Chapter 106
This change stunned Meng Qiu, and before he could ask a question, Huiming said angrily, "It's all my crow's mouth, saying that the outcome will be clear sooner, and we can save our energy.

This time it's all right, but I still have to play, it's really a good but not a bad spirit. "

With a sincere tone, he said, "Friend Daoist Meng, I'm the one who got you in trouble. But don't worry, this fight won't take much time, and it won't consume much of your mana."

Huiming clasped his hands together eleven times towards Master Tuotuo, and said "Namowo Buddha", a layer of clear light suddenly appeared on his body, and slowly expanded, more than three feet thick.

It's very thin at first glance, but there are many mysterious lines swimming around when you look closely at it. If you look closely, it's still sparse like mist, which can be seen but cannot be grasped.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly offered Qian Liuli to the top of his head without showing any weakness.

This magic weapon is famous, anyone with a bit of knowledge can recognize it.

Patriarch Lie Huo immediately said loudly: "Master Lie Huo, everyone fights swords and needs to use their own magic weapons. Otherwise, I will lend the Lie Huo Leiyin Sword to Fellow Daoist Huiming, and you will take out the real martial arts sword. Then why should they fight each other, we will continue."

Half of the old nuns said: "Fellow Daoist Meng has shown great kindness to our sect, so I gave him this treasure a long time ago."

As soon as this remark came out, it attracted the envy of the mountains and valleys.Patriarch Lie Huo had nothing to say, he just lamented half of the old nun's generosity, one must know that magic weapons of this level are extremely rare, so even if they were given to him, it wouldn't be too much.

Huiming clasped his hands together and said, "Friend Daoist Meng, be careful!"

Stretch out your right palm, press it forward, and you can see that his whole body is full of radiance, followed by a blue cloud in the mid-air, the size of an acre, slowly falling, reaching a height of more than a hundred feet, it has turned into a palm, and the lines are clearly visible.

Meng Qiu only felt that the surrounding air became thick, like falling into a quagmire, with just one movement, there was a tremendous force on his body, he couldn't move independently, and he couldn't even breathe out.

He hurriedly urged Yu Qian Liuli, a cloud of blue mist also flew up, round like a bubble floating upwards, when it touched the blue cloud, it was pressed into an oval, and kept falling down.

"Look at the sword!" As soon as the words came out, Meng Qiu had already wielded the Qingxuan sword, pulled out a long rainbow, and landed on the opponent.

Huiming only felt that a mountain hit him, and unconsciously took a few steps back, stepping on a few footprints, the stone platform shook slightly, and a lot of gravel fell down.

In a blink of an eye, the divine palm in the air has been lifted by Yu Qian Liuli by a hundred feet.

As soon as the opponent hit him, even if the magic power was like a deep pool, invisible, but if a stone entered the water, it would be clear and rippled.

Both parties were extremely surprised.Meng Qiu's sword Qi Huahong has never been missed since he made a move. Even Monk Tuotuo's golden body will bleed if he gets hit.

Huiming let out a breath, and said: "My friend Huang Swollen reminded you of this method before, but I still underestimated you. It's my fault, so let's work harder."

There was a faint golden layer on his skin, and it was extremely clear through the clear light around him.But the golden light emitted is extremely restrained and cannot penetrate into the clear light at all, this state is very strange.

Then he bent his legs, sat cross-legged on the ground, and chanted something, listening carefully, it was the same scriptures that Master Tuotuo chanted last time.

It's just that unlike his ancestors, Huiming's whole body doesn't have golden lights and extravagant flowers, but the fresh air is filled again, the palms in the air are more solid, and even the lines on his fingers are revealed.

Meng Qiu suddenly felt the pressure doubled, and Yu Qian's glazed brilliance was magnificent, and he went up hard, while the flying sword in his hand whistled, constantly disturbing.

Looking from a distance, there are tens of thousands of light needles shooting from all directions towards the blue light in the middle.Like raindrops hitting the crater of a volcano, the sound of scoffing can be heard endlessly.

If you have enough vision, you can see that Dao Dao Jian Guang is extremely complicated and infinitely changing, which restrains Huiming and cannot push the palm of God with all his strength.

Zheng Bagu nodded and said: "I haven't seen Meng Daoyou fight yet, he is indeed extremely talented and superb. This sword technique is much stronger than mine back then, and it is not inferior to Liu Quan."

Half of the old nuns, Ling Hun, etc. also agreed, Cui Wugu sighed, and said: "My junior is not as good as him. If he comes over, the Huashan scoundrels will not be able to win."

The younger generation naturally refers to Ling Yunfeng.This woman originally had some admiration for Meng Qiu, but after hearing this, she turned into resentment.

Everyone in Zuo Dao was even more surprised. Meng Qiu's life experience had been found out long ago, but he was just a small casual cultivator who had won the legacy of his predecessors, and the practice world was everywhere.

Although Taoism is called orthodox, the Taoism in the world is all one family, except for those top Taoisms, the rest are not bad.This sword skill is really amazing.

Although fighting magic is not as good as fighting Taoism, swordsmanship is the most difficult type of magic, and it can completely test the talent of a monk. If you concentrate on cultivating the Tao, you will definitely have great achievements.

Patriarch Lie Huo sighed, "No wonder Brother Tuotuo wanted to recruit him."

On the other side, Ascetic Toutuo completely fixed his eyes on Huiming, and sent a voice transmission to Bai Guyi, saying, "How?"

Bai Guyi said: "Sure enough, it is the immortal method of the Shangqing. It seems that the second volume of "Ziqing Baozhuan" must be sent by Wutai."

At the beginning, half of the old nuns went to Ningbiya, Mount Emei, to inquire about their sins, and Qi Shuming promised to ask Kuxing Toutuo to bring the laughing monk to come to make amends.

After that, he took the initiative to mention that he wanted to help Wudang in the sword fight, thinking that he would atone for his sins, and vaguely mentioned that he wanted to test the Wutai faction.

Half of the old nuns discussed with Ling Hun for a while, thinking that it was difficult to find strong support, so they didn't refuse.

No one would have guessed that Emei's attempt to test the Wutai Sect was true, and there was a deeper purpose in it, which was to find out the whereabouts of the second volume of "Ziqing Baozhuan".

"Ziqing Baozhuan" is an ancient and wonderful book handed down by the former great sage Guangchengzi. Few people have heard of it. Among them, the more famous book is the "Nine Heavens Xuanjing" which is the spiritual teaching method of the Emei School.

Only then did Kuxing Toutuo give Meng Qiu a high look, and said: "The secret that I failed to discover just now was led out by this son. Sure enough, he will lose and succeed."

At this time, the situation in the arena reached the most critical moment, the blue clouds in the mid-air pressed down again and again, and they were no more than ten feet above Meng Qiu's head. Anyone could see that with just one palm down, the victory would be decided.

Meng Qiu's methods were not bad either, he had already cut off half of the clear light on Huiming's body, forcing the opponent to condense out a golden body, and mixed the golden light into the clear light to resist the all-pervasive sword energy.

Both sides used the most powerful methods, and Meng Qiu had a thousand thoughts in his heart. After thinking about it, except for the Haotian mirror at the bottom of the box, the other magic weapons and spells were completely ineffective.

In fact, up to now, a tie is not unacceptable.The two families couldn't decide the outcome, it was nothing more than to save Wei Fengniang and Taoist Huang Zong, so that it would be convenient for him to take revenge in the future.

It's just that since his debut, Meng Qiu has never met an evenly matched opponent. Either he could be easily killed, or he was chased and fled in embarrassment.

Now that things are up to now, give it a go and see what kind of realm you can achieve, it is always the same.

He meditated in his heart: "A point of golden light, originating from the Yuan Palace, the seven orifices in the heart are bright, facing the Niwan, the round light is filled, the emptiness is the same body..."

The Qingxuan sword rose in mid-air, turning more and more rapidly, the sword energy spread out like feather arrows, and never stopped.

Suddenly, the sword light fell down, and a white light suddenly appeared, as hot as a blazing sun, and then it exploded with a rumbling sound.

With a sound of "Ouch", Huiming stumbled, the clear golden light on his body dimmed first, and the divine palm disappeared without a trace in the mid-air, and then the body protection method light rose, and the radiance radiated, forcing the flying sword away.

"Sword Qi and Thunder Sound!" The drunk Taoist was so excited that there was an uproar everywhere.This sword technique has always been powerful only in the Sanxian realm.

Huiming stood up, patted the dust off his clothes, saw blood oozing from his chest again, and said, "I lost, I'm ashamed and ashamed!" He turned around and returned to the battle without any shame.

The old nun suppressed the joy in his heart and shouted loudly: "Master Raging Fire, what are you going to say?"

Taoist Huang Zhong and Wei Fengniang were terrified, looked at Patriarch Lie Huo, and said, "Master, we..."

"Alas!" Patriarch Lie Huo sighed, waved his hand, and a fire dragon flew out, engulfing the two of them.

Taoist Huang Swollen didn't make a sound, and was burned to ashes. Only Wei Fengniang was still struggling, cursing: "Ling Huo, you and I have a dewy marriage after all, you don't miss the old love at all, you are so cruel!"

Staring at the side fiercely again, said: "Qin Lang, you bastard, I just didn't promise you to be happy, but you actually..."

Before the words fell, the fire was full of light, and it had turned to ashes and went with the yellow and swollen Taoist.

 MD, I went for a CT today, and the lumbar intervertebral disc is more prominent than the book I wrote!
(End of this chapter)

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