.

Jaghatai immediately drove to Leman Russ and asked, "Ruth? Did you do this?"

The Wolf King grinned and said, "Come up quickly, we are all waiting for you."

Omnissiah stretched out his giant hand, and Jaghatai Khan stood up. Omnissiah lifted him to the entrance to the machine, and Leman Russ stretched out his hand to pull his brother up.

The two entered the machine together, and Chagatai Khan immediately saw familiar faces, the Lion King sitting on seat one, and Perturabo on throne four.

Jaghatai Khan: "Lean, Perturabo, you are all here!"

Jaghatai discovered that Ryan had changed a lot. He was still strong, young and energetic, but his temples were graying, and his eyes no longer had the unruly look, but instead had a very mature and steady look.

Perturabo's body was covered with wires and cables, which were linked to the throne beneath him to control countless weapons and process data. He was so busy that he had no time to visit Gatai Khan.

Leman Russ: "Sit down quickly, my abilities won't be frozen for too long."

Jaghatai Khan sat on his throne number five. When he sat on the throne, he was immediately connected to the entire Omnissiah, and he was also connected to his brothers.

At this time, he and his brothers had no secrets anymore. Everyone seemed to be integrated into one body, and their knowledge, thinking, ability, experience and skills were all completely shared.

When Leman Russ also sat on his throne No. [-], the cold wave outside also disappeared, and everyone moved again.

But as if they were completely unaware of what had just happened, the demons looked blankly at Jaghatai Khan who had disappeared before their eyes, and turned their heads to look for their target.

At this time, because Omnisiah was riding on four Primarchs, its appearance and interior also changed. The left shoulder armor became a huge lion head, the right shoulder was a wolf head, and a backpack cannon full of firepower was carried on its back. , two thick general cannons extended from the shoulders to the front, and white arm guards and leg guards appeared on the legs and wrists.

The demons roared and charged at Omnisiah.

Perturabo: "Hellfire missile launched!"

Sixteen Hellfire missiles grew out of Omnisiah's back backpack. Yes, the artillery fire that grew out was not loaded at all from the beginning. It was more like it was conjured out of thin air. It could not be explained by normal science or magic at all.

Each Hellfire missile can destroy the enemy organically, and at this time Perturabo fired sixteen of them.

Sixteen missiles flew toward the demons with white smoke, and in an instant Omnisiah's face turned into a sea of ​​fire, instantly annihilating nearly one-fifth of the demons in Hope City at this time.

Perturabo: "Full fire, ten seconds, ready, start!"

Omnisiah's hands turned into cannon barrels, and the two general cannons on his shoulders fired two bursts of fire.

Just like the bolt gun is a type of gun, the general gun is also a name that describes a wide range of powerful cannons of that level.

You have to ask which type is the Omnissiah carried on the shoulders of Perturabo driving?
It belongs to any kind of general cannon, because Perturabo and Omnissiah use his abilities in combination, any weapon and ammunition he knows and wants, Omnissiah can instantly conjure up for him.

So at this time, the Omnisiah on the battlefield continuously sprayed naval gun plasma, Hellfire missiles, and acoustic wave guide force fields...

If the arrival of the devil turned this place into a hell of war, then Omnisiah tore apart and destroyed this hell in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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