Chapter 108
Ling Hun and his wife went to Qingluoyu by themselves, and Meng Qiu also bid farewell to acquaintances one by one, half of the old nun said with complicated expressions:

"I don't know whether to praise you or scold you. Although you won this competition, your ability is known to the world.

That Master Baiyun looked at you differently, she must have attached great importance to it, and the next step will be to let the disciples in the teaching come to chase and kill you with magic weapons.

Although there is a Goddess of Calamity protecting you, she is only an immortal after all.Not counting Bai Guyi, among the sixteen disciples passed down by Master Changmei, there are also nine Earth Immortals.

There is no need for the three immortals to fight, just two at random, or just Mrs. Miaoyi or Master Shanxia, ​​it is enough to defeat her.

What's more, the world will be chaotic, not only Xueshan Laomei and other ghosts and snakes reappear in the practice world, but also many masters who are both good and evil, the same is true.

Among them, those who want to curry favor with the Emei faction are indispensable. If you fall into the hands of these people, you will not be able to please them. "

Meng Qiu wanted to ask for more information, but seeing the drunk Taoist and Yang Da waiting beside him, he nodded hurriedly and said:

"Master, don't worry, I am a person who cherishes life very much. Among all the magical arts I have practiced, the Dafa of running and running is the most proficient. I will definitely be careful."

"Running Dafa, it's pretty impressive!" The old nun nodded at him, led many disciples, and left with a smile.

The drunk Taoist stepped forward, his face full of emotions, like a mortal quack, he patted Meng Qiu's shoulder heavily, and said, "Okay!"

Many casual practitioners around, such as Master Tiantie of Shangyuan Palace on Fubo Cliff in Dianchi Lake, and Zen Master Yichen of Miaoyin Temple in Baimapo of Minshan Mountain, saw this for themselves, and thought that the most famous sword technique of Zui Taoist was the sword energy Leiyin that Meng Qiu used just now, his eyes flashed thoughtfully.

Master Baiyun had a displeasure on his face, but he was helpless.According to Taoist Zui's bad temper, if she dared to reprimand here, the other party would dare to turn against her face.

After agreeing with Yang Da to compete who wants to become a Sanxian in the future, Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu left together to go to the Yunwu Mountain cave in Guizhou.

On the way, Meng Qiu sighed and said: "The big sword fight is really peaceful. Winning is winning, and losing is losing. There is no shame at all."

Zheng Bagu smiled and said: "It's because you and I were born late that we can see such a scene. I heard from the seniors that the practice world was not like this back then. Competing for Taoist formulas and magic weapons is like starving people fighting for food in famine years. They will do everything they can.

In the Han and Tang Dynasties, the practice of Taoism flourished for the second time, and it was said that there were hundreds of thousands of monks, but it also declined.The elders and masters withered one after another, leaving only three or two big cats and kittens.

Even when the Emei Sect and the Wutai Sect were founded, there were also demons from all directions attacking them, but they were all life and death struggles.The ashes from the incineration of the corpse made the mountain rise three feet out of thin air.

After these two factions took off, Daoist Changmei and Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan also had great perseverance, and after several rounds of rectification, some order was brought to the practice world.

Otherwise, what you will see is not a meeting to fight swords, but the disciples of the two sects retreating to the mountain gate, trembling when they go out, for fear that the immortal masters will secretly attack and lose their lives. "

Meng Qiu couldn't help clicking his tongue, almost like a primitive society where the weak preyed on the strong.But this is also normal. Although I don't want to admit it, the gap between practitioners and mortals can be regarded as two species.

Those in the realm of the earth fairy have the ability to move mountains and fill seas.If you are happy, you will use clouds to spread rain to relieve disasters and droughts; if you are angry, you will burn the sky with fire and scar the land for thousands of miles.God is nothing more than that.

For example, Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld, killed all the living people in a place just to supplement the ghost soldiers, and robbed them into the ghost realm, lawless.But he is in Beimang, protected by a large formation, no one can control him.

Even ordinary qi practitioners, killing mortal martial arts masters are like slaughtering chickens and dogs.If it is presumptuous, it will be no less than a natural disaster in Lianmian Prefecture.

Meng Qiu couldn't solve it, so he didn't think about it, changed the subject, and first explained Ling Hun's plan in general, before saying:

"I saw that the poor and god couple would win the sword fight, so they couldn't wait to go to Qingluoyu. Before leaving, they postponed the reward promised to me by the previous party until seven days later.

With such eagerness, it seems that besides a good cave, there are other treasures in Qingluo Valley. "

Before Ling Hun left, he sent a voice transmission to Meng Qiu, saying: "Thanks to you for this sword fight, my previous promise is still valid. After seven days, I can come to Qingluoyu to have a talk."

Others may not know it, but Meng Qiu already knew from the original work that the jade box containing the Guangcheng Heavenly Book and the Jiutian Yuanyang Ruler is in the Qingluoyu Demon Palace.

Zheng Bagu said disapprovingly: "I'm afraid it's a long-cherished wish for many years. Once it is fulfilled, I can't help it. Otherwise, unless it is a magic weapon like the Emei Ziqing twin swords, it can make an earth immortal who is expected to ascend so excited."

Meng Qiu chuckled and said, "Maybe there is a magic weapon of this level?"

"Are you a cabbage in the street market of Ziqing Twin Swords?" Zheng Bagu said angrily, "There are many sects and monks in the world, such as this kind of magic weapon, there are only a few of them, and you can count them on your fingers. Have you ever seen one since you practiced Taoism?
Furthermore, even if it really existed in Qingluoyu, Linghun deserved it.He has been planning for many years, and he must have paid a lot.

I don't know what he promised to the Wudang faction, in exchange for such an opportunity, it must have cost a lot.If it fails, it will be nothing.

If it were you and me, let alone whether we can talk about Wudang, just that Wei Fengniang is sitting in the Qingluoyu Demon Palace, the magic formation cannot be broken.

One trouble in practice is greed.Dao Jue magic weapon, wishing that the best things in the world belong to oneself, how can it be so reasonable?

Even Dasheng Guangcheng and Daoist Changmei couldn't do it.It is the right thing to do what is within one's ability, if you try to do it reluctantly, in all likelihood you will die badly. "

"What Bagu said is very true." Meng Qiu was robbed of this meal, but laughed out loud. If he hadn't treated each other sincerely, with Zheng Bagu's temperament, how could he have talked so much with him.


But it is said that Kuxing Toutuo and his party returned to Emei and met the head teacher Qi Shuming.

Master Baiyun was the first to speak, and talked about the sword fight in a rambling manner, focusing on placing the blame for the defeat of Ascetic Toutuo on Meng Qiu, and trying his best to send out elite disciples to hunt them down.

Qi Shuming had no choice but to let her make arrangements and send her away.

After she left, Ascetic Toutuo explained in detail what he saw from Huiming's body.

Qi Shuming couldn't help sighing: "Emei's orthodoxy is all contained in the "Ziqing Baozhuan" left by Changmei's benefactor inherited from the ancestor of Xisanzi, which records the "Nine Heavens Xuanjing" of Taiqing's immortal law.

It is rumored that the three patriarchs Taiyuan Zhenren, Xisanzi and Master Lianshan obtained the complete copy of "Ziqing Baozhuan", each received a copy, and practiced alone.

I also think that these three patriarchs are brothers and sisters, so it is not possible that there is no exchange of information, and the news may be false.Looking at it now, Master Lian Shan's great-uncle really won the second book.

Who would have thought that Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch claimed to inherit the orthodox lineage of Master Lianshan, but was never recognized by other sects, so it turned out to be true.

He has been quiet for the past few decades, and he has not been seen on Wutai Mountain. He must have learned a lot from the Shangqing Immortal Technique in "Ziqing Baozhuan".

In the future, my faction wants to combine the three volumes into one, and dominate the universe alone, so as to plan and survive the catastrophe of ten thousand years, but it will be troublesome. "

He sighed again and again, bowed to Ascetic Toutuo, and said: "This time, thanks to senior brother's willingness to come forward, I was able to achieve this. But I am so tired that my senior brother's reputation has been damaged, Shu Ming is very ashamed!"

Ascetic Toutuo avoided, and said flatly: "I am here for Emei, not for you, so there is no need to be hypocritical."

(End of this chapter)

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