Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 120 The Honor of the Monk

Chapter 120 The Honor of the Monk
Just as Meng Qiu was about to deny it, he suddenly remembered that if he said that he came here alone, it would inevitably lead to suspicion: he just built a small foundation, not far away for a hundred thousand miles, what is he doing in this barren overseas country?

As soon as the words came to his lips, he quickly changed his words: "The junior came with an elder from the sect and called Yehuang, the Taoist of Hundred Birds. I don't know if the senior knows him?"

"Gongyehuang?" Hong Zhenwu's face changed slightly, and he thought, "Sure enough, the treasure of Yue'er Island will be opened soon, and a group of people from Lianshan Sect will come again, but I don't know if they have found the umbrella that is used as a key."

Anyone who is old enough to practice Taoism will have an impression of Lianshan Treasure House.A helpless earth immortal like him lacks the means to deal with the catastrophe, and even covets many magic weapons in the treasure house.

But even if Master Lianshan passed away, those monks who created the sect with him back then are still there, such as Chili Old Buddha, Aunt Lei, etc., they are extremely difficult to provoke.

The first time they took the treasure, everyone could only watch helplessly, not daring to make a move. They thought that the treasure house would be empty, but they heard the news that the crucial iron umbrella was lost and the treasure house could not be opened.

Then those masters died one after another under the Earth Immortal Tribulation and the Celestial Immortal Tribulation, and the casual cultivators who had already moved their minds were ready to move again.

Sure enough, when the treasure house was opened last time, Hong Zhenwu was not an Earth Immortal at that time, so he didn't dare to go there, but he also heard that there were Earth Immortals who were not under the Lianshan Sect, and they got involved.

It was just because Gongyehuang, Qin Yan and his wife, and Senipandu and other earthly masters were still there at that time, working together, the outsiders had to retreat.

The treasure house was reopened six or seventy years ago. Hong Zhenwu had just arrived, but he saw a ground fall in the hands of Gongyehuang from a distance, and he was so frightened that he hurried away.

That time, there was no iron umbrella, and they fought back and forth, and in the end, no matter which side, they all returned in vain.

Seeing that it was time for the treasure house to open again, Hong Zhenwu secretly scolded Gongye Huang Lao for not dying, while turning his mind, he said: "Oh, it turned out that he was taught by Lian Shan, so it's no wonder that Taoism is superb.

Think about the time, the Lianshan Treasure House will open soon, you came here with fellow Daoist Gongye to get the treasure.

However, after so many years, the news of the iron umbrella has not spread, and if it is no longer found, Yue'er Island may really sink to the bottom of the sea as Master Lian Shan predicted. "

He was secretive, wanted to inquire about the news, but kept his identity, and didn't want to speak out, which was extremely awkward.

But Meng Qiu didn't dare to be negligent, his mind turned quickly, pretending to be surprised, and said: "Ah? What iron umbrella? I don't think Patriarch Gongye is very interested, and I don't know if it has anything to do with what Senior said. Can Senior express it?"

"You don't know?" Hong Zhenwu was a little suspicious. Seeing Meng Qiu's bewildered face and straight eyes, he didn't dodge it. He believed it eight minutes, said haha, and said vaguely:

"Since the elders in your family don't say anything, I, an outsider, don't talk so much. You should go back and ask him."

"Oh, but I asked, but they didn't say anything." Meng Qiu's face was full of disappointment, and he said dejectedly: "If senior has no other orders, this junior will leave now."

Seeing that there was indeed no further information to be found, Hong Zhenwu waved his hand and told him to leave.

Meng Qiu set up Jianguang, took it easy, flew out for a while, and then slowly accelerated and walked back, feeling more and more heavy in his heart.

This person hardly concealed his interest in the Lianshan Treasure House. Although he still seemed to be afraid of Gongyehuang and other Lianshan sect elders, but birds died for food and people died for wealth, so it was hard to guarantee that he didn't have the mind to give it a go.

The heart of one person is like this, and the rest of the others are naturally the same.The treasure has been passed down for thousands of years, and this time I don't know how many people will come.

It's a pity that Meng Qiu can't contact Zheng Bagu now, and there is no way to remind her to prepare early.

He also hates his low strength, not to mention ascending to the sky in one step, becoming an earth immortal, even if he is just a loose immortal, once the Nanming Lihuo sword is unsealed, combined with a superb swordsmanship, why can't he kill all directions and shock the heroes?
What is cultivation without cultivation?
"When the book is ready to be used, there will be less hatred! It is also because the pressure was too low before, too much studying swordsmanship, and too little for practicing Qi."

After thinking about it, Meng Qiu flew directly back to Jiezhao City the previous time, and stayed there for more than ten days. This time, he learned smartly and found a fleet bound for Wudi City, and left in a low-key manner.


The jade plate hangs high in the sky, and the moonlight is exceptionally bright.

He had only been out at sea for a few days, and there was nothing serious about it. One day, Meng Qiu was meditating in the boat, when suddenly a flute sounded from a boat in front, playing Yangguan tune.

The loud voice is like a song, like wind and sand blowing over decaying grass beyond the Great Wall;

As soon as Meng Qiu set off, he quietly came over, listening to it leisurely and fascinated, the ancient poems of thousands of years flowed in his heart, and hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains passed by in front of his eyes.

But there is no wind on the sea, the flat waves are like a mirror, the silver light is shining, the eyes are far away, and the scenery is beautiful and fascinating.

"Who is making noise at night?" When he was intoxicated, suddenly there was a low shout from behind, and a strong man came out, with a menacing aura, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you afraid of disturbing the rest of the monks and lords?"

The flute player flustered, took the flute and said: "I was wrong, just shut up!" He turned around hastily, but when he saw Meng Qiu, he couldn't help being stunned.

The strong man also saw a monk there, hurriedly took two steps forward, fell on the ground, and said: "Damn the villain, I don't know if the adults are here to enjoy the scenery and listen to the music." His body trembled.

Meng Qiu has been hanging around here for a while, and seeing how superior and inferior he is, he also feels deeply.

In Middle-earth, even mortals would respect monks more than fear them, but here they are full of fear and envy.

As long as a Qi practitioner reprimands the government and curses riches and honors, it is only ordinary.If the middle-earth monks come here, they will certainly lament the honor of the monks just like Liu Bang once said, "I only know the dignity of the Son of Heaven today."

The reason is that a monk's mighty power belongs to himself and he does not ask others, so he is easy to be selfish and arrogant. Once he loses control, he will act recklessly.

There are also Orthodox religions such as Emei and Wudang in China to maintain justice, while in this overseas sea monsters have been invading, and the pressure of mortal survival is too great, so they have to rely heavily on monks, so the jurisdiction is naturally relaxed and the power of monks is expanded.

Meng Qiu's thoughts slipped, and he said unhurriedly: "It's okay, you step back." When the strong man left, he saw the flute player with a disturbed expression on his face, sighed secretly, lost interest, and sent him away.

He was about to return to the boat where he was, when he suddenly heard the sound of gurgling sound coming from the bottom of the sea. He hurriedly raised his eyes and looked down. Through the thick sea water, he could vaguely see many black shadows floating up.

"The sea monster is attacking!" Meng Qiu thought together, flew into the air, took out the cannon given by the previous captain, and fired it with his hands.

With a "bang", sparks splashed in all directions, and the brilliance filled the sky.Then there was a commotion on dozens of boats, one, two, three, seventy or eighty Dharma lights shot out and floated in the air.

"Who sent the signal?" A voice came from a certain ship in the middle.

Meng Qiu replied in a loud voice: "There are monsters coming from the bottom of the sea."

After finishing speaking, he took out a flying sword with brilliance and mottled yellowish yellow, stabbed it down, hit the water for several tens of feet, strung up a monster, and rushed back to the sea surface with another bang, straight into the sky.

That strange fish has a head and a tail, its body is black and blue, its eyes are wide open, and its mouth is densely packed with fine teeth, which is very scary.

There are two arms growing from half the body, with five segments, the last segment is more than one foot long, shaped like a sword, sharp and sharp, shining coldly.

"It's the green swordfish monster!" The person who asked the question exclaimed, and shouted: "This monster is usually regarded as a vanguard, and there are thousands of them at every turn. Fellow Daoists, don't be careless!"

(End of this chapter)

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