40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 43 The Emperor's Arrangements

Chapter 43 The Emperor's Arrangements

Undoubtedly, the emperor successfully gained the favor and loyalty of the current Eldar tribe, and he began to recruit troops.

From here, the name of Emperor Phoenix of the Spirit Race will spread among the Spirit Races everywhere in the universe.

This is despicable, but there is no way, these means are necessary to change the tragic fate of this universe.

The Emperor is waiting, waiting for a message from Lilith, the double-bladed succubus queen, and it will be 3, 2, 1 soon.

"I'm Lilith, can you hear me?"

The emperor picked up the communicator: "I am Dihuang."

"Damn it, we've encountered a Necromancer force. They're attacking us crazily. The hunt is over, we have to retreat."

The Emperor: "Where is the evacuation point?"

"Go to evacuation plan point A to evacuate, there is a boat to pick us up there."

Emperor: "Understood."

The emperor looked at Medis who was on the side: "Call the team, let's go to the local Holy Land of the Elders in the south."

Medith asked suspiciously: "Didn't the hostess tell us to go to evacuation point A to meet the ship and evacuate?"

The Emperor: "Just one second before you said this, the two extraction points A and B have been taken away by the Necron forces."


Massive artillery fire and green light beams from the Necrons covered the entire area, and the ghost scarab immediately stepped forward to build defensive fortress facilities.

The astrologer used the powerful calculation ability of the Prophecy Rod to calculate the position of the human emperor, but found that no matter how he calculated it, it was changing.

Aurikan stood on the high ground and tapped his staff of prophecy on the stone beside him: "What's going on? Why are there so many mistakes? It's just the coverage calculation of a planet. Why can't it be calculated?"

The Infinity Star Tara hidden in the distance has been preparing the Space Rubik's Cube. It waits for the scryers to find the target, and then looks for an opportunity that may appear at any time to bring the Emperor into his pocket.

But to the disappointment of Tara Star, the stargazer didn't seem to be as useful as it thought. Now, after establishing the portal and recruiting a large number of troops, there is no trace of it.

I shouldn't trust this magic stick, I still have to work hard on my own!
Thinking like this, Tara took out the Rubik's Cube that imprisoned the Forbidden Army, cleaned the memory of the Forbidden Army inside, and then released it.

Let them go to find their master, and Tara Star will follow them to find the Emperor.

Star Tara prepared the magic and placed it on the ground, then quickly dodged and hid in the distance. As the Rubik's Cube self-destruct program started, it automatically decomposed into basic particles, and three golden figures appeared.

The three imperial guards suddenly woke up and looked around at speed, only to find that there was no movement around them.

Odysseus the Forbidden Army: "We have escaped, and now we are looking for the lord."

The two imperial guards nodded. They took out the golden double-headed eagle and started looking for something. Tara Star, who was hiding in the dark, followed them silently.


The emperor glanced at the distance, and Malcador asked the emperor: "My lord, what's the matter?"

Emperor: "I perceive that I have three guards, and they have also come into this world."

Malcador: "Are they here to look for you?"

The emperor nodded: "Yes."

Fox on the side holds the spear of Asuryan: "You said that someone is following you, and they will reveal your whereabouts. I will deal with them."

The emperor shook his head: "They won't reveal their whereabouts. They are already planning to die with those who secretly use them to track me. The Endless One thinks he can easily play with them, but they don't know that they deliberately let the Endless One think so."

The Emperor knew these three Custodians, although he had never communicated with them, and they were not his own creations.

Unlike the Custodians before sitting on the Golden Throne, when the Emperor took the throne, the transformation of the Custodians was made by the commander and a few people in the palace using the materials and technologies left behind by him.

To a certain extent, they cannot be compared with the Forbidden Army supervised and reformed by the Emperor himself. These three were reformed by surgery in the palace after they sat on the Golden Throne.

However, relying on acquired efforts to break out from the encirclement of the Imperial Army, he was promoted to be next to the 300 members of the Golden Throne.

The emperor cherished these three loyal servants with great potential. He looked at Fox: "Go and rescue them, and save them from a tragic fate."

Fawkes bowed to the Emperor, "Should you bring them here?"

Emperor: "I will have a catastrophe, and keeping them by my side to see me suffer will make them sad and blame themselves, and let them go back to Terra."

Fox nodded: "Yes, my lord."

Fox put on the helmet, the fully enclosed phoenix helmet covered his face, and the golden and gorgeous phoenix feather shawl cast golden and red spots as he walked.

The emperor clutched his heart, feeling the turmoil of his heart, he knew that he could not last long at this time, and he would sleep for a long time to digest the belief of the Eldar.

The emperor summoned Malcador to come to him, and took out three boxes of gold, silver, and copper: "Here are three boxes, open the copper box after arriving at the Holy Land, and follow the instructions in it."

Malcador took the copper box: "Open it in the Holy Land."

The Emperor: "Silver Box, you will open it after we reach the Comoros, when the Prince of Darkness descends there."

Malcador stroked the silver box and remembered: "Open the box when the evil god of Comoros descends."

The emperor took out the box shining with golden light: "This box, after I was captured by the stargazer Aurikan, you will give it to my children Horus and Sanguinius. If they are not here, give it to Kezi."

Malcador muttered and stretched out his hand: "You were taken away, you were taken away? You mean you will be taken away?"

The emperor smiled: "It's just that I was caught, not killed. It's nothing to make a fuss about. You just need to find someone to rescue me when the time comes."

Malcador: "Who are you looking for?"

The Emperor: "Go to Valdor, my former commander of the Imperial Guards. He has a scroll in his hand. Just give it to a great demon of the ever-changing demon king. Just give it to him and leave. No matter what it asks you, don't answer it."

Emperor: "Then you go to Macragge, and when my son Guilliman wakes up again, you bring my words to him."

The emperor explained the funeral to Malcador one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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