Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 128 The Situation Reversed

Chapter 128 The Situation Reversed

Meng Qiu was still in a daze, when a huge spiritual energy suddenly gushed out from the chaotic primordial womb, and swam through his whole body.In an instant, the mana was full, condensed and dexterous, as if he had been promoted to the realm of Sanxian for a long time.

Sanxian and Jianji seem to be separated by only one realm, but in fact they are different from each other.

As far as longevity is concerned, the establishment of the foundation is 180 years old, and the longevity of ordinary people can also be close, but Sanxian's five hundred years, many dynasties do not have such a long life.

What's more, the primordial spirit and magic power have undergone qualitative changes, like ice compared to water, one condenses and one disperses, it is not the same.The supernatural power is so vast that it is the same as the gods in the mortal world.

The most important thing is the highlight of the true spirit.

Zheng Bagu once taught that people are born to be raised by the earth, and they are supposed to return to the heaven and the earth, and the cycle goes on and on.And the road of practice is constantly increasing the fetters with heaven and earth, making it more difficult to escape.

And crossing the catastrophe is the only way to cleanse the true spirit and leave the world.

That Meng Qiu did not cross the catastrophe to become a loose immortal, whether it is good or bad, still needs to be determined.

He was ignorant, when suddenly there was a loud laugh, and two short boys stopped in front of him.The one on the right said in surprise: "Good boy, you haven't left yet, but you have fallen into my hands."

Meng Qiu looked up, but it was the brothers of the Zhen family, and it was Zhen Dui who spoke, with a sneer on his face, and said, "This time there is no help from Yang, I see how arrogant you are."

After he escaped last time, he was very dissatisfied, because Yang Li was only slightly weaker than him, and he was surrounded by Meng Qiu, who was excellent in swordsmanship, and was defeated.He thought to himself that a single Foundation Establishment was no match for him at all.

"Wait a minute!" Zhen Dui raised his hand to shoot out the Poisonous Phosphorous Yin Huo, but was stopped by his brother Zhen Gen, who asked with a serious face, "Didn't you say last time that this kid is in the Foundation Establishment Realm?"

"Yeah, not now..." Zhen Dui subconsciously probed with his divine sense, and in the middle of speaking, he suddenly froze, and said in shock: "How is it possible? It's only been a few days, how come you have become a loose fairy?"

The last time the two met was only over three months, which is indeed a very short time for a monk.

He suddenly realized again: "Oh, it turns out that you were going to be promoted last time, no wonder you dare to fight back. Brother, hurry up and kill him with me!"

Seeing his opponent's promotion, Zhen Dui thought about his mysterious swordsmanship, and immediately asked his brother for help.

Meng Qiu didn't say a word, secretly said that just when he was promoted, someone came to his door to help him verify his strength, which was really great.Immediately release the Qingxuan sword and rush to attack.

Over there, Zhen Gen also had the mentality of attacking first, and while Zhen Dui was speaking, he had secretly fired a ball of dark fire.

Then I saw the mana on both sides surging respectively, the Qingxuan sword and the Yinhuo met in the air, and after the collision, the clear light and gray light burst out together.

Meng Qiu realized that Zhen Gen's magic power was no different from that of his younger brother Zhen Dui, they were both as weak as overseas monks, and he was determined, but he saw a silver light suddenly shot out from the yin fire, and the light suddenly burst into light, piercing his eyes.

But Zhen Dui heard from his younger brother that his opponent was a master of Taoism, and he could fight Sanxian back and forth during the foundation building period, so he didn't dare to be careless.Hid a fish-dragon phantom light ball in Yinhuo, covered it with the help of Biphosphorus, and cast a dark hand suddenly.

Meng Qiu closed his eyes, but felt that under the silver light, it was difficult to develop his consciousness. He was surprised but not panicked.

He calculated exactly where the phantom ball came from, without dodging or evading it, he still wielded the Qingxuan Sword, making circles forward, intercepting it in front, chopping and slashing until the ball of light retreated, and the silver light disappeared.

Seeing that the magic weapon was about to shatter, Zhen Gen hurriedly shot out the other eleven, and shouted at the same time: "Don't be dazed, let's do it!"

Zhen Dui was a beat slower, and also shot twelve silver lights, besieging him from all directions.

Meng Qiu was not in a hurry, and only used the flying sword to go back and forth, still like a loom, threading needles and threads, locking the 24 pearls in three or five strings, without any progress.

If he used other sword moves, he might be able to kill the enemy with one blow.But he had just arrived in the realm of Sanxian, and he was thinking about trials, so he restrained himself for the time being.

Even so, Er Zhen was in a hurry, sweating on his forehead.

"These two people are really bad. Putting them in Zhongtu, they are comparable to the Zhushan Sect. Even Taoist Huang Zhong is stronger than them. They only have powerful magic weapons. Yu Zhongyang Li is really difficult to deal with.

But right now Yang Li has made progress again, and is going to catch up from behind. If they have a chance to run into each other next time, they will definitely switch offense and defense. "

Meng Qiu thought while beating, leisurely and contented.The hearts of the Zhen family brothers became more and more heavy. They looked at each other, and each palmed together.

The phantom ball spread out in the blink of an eye, forming a mysterious formation, enclosing Meng Qiu inside.

Suddenly there was a big ray of light, which competed with the moon for brilliance, and the silver light shone brightly, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

Meng Qiu had no choice but to float the Dharma light and infuse his eyes in order to be able to see things. His spiritual consciousness was ten feet away from his body, and it was difficult to move forward.

Only the Qingxuan sword is still hooked, but it flies like falling into a quagmire, it is very sluggish, it is no longer swift and clumsy, flexible and changeable.

A smile appeared on Zhen Dui's face again, and he said triumphantly, "Boy, I want you to taste the power of the fish-dragon formation."

The father of the two, Zhen Hai, found an evil method in the deep sea while fishing, and developed a whole body of skills.

Among them is the large formation of fish and dragons. If one hundred and eight water treasures can be gathered together, once they are used, the four seas will shake, and the waves will rise to the sky, with boundless power.

But it is difficult to get all the treasures together, Zhen Hai is also a talent of the sky, he condensed it into 24 magic weapons, although the power is not as powerful as the original hundred and one, but one person can form an array, which is very convenient.

However, the Zhen brothers' mana is too weak, so they can only hold twelve each.Fortunately, the two are twins, with the same spiritual consciousness and the same source of mana, and they work together to achieve the same effect.

Meng Qiu turned the flying sword, and sure enough, the magic power contained in a single phantom light sphere is already impressive, unlike before, it can be broken easily.

Seeing his opponent's arrogance, he chuckled lightly and said, "It seems that we need to use more strength."

After saying that, the Qingxuan sword shook, and the sword light was drawn into a silk thread, and the speed immediately started, even faster than before.

Practicing swords into silk is an extremely fine swordsmanship, and is best at handling complicated situations. Even though the magic circle is reinforced by the brothers of the Zhen family, it is not solid, how can it be resisted.

But seeing a little clear light, he was hit repeatedly like electricity, blinking 24 times, no more, no less, neither side nor side.

Every time it hits, the silver light becomes dimmer and the confinement becomes looser.If the brothers of the Zhen family had better means or mana, there were still ways to do it, but these two abilities were so common that they were powerless to stop them.

The two panicked and didn't dare to wait until the end, they hurriedly put away the magic weapon and fled in embarrassment.

Meng Qiu didn't allow them to escape, so he chased them with his sword, but Baili was in front of him.

Zhen Dui said: "Fellow Daoist, we don't really have any enmity, why bother to be aggressive? It seems that the methods are too vicious."

Meng Qiu sneered and said: "That day in Qilu Island, you were majestic, and you repeatedly threatened me, why didn't you show mercy, let me go."

Zhen Dui immediately yelled aggrieved: "Fellow Daoist, what you said was so rude, it was obviously you and that Yang Li who drove me away, how did it become me to bully you?"

(End of this chapter)

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