Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 107 Jade Casket Heavenly Book

Chapter 107 Jade Casket Heavenly Book
"Meng Xiaoyou, if you are persecuted by Emei, you can come to Wutai faction to stay temporarily."

After Master Tuotuo sent the sound transmission to Meng Qiu in private, he retreated with a group of people from the Huashan School without any delay.

The faces of Ling Hun and Cui Wugu could not contain their joy.Seeing this, everyone resigned.

At this moment, the sun is just rising, and Qingluo Valley is still covered with dark clouds and ghost fog.

Fifth Aunt Cui took out a crystal-clear purple vial and channeled her magic power. A stream of light energy of seven colors flew out of it and fell into the clouds and mists.

In the blink of an eye, the world is clear and the sun is shining.

Only a few mortal servants remained in the magic palace, and Wei Fengniang's disciple Xichuan Eight Demons also left with Patriarch Lie Huo.

Two people went in and interrogated them. They found that there was not a single good person among these people, so they all got rid of them.

The filth in the palace was swept away, and the rescued innocent boys and girls were placed in the temple where the former fan stopped.

When the place was clear, Ling Hun moved the throne of the hall, revealing a cave, and waved his hand to break the barrier of the cave entrance, and entered the inside.

The room is only about ten feet long and wide, and there is a stone platform in the middle, on which there is a jade box about three inches wide and seven inches long, shimmering with golden light, shrouded in a layer of gray mist.

Ling Hun stretched out his hand a little, and the gray fog dissipated immediately, and the golden light was like a runaway horse, shining brilliantly, and it was about to see through the secret room and the hall, soaring straight up into the sky.

Fifth Aunt Cui picked up the seven-treasure amethyst bottle and shook it, and instantly the seven-color light filled the room, capturing the golden light and making it impossible to go out.

Ling Hun recited the mantra, and continuously played magic tricks in his hand, emitting a white light, which fell on the jade box, and the golden light immediately disappeared, leaving only a layer of shining precious light, which was no longer conspicuous.

The two got out of the secret room and restored the throne.After a while, Baishui Master Liu Quan came here with a few people, and went up to pay homage:

"Congratulations to master for successfully capturing this cave, the completion of master's will is in sight."

Ling Hun was also very happy, but said: "It's too early to say that now. This place only has this palace, spirit flowers and fairy grass, flying cranes and deer, nothing left.

You are the only student under my sect. If something happens, there are not enough people to run errands. "

Liu Quan said with a smile: "I have brought some apprentices here. If the master has something to do, he can send them as much as possible."

Before he joined Ling Hun's sect, he had an apprentice named Wei Jin.Later, according to the teacher's order, he took Zhao Xinyuan, the god of smoke, and Wei Qing, the golden dragon of land, as his apprentices. He brought them here when he went out.

Ling Hun nodded, and said, "Wei Qing stay here, Liu Quan, you lead the others to help Mrs. Ni clean up."

Liu Quan came out at the command, Wei Qing didn't know what the master was doing here, so he stood aside respectfully.

Ling Hun looked at the other party carefully, with a purple face and yellow beard, leopard head and tiger eyes, his appearance was very conspicuous, and he said, "Do you know your family background?"

Wei Qing was a little dazed. Soon after he was born, his father passed away, and his mother didn't know much about her husband's family.

"You are originally the grandson of Wei Da, a chivalrous thief from southern Sichuan, and the son of Wei Quan, a cactus." Ling Hun said, "The two of them spend most of their time hanging out in the mortal world, nothing unusual.

Only your grandmother has an extraordinary background, she is Sai Feiqiong Xiong Manniang, one of the three daughters of Minshan Mountain, and she is the second in line to the abbot of Minshan Xuannv Temple, Qizhilongmu Yinkong.

You may not understand it this way, but her senior sister Hengshan Golden Grandma Luo Ziyan, and her junior sister Buxu Fairy Xiao Jiumei have all become Earth Immortals. "

"Ah!" Although Wei Qing has only been on the immortal journey for a few years, he also knows what an earth immortal is. He was extremely surprised and said, "In this case, why is my grandmother not well-known? Could it be that something happened to her?"

"Exactly." Ling Hun said, "Because Master Kong Taixing was about to pass away, he gave each of the three a Daoist book.

After your grandmother Xiong Manniang came down from the mountain, she met your grandfather Wei Da and they got married. After giving birth to your father Wei Quan, they felt that their ties to each other had been broken, and the couple went to find a place to practice.

The two arrived at Dinghu Peak next to Xiandu Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province. Seeing the beautiful scenery and full of ideas, they married and lived in a hut.

There is a lake on the top of the peak, named Dinghu, where the Yellow Emperor ascended, and there is a monster dragon hidden in it.

One day, when the two were practicing qi, they touched this demon, and in a great battle, the demon dragon died, leaving behind a jade box.

Your grandmother worked hard to decipher the first layer, and found that it was the secondary volume of the heavenly book left by the Great Sage Guangcheng.

He was rejoicing, but unexpectedly a yellow sparrow came out of the side, the magic hand monk Wei Fengniang found it through the jade box with the precious light soaring into the sky, lay in ambush, and shot suddenly.

At that time, although her state was not high, your grandfather's magic power was low, and your grandmother was injured again, losing to this person, and the jade box was robbed.

That's all, that Wei Fengniang's methods were ruthless, and before she left, she shot a thunderbolt, killing the two of them. "

Wei Qing froze in place, never imagined that the first time he heard about his grandparents, it was bad news.

Ling Hun waited for him to relax for a while before continuing: "I'm afraid you are a little puzzled as to why I know this.

Before you became a teacher, your elder brother Wei Jin went to the west of Yunnan to collect medicine, passed Qingluo, and met Wei Fengniang's disciples, Xu Renlong and Qiu Jia from the Xichuan Eight Demons, bullied him out of thin air, and took away a branch of shaped ganoderma that he had already picked.

Liu Quan was very angry, so he went to Qingluoyu, but he couldn't find the two people, but accidentally bumped into the big demon Huang Yu, and used magic to confuse him.

The original intention was to use this to find the other two demons, but Huang Xi was not strong-willed, so he said it together regardless of what happened.

All of Wei Fengniang's disciples are her face-to-face, and Huang Yu is the most favored. Once the two of them got so close that they talked about killing your grandparents.

He also said that she could have today's cultivation and magic power, all relying on the side volume of the Guangcheng Heavenly Book.

However, when your grandmother was in a hurry, she still used a pair of Yin Talismans left by Master Yinkong to seal the two layers behind the jade box. You must have the Yang Talisman to dissolve it.

That Wei Fengniang has practiced for many years after getting the jade box, and she has only reached the realm of Sanxian, so naturally she can't break it.And I dare not look for your father and son, trace the whereabouts of the Yang Fu, so as not to stir up Grandma Jin and Sister Xiao Jiujiu.

Moreover, the jade box was so bright that it couldn't be sealed if it didn't have great magic power, even if it was placed in the treasure bag, so she had to hide it somewhere in the magic palace.

Later, Liu Quan paid homage to me and informed me of this matter.I have been planning for a long time, but I have no way to start. Although Wei Fengniang is not very capable, she has been in cahoots with the raging fire vulture for many years.

I was afraid that the persecution would be too urgent, so she donated the heavenly scriptures and made wedding dresses for others instead.It was very difficult to wait until she was implicated by her concubine Huangshuang Taoist and provoked Wudang, and then she succeeded in one fell swoop.

I was also worried that after the sword fight failed, this Wei Fengniang would also tell the truth to Lie Huo, so I asked Liu Quan to lead you here to ambush in advance, and if something goes wrong, I will act first.

But she never thought that this blazing bald donkey was quick and ruthless, Wei Fengniang might have hatred in her heart, and she didn't reveal this matter, so she turned into flying ashes.

At this point, you must have understood why I only asked you to come here today. "

While speaking, Ling Hun took out the jade box.Wei Qing quickly gathered himself together, pulled out a jade pendant from around his neck, and handed it over.

Ling Hun took it, and recited the mantra, the jade pendant fell on the jade box, and immediately opened wide.

There were originally three layers inside, the upper layer contained the side scrolls of the Heavenly Book; the middle layer contained six elixirs and the same jade ruler; the lower layer was the Heavenly Book.The jade light shone, illuminating the whole hall.

(End of this chapter)

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