Chapter 119
Meng Qiu looked up, and in front of him was a pale-faced, beardless old man pretending to be Taoist.

While this person was talking, he raised his hand and shot out a cloud of blue clouds, and the electricity seemed to fly rapidly, blocking the monster Gu Mang who wanted to escape.

Gu Mang screamed in anxiety, her whole body trembled, the steel hairs stood up, and she spit out the inner alchemy again, it was still a transparent red pill the size of a chicken egg, but the light inside was much dimmer, and she shot an arm-thin arrow of light, hitting Qingxia.

Unexpectedly, this trick, which can shake Tianlei, hit Qingxia, and it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any effect.

It had no choice but to move its body and raise a cloud of smoke, trying to use its talent to escape.

The old Taoist didn't move at all, Qingxia suddenly sprang up, pounced towards the void on the right, with a whistling, smoke rose, and Gu Mang appeared, unable to move anymore.

"The two boys of the Zhen family, you should stop showing off in front of me with that bit of cover-up."

He tilted his head, spoke towards the empty place below, and at the same time stretched out his hand to make a move. Qingxia flew up quickly with Gu Mang.

Two more people appeared in the air, they looked exactly the same, they were short in stature and looked young, each holding a silver ball of light in their hands.

"Sure enough, I can't hide from Senior Hong's ruthless eyes." A person on the left shot a silver light ball, stopped between Qingxia and the old Taoist, and said:
"However, my brother and I have searched hard for this sacred beast since Funiu Island, and escaped here. Isn't it inappropriate for seniors to catch fisherman?"

The old Taoist laughed lightly, and said: "Zhen Gen, your nonsense is nothing more than deceiving foreign monks. I have lived in the South China Sea, and have ruled the Qilu sea area for many years. Where did Gu Mang grow up? I don't know?"

After hearing this, Meng Qiu immediately knew the identities of the three.

The old Taoist is of course Hong Zhenwu, the master of Qinghe Island, and the two monks who look like children are brothers Zhen Gen and Zhen Dui from the Coral Nest of Funiu Island.

Zhen Gen didn't speak, just looked at Zhen Dui, Qi Qi took out more light spheres from the treasure bag, a total of 23, and didn't dare to attack Hong Zhenwu, and went straight to Qingxia and Gu Mang among them.

As soon as the hand is released, the light shines brightly, together with the first one just now, there are twelve pairs in total, the brilliance is like a group of bowl-sized meteors flying in the air.

As soon as it comes into contact with the green glow, the color changes suddenly, the starlight is as big as a bucket, shining in the middle of the sky, illuminating the clouds, sky and sea under a colorful glow, changing rapidly, floating and shining like gold, flowing in all directions.

Hong Zhenwu's complexion remained unchanged, and when he raised his hand, there was another cloud of green glow. As soon as he lowered it, it instantly turned into a layer of clear light about a hundred feet in size. It seemed slow but fast, and he rushed forward, covering all the light spheres inside.

In the blink of an eye, the radiant rays of light were wrapped up, all of them converged, and turned into silver round beads one after another, and flew back to the hands of the Zhen brothers.

That girl suddenly accelerated and was led to Hong Zhenwu's side.He said: "I heard that Fellow Daoist Zhen Hai collected many thousand-year-old tiger shark eyes and refined them into a treasure of the mountain, called the fish-dragon phantom light ball.

When I saw it today, it was amazing.But it's even worse for dealing with me.If you are not convinced, go back and talk to Fellow Daoist Zhen Hai, I am on Qinghe Island, waiting for you at any time. "

The most powerful magic weapon on Zhen Gen and Zhen Dui's body was broken, so he dared not speak, set up his sword light, and left in a hurry.

All this happened extremely suddenly, before Meng Qiu had time to leave, he had no choice but to bite the bullet, stepped forward to salute, and said, "I've seen Senior Hong!"

Hong Zhenwu sized him up carefully, and asked, "Junior, where are you from?"

Meng Qiudao: "Junior Qiu Xia, practiced in the southern island. Not long ago, he was promoted to build a foundation by chance. He was a little quiet and thoughtful. He planned to go to Wudi Island to meet a friend."

"Hehe, you don't think I'm blind or old-fashioned, do you?" Hong Zhenwu said jokingly, "You don't need to hide it in front of me. Your Taoism and flying sword light come from the Middle Earth, right?"

Meng Qiu was taken aback, but still wanted to defend himself. Hong Zhenwu blocked his hand and said, "I'm not one of those frogs in a well, and I haven't seen the world. Although Middle Earth is far away, it's only a day or two for me and other immortals.

Don't be afraid, if you build foundations one by one, I can still have any plans for you.I was in Central Earth, and I also knew a few people from the Orthodox Church. The real Qi Shuming, the head teacher of the Emei School, is my best friend. "

Meng Qiu wasn't worried at first, but when he heard that he knew Qi Shuming, he felt uneasy again, and hurriedly said: "This junior didn't hide it on purpose, it's really..."

"Understood, understood." Hong Zhenwu waved his hand without waiting for him to finish speaking, his attitude was much more amiable than that of the Zhen family twin children.

He looked around, stretched out his hand, and said, "There's too much movement here, so someone has to come over to check it out, so it's inconvenient to talk. I remember there's an island over there, come with me!"

With a movement of his body, he turned away, and Meng Qiu had to follow. After traveling for more than a thousand miles, he arrived at the place.

The island is not too big, but it seems to be full of aura. There are many cave formations, big and small, floating around, indicating that there are people here.

Hong Zhenwu didn't care, he found a deserted mountain at random, landed on it, picked a big rock, waved a blue light, and turned it into two square stone couches, and moved it under the old pine forest.

When the two of them sat opposite each other, he said, "I'm calling you here. I don't have any other intentions. I just want to ask what happened in Zhongtu recently."

Although it is not troublesome for him to go to Middle Earth.But compared to the vast power in the South China Sea and the easy access to information, he became a loner when he arrived in Middle-earth, and he didn't even have anyone to handle affairs. He was very unaccustomed to it, so he didn't move around often.

Meng Qiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly talked about the sword fight in Qingluoyu, the battle between the establishment of the foundation and the Sanxian, and the Dixian Bureau was a little more talkative.

When he heard that Kuxing Tutuo was defeated by Master Tuotuo, Hong Zhenwu jumped up, not even caring about the result of the sword fight, with a solemn face, and said:

"The ascetic master is not the opponent of Taiyi Hunyuan apprentice, this, this, how is this possible? Didn't fellow Daoist Qi say it well..."

He couldn't believe it, walking around, his face became very ugly.

Meng Qiu was secretly surprised by this performance. Emei lost, so what's the matter with him? It's worth worrying about?

The more this was the case, the closer the relationship between this person and Emei seemed. Meng Qiu didn't dare to take it lightly, and hurriedly made a bitter face, saying:
"The younger generation just heard the news, and couldn't believe it. I also found a few friends to confirm it, and it was indeed the case.

After repeated inquiries, it seems that Master Tuotuo proposed to compete in meditation, and he won by some tricks.He was injured a little bit, but Senior Ascetic was unscathed. "

"Meditation? With the practice of the ascetic master, it will not be..." Hong Zhenwu thought of something again, his face relaxed, he sat back, and said:

"Heretics are paranoid, maybe there is some weird method, it is not impossible to win."

Then he asked about the details of the sword fight, and Meng Qiu picked up some corners and talked about it. If the question was detailed, he said he didn't know, but he was fooled.

At the end, having nothing to say, Hong Zhenwu said casually: "In recent years, the South China Sea has not been very peaceful, and there are often fellow Taoists from the Earth Immortal Realm passing by.

I see that your sword light is pure, and your body is clear and strange. I wonder if you came with that Gao Zhen? "

(End of this chapter)

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