Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 127 Transformation into Immortal

Chapter 127 Transformation into Immortal
The cold moon has arrived, and the sky is frosty and cold.

Meng Qiu left Qilu Island, searched and searched, and finally found a deserted, desolate and uninhabited small island in the corner.

There are neither towering mountains nor sheltered trees here, so it is ordinary.Originally, there were only a few low grasses, scattered among the gravel and bare mountains.

Meng Qiu's cultivation has reached the point where there is no way to advance, and breakthroughs are all based on chance.As soon as the task of picking up the treasure was arranged by Zheng Bagu, there was no need and no way to intervene.

This time he went to sea, he was not familiar with the place, and he was far from being comfortable in Middle-earth, which made him feel a little dazed for no reason.

This situation is like when he came here through time travel, he has established a firm foothold in the restaurant, he has no worries about eating and drinking, and there is no way forward if he wants to work hard.

He thought about it all night and day, his mind was already in chaos, and he couldn't figure out what to do in the next few years.

Seeing that the evening is coming, the sun is setting, and the afterglow is still warm. The fire is warm, and the white clouds in the sky are full of vermilion against the background.

The outer circle is especially red, seeping into the inside, like a layer of red ink spread in clear water, surrounded by smoke, like a beautiful woman showing her posture and graceful posture.

Meng Qiu was greedy to look at the sunset for a while, but forgot to think.

Unconsciously, as the sun sets, the redness in the white clouds is slowly drawn out, and then it is infiltrated by blackness again.

The whole sky seemed to be a whole piece of clouds, all covered with a layer of gray, forming a curtain hanging high.

The stars hang up slowly, like lanterns being lit, illuminating the way of travelers and the way of returning home.

The breeze is blowing, and the water surface is moving slightly, as if plucking the strings.The fine waves are chasing after them, and the sound of clattering, sometimes high and sometimes low, is like the low sound of a flute.The waves beat against the cliffs like drums, rumbling.

Meng Qiu'er listened to the fairy voice, but he didn't feel fascinated, he seemed drunk or awake, his thinking gradually became dull, and he could no longer think.

It wasn't until the next day when I probed at the beginning of the morning sun that I woke up like a dream. With the slowly rising sun, my mood became high, and I didn't even care to look at the patches of morning glow.

Thousands of thoughts spring up at once, and they are divided into two halves. The left side is the memory of the previous life, from being born to a toddler, from being ignorant of literacy to studying hard in a cold window... It seems that you are making progress all the time.

The right side shows the experience of this life. The road of seeking Taoism from south to north is tens of thousands of miles, and I dare not stop for a moment.The depression of losing "Baiyang True Explanation" suddenly gained the ecstasy of "Huangdi Neijing"...

All the difficulties and obscurities in Taoism, the tricky and weird sword skills, and the bumps and bumps on the way to practice, all turned into steps to help him go up.

Thousands of threads, chaotic, but always positive.For a moment, Meng Qiu only felt that his mind was soaring, and he rushed straight to the highest point, feeling as if he was in heaven.

When the sky became dark again and the memories faded away, I felt a sense of loss.I think that I have reached the extreme, and it is not a matter of time to move forward. I am lazy and can't arouse the energy of struggle, so I just want to take a short break.

The moonlight is clear and bright, the streamer is like a stream, and the mist covers the water surface, like smoke transpiration, connecting with the sky.Looking to the left and right from a distance, some dark shadows do not move, as if separated by a layer of silver-white tulle, they are hazy and indistinct, as if a sleeping beast.

The sky is high, the night is cold and the dew is cold, the clothes are wet and cold, Meng Qiu wakes up with a start, and looks around.

Now it's autumn, and there are some jungles on the island. Although the greenness prevails, the yellowness has been hidden, just like people passing middle age and old age is approaching.

There are three or two places where the vegetation shakes down, withers and yellows, and is colorless. Only the frost marks in the moon shadow in the clear night still look exceptionally bright and bright, unchanged from ancient times.

Meng Qiu's mood changed sharply and he hesitated for a while.I don't know which one is true, the bright moon in the sky or the decayed grass on the ground.

The mood fluctuates, the feet turn west when wanting to go east, the head turns back while stepping forward, ignorant, in a trance, not knowing what to ask for.

After being absent-minded for some time, Meng Qiu raised his head and looked again. The sky had turned around, and the scene of the frost and the moon was no longer there.

He didn't have time to take care of such beautiful scenery. Instead, he felt that the long night had passed away unconsciously. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't take a step, and suddenly agitated and anxious.

As soon as the thought moved, the sky also responded.It was still beautiful and picturesque just now, and in the blink of an eye, dark clouds gathered in all directions, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.Little by little sounds, like wild horses trampling, galloping from far to near.

There was a flash of lightning, the sky was white, thunder rumbled, and heavy rain poured down.The raindrops were the size of a fist, and they hit the stone with a crackling sound, like a heavy hammer hitting a heartbeat.

The light only appeared for half an hour, and it was overturned immediately.The heavier the rain, the vast sea and sky.Wave after wave of wind and waves, pushing back and forward, giving way to back, lined up in several teams, formed a circle, and attacked the deserted island.

Meng Qiu didn't know why, but suddenly he became very irritable. He couldn't see anything going well. He hated the rain not stopping, the sky not being bright, the stones not growing grass, and the autumn trees not blooming.

The thunder became more and more intense, the golden snakes danced wildly, and the sky-shattering thunderbolts rang non-stop.There are bursts of lightning, black and white for a while, like the changing of day and night, and the cycle lasts for a whole day.

When the clouds collect and the rain comes, the sky is already pale with a few stars, and the Milky Way is clear and shallow.The surface of the sea was as flat as a mirror, and it didn't have the fierce power of the huge waves just now.

Meng Qiu's mood gradually became calm as the thunder and rain subsided.

A few hours passed, the night was getting shorter, the moon was white and frost was clear, the autumn wind was rustling lightly, the sea tide was slightly rising, and the water was caressing the rocks on the shore.

The mist is frivolous, the bare rocks are undulating, like snakes and pythons; the short peaks stand like giant beasts.Green and yellow alternate, dry and prosperous alternately, yin and yang are always present.

Meng Qiu suddenly let go of all the ties in the world, forgot about friends and cultivation, and left no burden in his heart.

This round of dazed, dull, high-spirited, slack, eager, hesitant, peaceful, all vanished at this moment.

He felt the opportunity to break through, and there was only a thin film separating him from the Sanxian realm. Although he was in a hurry, he was calm, standing with his head held high, his clothes fluttering, his expression relaxed, waiting for the doom to come.

Half an hour passed, the breeze was still there, the moon was shining, and the catastrophe never fell. He was a little puzzled, and couldn't help reaching out to the void. The film was like a bubble, and it would burst when poked.

Meng Qiu only felt that the primordial spirit had withdrawn from his body and entered into the chaos. He couldn't help but let out a cry, and the chaos immediately became turbulent, and two lights were separated, the blue light rose and the white light fell.

In the blink of an eye, countless suns, moons, and stars hung in the blue light, and storms, clouds, thunderstorms fell;

Chaos embryo!

Meng Qiu Yuanshen flinched, returned to himself, and immediately understood the origin of the pearl in the sea of ​​consciousness. It was a small piece of chaotic fossil left over from the beginning of the world. It was refined by Guang Chengzi and Emperor Xuanyuan, and hidden in the cauldron of nine doubts.

Only by becoming a Loose Immortal can one brand the Primordial Spirit and refine this treasure.

"Scattered Immortal?" Meng Qiu finally realized that he became a Loose Immortal without experiencing a catastrophe!

(End of this chapter)

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