40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 44 Star Tara: I am the Emperor of Humanity, come and find me, my subjects.

Chapter 44 Star Tara: I am the Emperor of Humanity, come and find me, my subjects.

The three of Odysseus moved forward all the way, and a team of Necron troops stood in front of them, and the three easily killed all the enemies.

Odysseus: "I'm out of ammunition, what about yours?"

Two imperial guards: "There are not many."

Odysseus: "It seems that we will not be able to reach the lord in a short time. It would be great if there are supplies."

Tara Xing, who was hiding in the distance, smacked his bones. He should have replenished the ammunition for the three imperial guards.

Tara star digs in his collection, looking at a pile of space Rubik's cubes.

Star Tara: "There are five nuns of silence, there is a Cadian assault group, this is a Krieger death trooper group, and there are three 30K era Ultramarine Legion dreadnoughts and a squad of twenty Ultramarines..."

Star Tara counted the collections he was carrying, and it was a pity to just throw them out like this, but if he didn't throw them out, if Orikan succeeded first, he would have passed the emperor by the shoulders.

Star Tara took out a Cadian Assault Regiment and a Krieg Cavalry Regiment, thought for a while and bit his metal chin, then took out five Silent Sisters and a team of Battle Sisters.

This team of battle nuns is the first generation of battle nuns in the era of apostasy during M36. The guards formed by Gogo Van Dier are called the Emperor's Bride at this time.

For Tara Star, a history collector, of course he also captured a first-generation battle nun as a collection.

These collections are of great historical significance. For example, the ten-member Astartes team and the three Dreadnoughts came from the time of the Kosi Massacre, and two of the Dreadnoughts were seriously damaged by Star Tara himself.

Also, this Krieger Cavalry Regiment was abducted by the Battle of Orpheus, and this Cadian Assault Army was stolen during Abaddon’s No. 12 Black Expedition. He found the timing very well, and he secretly sent these troops to his ship when they were about to die. Outsiders would only think that their entire army was wiped out.

Star Tara's avatar contained these in the bag at this time, which was undoubtedly a huge legacy of the empire.

But it is only an insignificant part of Tara Star's entire empire collection, and there are countless better collections on Tara Star.

But it is still a pity to throw it out of Tara Star like this, but when thinking of the imperial emperor being included in the treasure house, Tara Star feels that these are all worth paying.

Star Tara began to arrange. He couldn't just throw these troops out like this. It would arouse the suspicion of the imperial army. Star Tara had to arrange everything seamlessly.

Star Tara immediately built and opened a portal, from which a set of fine gold power armor was sent, which he made according to the armor style material worn by the emperor in the memory of the forbidden army.

The real armor made of pure gold, as well as the emperor's sword and power claws, in terms of materials, shape, and technological functions, try to reproduce exactly the same as the one worn by the emperor.

In addition to not having the emperor's power on the real piece, this piece of armor will definitely not be inferior to the armor worn by the emperor in terms of material function.

This pair of armors contacted the deity as early as Tara star learned of the emperor's appearance, Tara star deity immediately specially created a 1:1 replica of the emperor's suit, and put it on when the emperor got it.

He even found a planet specifically to build a Terra Palace and Golden Throne museum on it to store the Emperor's collection.

It's just that now this set of armor Tara star is put on his body first, and then he asks the scarab to make a human leather headgear and put it on his head, and put on a wig.

Turn on the armor device at the back of the head, the whole armor is shining golden, especially the face, the light is deliberately adjusted to be very bright, so that others can't see the face clearly to avoid revealing the truth.

Picking up the imitation Emperor's Sword, sorting out his own image in front of the whole body made by the Scarab of the Underworld, and starting to plan after confirming that everything is safe.

Star Tara released the Battle Sisters, the Krieg Cavalry, and the Cadian Assault Brigade.

The crowd slowly woke up, still in a daze, aren't they facing a mortal battle on the battlefield?Or is he already dead?

A golden light shone on them, and they all raised their hands to cover at the same time.

"I am your lord, I am your king, I am your ruler, and I am the emperor of mankind." Tara star was suspended in mid-air and said the prepared lines to the mortals below.

Everyone present was stunned, and then began to kneel down and recite the praises from the battle nun.

"The Great Emperor, our Lord, our Father, our all..."

The fighting nun stared directly at the light source with her eyes wide open, completely indifferent to the problem of blinding her eyes if she looked directly at the strong light.

"Don't look directly at me, mortal," Tara Xing immediately scolded, fearing that his identity would be discovered.

The Battle Sister immediately bowed her head and knelt down on the ground, and the Head Sister immediately took the lead in confessing her sins.

Then other mortal soldiers also knelt down and began to worship the emperor in the sky. The Krieger took out his dagger and thought whether he should commit suicide now to confess his sins in front of the emperor, or he would kill himself to atone after listening to the emperor's words.

Star Tara used some kind of hidden hypnosis device, silently making these mortals think that what they saw was the Emperor.

The emperor suspended in the sky: "Mortals, you have already died because of it. It is I, your Lord, who gave you a second life. Now is the time to be loyal to your Lord."

The head of the battle nun lowered her head, her face was full of fanatical admiration, and she asked the emperor: "My lord, how should we serve you? Your followers will desperately fulfill any of your wishes."

The emperor Tara star suspended in the air beckoned to make the ground protrude, and a large box of weapons, ammunition and equipment drilled out of the ground.

In fact, it was the underworld scarab that pushed the previously prepared things out of the ground.

The "miracle" shown by the emperor at this moment made all these mortals bow down again, and they all firmly believed that the emperor had really appeared.

Tara Star: "My three imperial servants have encountered some troubles. I hope you will support them and tell them that I am waiting for them to come to me as soon as possible to reunite with me."

The head sister of the battle: "We will find and bring them here now, please wait a moment."

Tara star quickly waved his hand: "At this time, what you see is just a projection of mine descending, and my body is not in front of you. I will tell you the location of my three forbidden soldiers, and then you follow their command. They have a way to find my body, do you remember?"

All mortal commanders bowed to Tara star: "Understood, my emperor, your orders are supreme."

Satisfied, Star Tara turned on the optical invisibility and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. Faced with another miracle performed by Star Tara, all mortals began to bow down again.

At this time, a necromancer scouting scarab belonging to the stargazer was attracted by the golden light, and just captured the scene of the disappearance of the emperor played by Star Tara, and sent the video to the stargazer.

The astrologer was overjoyed when he received the video message: "Finally found it, gather troops for me and fight this imperial army, and lure the emperor out to me."

(End of this chapter)

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