Chapter 126
Even if he hadn't met Zheng Bagu, Meng Qiu could easily guess that the other party's move was to prepare for Yue'er Island's treasure hunt.

It's just different from his timid and conservative way of looking around for information, Zheng Bagu is more radical.

Knowing that these South Sea monks coveted the treasury, they simply took the initiative to attack and hit the door.

Needless to say the agreement, it must be that these earth immortals promise not to come to Yue'er Island to disturb them after the defeat.Such a crazy move, once spread, can deter other monks.

"It's no wonder Bagu was acting abnormal that day and asked me to go first. It's because my strength is too low to help her."

Meng Qiu wished he could be promoted to Sanxian immediately, unseal Nanming Lihuojian, and kill all directions with her.

Now that Zheng Bagu is starting to act, he doesn't need to inquire about the news of the land immortals in the South China Sea anymore, wasting time, it is better to find a place to practice, and it will be more effective if he seeks to improve himself.

Thinking through this point, Meng Qiu said to Yu Zhong and Yang Li: "Two fellow Taoists, I happen to have some free time right now, choosing a day is worse than bumping into the sun, can I come and visit Senior Cui now?"

Both of them were stunned, Yang Li couldn't help smiling, and said, "No wonder, with such superb swordsmanship as Fellow Daoist Qiu, he went out to practice but chose a task of escorting the fleet. It turns out that the ability to 'see the wind to steer the rudder' is better, hahaha!"

Yu Zhong pushed him away, and hurriedly said: "This kid loves to talk nonsense, fellow Daoist Qiu. Master likes to make friends the most in his life. If a genius like you is willing to visit Juping Island, he must be very happy.

He is now out again.But you can go back with us and stay for a while. "

Meng Qiu already understood Yang Li's temperament, and was adopted since he was a child. His teacher Cui Haike was generous, he was not beaten or scolded, and his journey went smoothly.

He didn't care about the other party's teasing, cheeky, and followed the two back to the island.

Juping Island is deeper in the south of the Qilu Islands, and most of the monks who come and go don't pay attention, just like a rabbit hiding behind an elephant, not paying attention.

The island is neither big nor small, with five or six hundred hectares, and seven or eight tall hills scattered in all directions.There happens to be a ground fire under the island, so the island is like spring all the year round, with lush trees, blooming flowers, deer walking and cranes flying, full of fairyland.

In addition to these, there is also a unique product of the South China Sea, Ping.

Different from the aquatic floating things in Middle-earth, this duckweed grows on the mountain in clusters, about three feet high.The leaves are like chicken eggs, the size of a palm, and can decompose water vapor. Anyone who lives by the water often needs it.

Juping Island has a particularly prominent effect of Ping Ping, hence the name.

The sword light of the three landed on a low cliff, and several people greeted them earlier, but they were waiters, who were in charge of the general affairs of the island, and they all had qi training skills.

Cui Haike wasn't there, and Meng Qiu couldn't see him either, so he just wandered around the island absent-mindedly, and asked Yu Zhong to borrow a quiet room to practice in seclusion.

The Taoism he practiced originally could not just sit quietly and practice hard. He needed to experience the world of mortals, sharpen his state of mind, assist in analyzing the mysteries of Taoism, and help the primordial spirit in every movement and stillness.

The previous accumulation in Middle-earth was deep, but not urgent, so there was little penance.This time I came overseas, the world is different, and what I see and think is also different, which adds to my emotion.

Especially the old monk's words touched me greatly.Although this person's words and deeds are inconsistent, it is indisputable and understandable.But Meng Qiu has a bright future, so he shouldn't fight without it.

Meng Qiu understood this verse thoroughly, sat in meditation for nine days, and turned all the accumulated knowledge into merits. His soul grew stronger all the time, and he practiced thousands of miles a day, almost reaching perfection.

If it were someone else, they would be able to leave the level at this time, and then they would either meditate or swallow the elixir and spiritual fruit to slowly increase their mana.

But Meng Qiu didn't need it. The pearl in the sea of ​​consciousness flashed, and the brilliance overflowed. It was full of spiritual energy, which quickly filled the dantian, scattered the internal organs, muscles, bones, skin and flesh, and turned into mana.

Moreover, this mana fits perfectly with him, as if he had refined it himself, thick and concise.

Meng Qiu felt that he was very close to the realm of Sanxian, only a layer of membrane separated him, and only one opportunity was needed to trigger the catastrophe and transform into a fairy.

Calculating that it hasn't been long since he entered Taoism, he has reached this state, which can be regarded as shocking.

Seeing that no matter how much he retreated, his cultivation would not increase, so Meng Qiu chose to leave.Because the progress has been too great and the mana of the primordial spirit has been proficient, but people can't see any changes.

Yang Li and Yu Zhong only thought it was an ordinary practice, they didn't take it seriously, and asked him to practice swordsmanship.

Meng Qiu's confidence was greatly increased. When he did not compare mana, but only fought with swordsmanship, he actually defeated two loose immortals with one against two.

Later, Yu Zhong couldn't hold back his face and left with an excuse, but Yang Li became more and more excited as he fought, pestering Meng Qiu to compete every day.

Huhu two months passed, Yang Li got a lot out of sword practice, so he couldn't wait to go to Zhongtu to meet Lu Rongbo.

Meng Qiu waited for a while, seeing that Cui Haike still did not come back, and Yu Zhong was a little restless, so he could only bid farewell and leave without further delay.

After leaving Juping Island, he didn't know where to go.It's still early before the opening of Lianshan Treasure Treasure. After thinking about it, it's better to go to the Qilu Islands and hide in the city.

This time, I changed direction and went to the east. I saw a small island in the distance gathering inspiration, and then the sword light fell. Suddenly, seven or eight Qi training monks scattered and fled like frightened birds.

Meng Qiu was stunned, not knowing what happened.I found the second and third places again, and it was still the same.

He had to stop a person, and when he was about to speak, the person bowed his head first and said: "Senior, please forgive me, this junior is just a little monk and doesn't know anything."

Meng Qiu sternly said, "I just want to ask you why you ran away when you saw me. Would you not know?"

This person dared to raise his head, and said cautiously: "Where did you come from, senior?"

"Xiezhao City, the owner of the city is..." Meng Qiu said a few names casually, and the man seemed to recognize someone among them, his expression relaxed, he looked around, and whispered:
"Senior's forgiveness is not because the younger generation is rude. It is because after the incident a few days ago, the island owner was furious and sank the island along with those fellow guides."

"What's the matter?" Meng Qiu was a little strange, and he only said that the island owner was referring to Hong Zhenwu, and asked, "I just retreated for three months. Apart from the frequent appearance of sea monsters, what happened?"

The man did not suspect him, and said in a lower voice: "A few days ago, a female evil star came from other places, and she approached the island owner, and there was a conflict for some reason. After a big battle, Qinghe Island was completely destroyed.

The island owner may have suffered a loss, and was so angry that after the evil star left, he angered several fellow guides and sank several islands one after another.

Now the big guys are panicking, but they dare not welcome strangers when they see them. "

Meng Qiu immediately understood that it was Zheng Bagu who had been here, but she didn't expect her to walk so fast.The rest didn't dare to ask any more questions, fearing that their whereabouts would be exposed, so they left far away.

Last time he claimed to be the descendant of Gong Yehuang, the Daoist of Hundred Birds. Hong Zhenwu had suffered from Zheng Bagu, so he might take his anger on him.

Sure enough, not a few days after Meng Qiu left, Hong Zhenwu began to blockade the entire island to check for outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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