Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 109 The Difference Between Good and Evil

Chapter 109 The Difference Between Good and Evil
When the two arrived at Yunwu Mountain, Aunt Zheng was a little curious when she saw a few tattered magical artifacts left outside Meng Qiu's cave mansion. After Meng Qiu explained that it was the Zhushan Sect who came to harass them, and was protected by the cave formation to fight back, she didn't care.

After she walked around the cave, she shook her head and said: "Your cave is really exquisite, it looks like a cultivator, but I'm not used to living in it, so it should be bigger.

There should be a Jinshi Gorge near here. Although it is nothing in the world, it is definitely much stronger than your place.Have you checked it out, who took it there? "

Meng Qiu said: "It's a female fairy named Yu Luan."

"It turned out to be her." Zheng Bagu said: "She has disappeared for more than 100 years, so she is here."

Meng Qiu asked, "Is she famous?"

Eighth Aunt Zheng said: "Her master Pan Liupo is a well-known senior female fairy in the sect, and one of the few people who cultivated to the end of the heavenly fairy, but unfortunately the luck was not good, and she fell under the catastrophe.

Yu Luan herself didn't have any achievements, but she knew good friends, all of whom were Saint Gu Gayin of Huanbochi, Fairy of Hundred Flowers Ni Fangxian, Bai Younv, etc., which are extraordinary. "

Meng Qiu was particularly curious about Pan Liupo's situation of crossing the catastrophe, and asked: "I rarely hear people talk about the catastrophe of the immortals, and I asked a few seniors, and they all pretended not to know.

You mentioned the Sanxian Tribulation a few times before, but you didn't seem to take it seriously, and the Earth Immortal's first tribulation was easily passed. Is it the same as the Tianxian Tribulation? "

"If you don't reach the realm, don't talk about the way forward. Many people in the practice world have this taboo, and it's not surprising if you can't find out."

Zheng Bagu said: "With my talent, the Sanxian Tribulation is of course nothing. The third Tribulation of the Earth Immortal may be a little difficult, but as long as I open the Lianshan Treasure House, get two powerful magic weapons, and practice steadily for 200 years, I am somewhat sure.

But when it comes to the Celestial Tribulation, I don't dare to speak big words at all.

You must know that this is the last difficulty for a monk, and it will not be easy for Du Cheng to leave this world with a full body of cultivation.

There have been many angels in history, but few ascended.Nothing like Lu Dongbin, Changmei Zhenren, and Zhang Sanfeng are outstanding, and they can't do anything.

A figure like Master Lianshan who pioneered a path is still falling.I think I am still better than my master, but compared with the master, there is still a big gap.

On the contrary, your talent is so high that people are jealous, if you practice the top-level formulas and have a solid foundation, the chances are not small. "

Meng Qiu was too lazy to be modest with her, and asked: "If it is said that ascension is difficult, among the celestial beings that exist today, can the Immortal Bliss be able to do it?"

"I don't know either." Zheng Bagu said: "Although he is not as good as Changmei Daoist, his Taoism is similar to Zhang Sanfeng, it's just bad luck and failure to create Qingcheng.

Originally, the ascension was safe, but for some reason it stayed and did not leave.I have spent so many years in the realm of celestial beings for no reason. I heard that it might be hindered, and I don't know what will happen. "

"Even Daoist Bliss may not be able to ascend to the ascension." Meng Qiu said with emotion: "No wonder those seniors don't want to mention it too much, but it hurts people if they think too much."

Zheng Bagu smiled and said: "If the catastrophe is easy, wouldn't monks have to sit in the mountains all day long, and everyone rushes to become a fairy, so life is boring.

The current situation is still good, the road ahead is difficult, few can persevere, the desire is together, in addition to practicing qi, you also need to practice spells, fight for the wealth of the monks, fight back and forth, how interesting. "

Meng Qiu was a little speechless, everyone said that fighting magic is not as good as fighting Taoism, but it was the opposite when it came to Zheng Bagu, it seemed that fighting swords was more enjoyable than becoming a fairy.

The two talked about the sword fight again, and then they meditated and rested in the lobby.

In the early morning of the second day, suddenly there was some movement outside the cave. Before Meng Qiu could react, the cave protection formation began to fluctuate. After hearing a few screams, it returned to silence.

He looked outside, and saw a few simple instruments fell on the ground, and Zhushan Sect came to harass him again, so he couldn't help being a little annoyed, saying:
"Last time, I couldn't stand their constant interruptions, so I went out to hide. There was no one in the cave, so I would restrain myself, but I didn't want to still be haunted."

Zheng Bagu followed and said: "Zhushan Sect has always been this kind of virtue, relying on the large number of people, if you can't beat it, you will be annoyed to death."

"Is there no one to cure them?" Meng Qiu put away those magic tools, and with a wave of his hand, the strong wind blew the ashes burned on the ground out of the valley.

Zheng Bagu said: "Why not? After they established the religion, it quickly expanded and spread everywhere like rats. Later, they angered a senior, beat the door, destroyed the mountain gate, and killed the disciples.

Helplessly, their leader's ability to escape is unrivaled in the world. He escaped the limelight and changed his residence. In 20 years, he gathered more than a thousand disciples.

This has happened more than once, and they always come back from the ashes.Master Changmei restricted them from going out of Yunguichuan, and if they crossed the border, Emei would attack them together.

Interested people have also explored the origin of the Zhushan Sect, but found nothing. It seems that there are experts behind the scenes.Later, the disputes in the world became less and less, and everyone was busy with cultivation, so they didn't bother to pay attention to them. "

Meng Qiu frowned, and said, "It's really troublesome. Is it possible that I have to discard this newly found cave?"

"What are you afraid of them? Why can't we do what seniors can do. If they offend you, they offend me. You might as well call the door and ask them to change places to keep them safe for more than ten years." Zheng Bagu was eager to try.

Meng Qiu put his hand on his forehead and said, "There are tens of thousands of Zhushan sect members, can you still kill them all the way?"

Zheng Bagu shook her head and said: "If you kill it, you will kill it. You must have practiced Taoism for some years, have you been confused by the current order of the practice world? Why haven't you changed your mind yet.

Human life is nothing to us, not only ordinary people, but also monks, you kill me, I kill you.What kind of upper body Tianxin, it's all bullshit, God's heart? "

Meng Qiu asked back: "If you don't follow morality, then why are there distinctions between orthodox religions, demonic ways, and sects? Monks also have righteousness and evil."

"Rectification of demons is caused by exercises. The side door is between the two. What has it to do with morality?"

Zheng Bagu said: "As for righteousness and evil, it is not because of any distinction. It is because people who believe in morality gather together and call themselves righteous. When they are powerful, they call the other party evil.

What if one day it turns around and the other faction becomes more powerful, using human skin as a drum, skulls to make utensils, gathering blood for drinking, and cutting meat for meals, they call it righteous, and those who don’t eat people are called evil, so what?

Mortals are weak, and morality is the order in which they survive; monks don't talk about good and evil, and order is only above flying swords. "

Meng Qiu was momentarily at a loss.In less than three months, the worldview of the previous life of more than 30 years has been refreshed more than once by Zheng Bagu.

"It seems that you have been with the Orthodox Church for many years, and you can't see the cruelty of the practice world."

Zheng Bagu's family background is not bad, but she encountered the decline of her school halfway, and fought all the way up, but she was much more sober, and she always acted directly, so she immediately decided:

"Originally, the Zhushan Sect didn't provoke me, but I didn't want to go. Looking at it now, it's really necessary to take this trip, so that you can calm down."

(End of this chapter)

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