40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 183 Terra is very lively

Chapter 183 Terra is very lively

The Omnissiah undoubtedly dominated the battlefield, gradually leveling the fight between the demons and the Emperor's side.

At this time, the three Liu coins brought by Leman Russ, Lion King, and Perturabo also merged with the Liu coins brought by Chagatai Khan.

The four people sat facing each other, and they exuded a divine radiance. The radiance illuminated the entire Webway, and the pollution of the Webway by Chaos was being cleared and repaired.

This is a slow process that cannot be interrupted. Everyone and the demons know that this is the key to the war on the webway. The demons flock to the four Liu coins. They know that if the webway is repaired, then they There is really no chance to sing.

But the empire is not here to watch the show. They are also carrying out a desperate resistance to protect the four Liu coins.


Today, Terra is extremely quiet. Everyone is looking at the sky above the Terra Palace. There is a Thunderhawk transport plane flying over the palace, which is supposed to be closed to flights.

On the steps of the palace hall, Tula Zhen, the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, was rehearsing with thousands of the Forbidden Army and waiting respectfully.

The avenue was full of people, each of them an earth-shattering big shot, but at this moment they were like a group of protein starches packed into a can. No matter how crowded they were, they were extremely quiet, and even their breathing was very light.

On a Thunder Eagle transport plane, a huge primarch wearing green armor walked down with a boy. The primarch had dark skin but eyes as red as lava.

He is the Lord of the Fire Dragons and the Primarch of the Salamanders of the [-]th Legion. Standing next to him at this time is a little boy wrapped in animal skins.

The boy was wearing the animal skin clothing of an ancient primitive and backward tribe, and his feet were a pair of straw sandals, which were full of mud.

The Imperial Guards looked at the boy. They could no longer suppress the passion in their hearts and looked at the boy with all their excitement and admiration.

The boy's eyes shone with white divine light as he walked across the earth, and the land of Terra erupted with the most excited cheers of love and adoration at his return.

Vulcan brought the boy to Trajan, and all the imperial guards knelt down neatly on one knee: "My lord, welcome back!"

The boy nodded and a voice reached everyone's ears: + Call all warriors to come to the cellar and take back what belongs to us. +
  The exciting command came out, and Terra erupted with shouts that had been suppressed for thousands of years, and cheers in response to his command.

All the forces of the solar system are mobilized, the Adeptus Custodes, the Silent Sisters, the Gray Knights, the Assassins, the Astra Militarum Army, the Navy, the Martian Mechanicus Guards, the Titan Order, the Wandering Traders House, the Navigator House, the Imperial Church, and so on. …

The Minister of the Interior went crazy. He roared to his men: "Everything the Emperor needs, food, medicine, ammunition, maintenance personnel and wrenches must be prepared within today, no, half a day, not two hours, not an hour." , Recruit troops, labor, and materials for me, prepare documents for me immediately, everyone must get started immediately, we must prepare the necessary war supplies immediately..."

The assistant on the side was writing and calculating in a panic, and replied hurriedly: "This, this, this, this is impossible, sir, such a huge workload and such a short time are not enough to deliver the message."

The Minister of the Interior roared: "I don't want to hear anything is impossible, do it for me, no matter what the cost, even if it's like me and your entire family, we have to do it for me."

All the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said to themselves that we fucking thought too, what does it mean to sacrifice an entire family for the order issued by the Emperor himself at this time? When they heard that the Emperor had returned, the elders in the family spread the word that they would give whatever the God-Emperor wanted. , the entire family inside and outside Terra is waiting to do something for the God-Emperor, and it doesn’t matter if our entire family lives.

But you tell us how to sacrifice, give us a charter, use our lives as currency to sprinkle money for the emperor, but you tell us how to sprinkle it, and where to sprinkle it?

The Minister of the Interior banged his head against the wall in anger. The Ministry of the Interior was too big, there were too many things to do, and the things that could be mobilized and mobilized were too huge, so it would take time, but the Emperor was about to go on an expedition now and they couldn't move.

The assistant said at this time: "Send everything that can be sent to the palace first, as much as you can."

Minister of the Interior: "Yes, send ammunition and weapons first, contact all production lines on Mars to fully support the Terra Palace."

Assistant: "Sir, you have to go and talk to the foundry general in person. I will make an appointment for you."

The Minister of the Interior threw the cup angrily: "It's a waste of time to make an appointment. Arrange a car for me immediately. If you don't drive the Thunderhawk directly, I will go to Mars immediately."

…………   General: "What? Our goods have been detained? These are three Titans! These are goods to support the emperor, do they dare to take them?"

The priest under his command: "The Ministry of the Interior, the Navy, and the Army have to follow the regulations. They can only let it go with the minister's personal confirmation and signature. They dare not be responsible for the Titan weapons entering Terra."

General Foundry: "Arrange a ship for me and I'll go to Terra's Ministry of Interior in person. We can't argue. If we continue to argue, the battle will be over and our support won't be able to arrive."


The battle nuns and priests of the state church stared at each other with countless believers of the state church and the law enforcement forces of the Ministry of Justice.

Pope: "Let us pass, we come in response to jihad."

Dean of the Ministry of Justice: "No, we have to wait for the regular troops to pass first."

Pope: "We have been waiting for three days. We are also loyal soldiers of the God Emperor."

Ministry of Justice: "You have to wait for three years. The Mechanicus Skitarii are all waiting. Dozens of Titans are blocking the road. You guys just go over and the blockage is over. You still can't get past people?"


All the Imperial Guards and Battle Sisters were immediately dressed and prepared, and they neatly arrived in front of the Golden Throne in the cellar.

Under the Golden Throne is a huge bronze door, which is huge enough for Titans to enter and exit.

On the golden throne is a ball of light. The ball of light is flashing and seems to be running out, and the boy is walking up the golden stairs step by step.

He came to the throne and reached out to touch the ball of light. The ball of light immediately merged into the boy's body, and the boy's body exuded dazzling light and power.

The power more powerful than a thousand stars flowed in the body of the savage boy, and the savage boy sat on the golden throne.


The entire underground palace began to tremble.


The gears of the mechanism began to rotate, and under the boy's will, the door that had been sealed for thousands of years began to open.

The door to the Golden Throne of Terra opened, and Vulkan raised his warhammer: "Come in and take back the future of our race."

The Imperial Guards and Sisters of Silence who were preparing to go out behind the door rushed in along with the Fire Dragon Lord, and the demons who had been waiting behind the door for thousands of years also rushed out.


The pilots on a Titan in front of the Lion's Gate were playing cards to kill time.

"Yes 3, how long do we have to wait in line?"

"Yes 5, didn't you see that we just crowded in front of the Lion's Gate? Just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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