Chapter 69 I am the first company commander of the Shadow Moon Wolf
The "King of Dragging" stood on the bridge, and Eighth Master gave everything that his iron rooster didn't give.

More than 1000 Astartes, as well as hundreds of thousands of mortal auxiliaries, a cruiser, six escort strike ships, battle barges and a series of configurations.

This battle of wealth has never been fought in this life. The "King of Drag" came to sit in the position of the captain in charge, stroking the armrest of the throne under his buttocks with his fingers.

The "King of Dragging" has learned naval warfare and commanding and ridiculing. In fact, because of the manpower problem of the troops for a long time, the traversers must learn various technical skills, such as combat command, maintenance, political negotiation, murder, and investigation.

The "King of Dragging" can become Xiao He's right-hand man. Of course, he also has one or two hands. He has a natural talent in combat command, and many people are superior to him in melee combat or gun shooting.

But in terms of command, whether it is a land battle or a naval battle, he thinks he can still have a place.

The "King of Drag" looked at the star map, and the fleet was heading towards the target point, which was the defense zone of the Gate of Cadia.

Kezi's benefits are not for nothing. The task Kozi gave to the "King of Drag" is to harass Abaddon's coalition forces and attract the attention of Abaddon's fleet.

The fleet of the "King of Drag" jumped out of the subspace, and they could scan the opponent's fleet on the star map of the detection equipment, and of course the opponent also scanned him.

At this time, Abaddon's coalition forces also discovered the "King of Drago". This fleet is very strange. There is no login information from the Empire, and the style of the ships is a bit different from that of the Empire.

This ship of the "King of Towing Changes": If it's a brother, come and kill me, it uses a lot of technologies that the empire clearly stipulates cannot be used.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to build a cruiser within a year, even the bones of the ship were stolen, a lot of heretical technology, and a few souls of time travelers were stuffed into it.

Someone originally suggested that Al should not be used, but considering the risk of Al's rebellion and lack of resistance to warp chaos invasion.

The traversers still chose to blood sacrifice a few compatriots to enchant the ship, making them become ship spirits, which can also play the effect of Al and resist the erosion of the subspace.

It's just that the ship shines with a holy golden light from time to time, and it will be a bit arrogant when sailing in the subspace.

But there is no other way, enchanting with the soul of the time traveler will produce such an effect, just like the sword of the time traveler and the time traveler bolter in the hands of the "King of Drago".

The hilt is golden, and the blade is shining with white brilliance. Forging this kind of sword requires putting the soul of a traverser into the soul stone, and then setting it on the body of the sword for enchantment.

Not to mention that this method is cruel, the traverser will not really die, sacrifice you today to make armor and I will wear it, let you out tomorrow, put my soul in it and you wear it is normal operation.

This also gave some salted fish traversers some choices, stay in some enchanted weapons for everyone to use, and stay in them to dawdle.

Well, don’t ask why the traversers made soul stones. It can only be said that each legion has its own little secrets, and it’s definitely not the unfaithful rumors of the technology that the traversers obtained after communicating with the Eldar witch at night.

The "King of Dragging" rubbed his chin with his fingers: "How can I attract the attention of the other party?"

At this time, the crew member who sailed the boat asked the "King of Tugs": "Sir, the other party found us, but did not act."

The "King of Procrastination" quickly came up with an idea: "Record my next words and broadcast them repeatedly."


Abaddon concentrated his attention on the deployment of troops, and it was not easy to control these chaotic scum. These mentally unstable lunatics were completely disorganized and disciplined.

Those who believe in Khorne will only kill, those who believe in Slaanesh can do whatever they want. If they think it will be fun to kill their team members, then they will not hesitate to slash their butcher knives at their team members.

The believers of Nurgle are very active in invading and attacking, but the black army can't get much benefit from the places they occupy.

Don't be superstitious about those Tzeentch followers who engage in witchcraft and deceit, their masters even deceive them.

Even though Abaddon has the upper hand in the naval battle, one of the reasons why Abaddon has not won the Cartier Gate is that Abaddon's troops seem to be much larger, but Abaddon can't command them carefully, and he will cause trouble at many critical times.

At this time, a waiter came to Abaddon: "My lord, we have discovered a mysterious fleet. They are playing a piece of information repeatedly. I think you should listen to it."

Abaddon: "Play it."

After receiving permission, the waiter began to play the recording: "Listen to the opposite ship, I am the Captain of the Warmaster Horus and the emperor's own Shadow Moon Wolf Legion. The traitors are invading the emperor's territory, put down your weapons and surrender.

Abaddon, the traitor who follows the sky braid, has no way out. The Emperor and the Warmaster have returned to the Empire, and now they can surrender lightly. "

Abaddon said: "Turn it off."

The waiter turned off the player, and the hall fell into silence, even the sound of breathing was very clear.

The waiter didn't know the master's current mood, and he didn't dare to ask, but just stayed quietly and waited for orders.

Abaddon said, "What's the reaction of the people below?"

The attendant replied cautiously: "Everyone says this is ridiculous nonsense from the empire. Many people have already prepared their ships to attack and destroy that fleet."

Abaddon: "Get me Mortarion."


The empire's fleet is also very confused, the emperor and Horus return together?This heresy must be a conspiracy of Chaos.

"My lord, do you want to destroy them? Their fleet is not large, and we can easily solve them."

"Don't attack rashly, this may be the enemy's conspiracy, but beware of this fleet and be careful of their sneak attack."


"My lord, they still haven't responded."

The "King of Procrastination" waved his hand: "No hurry, let the radio dial for a while, we are here to procrastinate, it will be beneficial to us."

"Clang, blah, blah~"

The "King of Dragging" hummed a ditty first. At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and a dirty and evil voice appeared in the mind of "King of Dragging".

"Are you the poor death pawn sent by my father and Horus?"

"King of dragging": "Who are you?"

The people around heard the "King of Dragging" talking, looked around and found that there was no one, and all looked at him.

The "King of Procrastination" stretched out his hand to signal the people around him not to speak.

"Hehehe, who am I? I am the Lord of the Death Guard..."

"The King of Procrastination": "Oh! I see, I have long admired your name, I have admired your name for a long time."

"Hehe, it seems that you, a pawn, still have some knowledge."

"King of Dragging": "So it's Nurgle's vanguard general Typhons!"

A voice of gnashing teeth came from the opposite side, "I am Mortarion."

"King of Drag": "Isn't Mortarion the Captain of the Death Guard?"

"You are very nice and kind."

Then there was no more sound from the other side.

The crew looked at the monitor and suddenly shouted to the "King of Towing": "My lord, I found a fleet coming out of the subspace, and the sailing target is pointing at us."

The "King of Dragging" smiled and said: "The target is ticked. Contact the headquarters to ask for support. Brothers hang Mortarion, a cub, and send him to see the emperor and his old man."

(End of this chapter)

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