Chapter 68 Blood
"I am a loser. Not only did I fail to satisfy the blood thirst of my legion, but my death also brought them a crazy curse." Sanguinius looked at his heir who was tied to the platform and fell into black anger.

The Astartes' eyes were red, and even though his limbs were bound, he was still screaming and struggling.

The skin of the limbs was worn out, and blood flowed out. The other Blood Angels on the surrounding platforms struggled and stretched their heads over, sticking out their tongues, expecting to lick a mouthful of brother's blood.

He was very angry about the harm the enemy had done to his offspring, but the genetic defects he had brought to the offspring were far greater than the harm the enemy had done.

Taking advantage of the opponent's weaknesses to maximize damage is a common tactical strategy in war, and the Chaos rebels are undoubtedly very effective in what the new Red Moon Chapter has done.

They didn't know what subspace witchcraft or heretical technology method was used to make the sentinel team on Guna planet fall into crazy black anger and uncontrollable blood thirst.

The technical sergeants of the traversers in Sanguinius are trying to find a way to research. They have all been taught by the technology of Tara and Aurikan.

But obviously the two ribs did not teach them everything, but they also allowed their skills to catch up with many technical sergeants of the Mechanic Cult.

Nora came to Sanguinius's side, and she reached out to hold Sanguinius' hand that was bleeding from the palm of his fingernails because of the tight grip.

Ruo pulled away and guided her other half: "It's not your fault, and you don't want to do this, the traversers are working on a solution."

As the wing of Sanguinius, Ruola and his mind are connected, and Sanguinius' remorse and pain can be felt by Ruola.

Sanguinius held Ruola's hand, and the companionship of the disabled two people was the key to enabling them to overcome all kinds of huge pressures, just like Sanguinius accompanied Ruola to help her quit blood addiction.

Ruola being around Sanguinius can help him restrain his anger and allow him to look at things rationally. The two are divided into two from a complete body, and the cursed flaws in the body are also separated.

Both bear the curse of instability, the bloodthirst on Rorah, and the rage of Sanguinius.

When he was a child, he followed his father and was loved by his father. Sanguinius did not show any abnormalities.

But in the battle with Kabanha on Billy, when his anger was provoked, Sanguinius was controlled by anger for a short period of time.

At this time, Sanguinius saw his son plunged into blood thirst and black anger, and his anger was as dangerous as a volcano that had been dormant for many years was about to erupt.

The encouragement given to him by the other half calmed him down. Sanguinius exhaled and his face returned to calm: "There are many enemies on this planet, it's time for us to act."

Ruola nodded, and the interlocking hands of the two people emitted a white dazzling light. When the light dissipated, the great angel reappeared in this era.

The planet under their feet has been occupied by Chaos for some time. The corruption started from the main hive city, and Chaos has obtained sufficient labor and resources.

A warband called the Scarlet Head first broke through the planet's defenses and occupied it, and the surrounding pirates, like vultures in the desert, took the opportunity to reap some benefits.

The angel came to the bridge, and "Super Unscrupulous" had already led the assault guard team to wait for the order and command of the Primarch.

The angel put on his armor of King's Glory, took his Spear of Achievement, and hung the plasma pistol on his waist, and his white wings shone with holy light.

"Super unscrupulous": "My lord, we are ready."

Sanguinius nodded: "How many empires are there on this planet?"

"Super unscrupulous": "New Red Moon still has a small team resisting, but their ammunition and weapons obviously won't last long."

Sanguinius: "Every soldier of the empire is precious at this time. Our primary target is to be near them. We have to find them before the enemy kills them."


Carlo's throat moved involuntarily as he watched the blood flow out of the wounded wounded, it was sweet.

"What am I thinking?"

Carlo shook his head. He took the jug beside him and took a big gulp. He hoped that he could use water instead of blood to suppress his perverted instinct.

Carlo looked at the blasphemous signs and altars piled up by the traitors in the distance. The Astartes of the New Red Moon could feel that this was a witchcraft trick of the enemy. They used these things to amplify the witchcraft of their wizards, stimulate the genetic defects in the children of Sanguinius, and make them fall.

Every day, they would sacrifice 88 mortals as sacrifices, pouring their blood into the altar, and letting the strong smell of blood spread throughout the battlefield.

Many of my fellow brothers were driven mad by such evil tricks, or fell into blood thirst and bit the wounded to obtain blood, or fell into black anger and fought regardless of enemy and friend, and finally died on the battlefield.

Bruce roared in a low voice: "I can't take it anymore, let me take someone to kill their wizards or destroy their altars. If this continues, we may be defeated by ourselves."

Carlo put his hand on Bruce's shoulder: "Don't be fooled, my brother, they want you to do this. We will be lambs to be slaughtered when we go out of the fortifications. We can't be led by the nose by the enemy. We have to stand firm and wait for reinforcements."

Bruce shook off Carlo's hand: "What support are you waiting for? There won't be any support. The astropaths and choirs have been killed, and the star port has been occupied. We can't contact the outside world."

Carlo: "Faith lasts forever. Even if we can stick to it one more day without support, we will stick to it one more day. Every day we stick to here will upset them like a thorn in the flesh of the enemy, and we will bring them pain and loss."

Bruce tried his best to suppress his mental anger. He knew that Carlo was right, but rather than hiding in the underground bunker, he wanted to go out and fight the enemy with real swords and guns.

At this time, a mortal messenger trotted up to Carlo and the two: "My lord, the enemy has moved. They brought two large cargo boxes outside the camp."

Carlo and Blue came to the trench. They carefully leaned out and looked into the distance. They saw some trucks pulling a large number of boxes to the outside of the position.

If it weren't for the distance and the scarcity of shells, Carlo would have ordered the firing.

The chaotic believers left the car and ran away immediately. With a "beep" sound, the door of the carriage opened. As the door opened, a strong smell of blood gushed out from it.

Out came an Astartes covered in flesh and guts, simple weapons in hand.

Part of the brain at the back of his head was removed and replaced by dense metal cables, which were the Butcher's Nails.

"That's the head! This group of beasts."

Carlo and Bruce gritted their teeth, almost gnawing them to pieces. Watching the former mild-mannered, optimistic and kind-hearted regiment leader be put on the butcher's nail, and then thrown into the battlefield by traitors, this undoubtedly humiliated the entire New Red Moon Squadron.


Roaring, the Chapter Master of the New Red Moon raised his weapon and rushed to the trenches of his comrades.

(End of this chapter)

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