Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 136 Accidental Exposure

Chapter 136 Accidental Exposure
Master Baiyun realized that he was in a hurry, so he no longer forced Zhou Qingyun, and decided to take all his disciples back to Emei. Anyway, it is useless for them to stay here, and they are still a burden.

Hong Zhenwu was a little anxious, and said: "Master, in order to help your faction find that little thief, I mobilized my teachers and mobilized the crowd, and made a big noise on the island, and I have already hated him.

You leave here, I am the only Earth Immortal in this sea area, if that little thief deliberately retaliates and makes trouble everywhere, how can I take care of it?

What's more, the speed of his sword light, even if I ran into him, I just wanted to escape, but I couldn't catch up, isn't it lawless? "

The tone wasn't bad, it was just an implication, that is, accusing the Emei faction of poking the basket, patted their buttocks and walked away, but made him bear the consequences.

Master Baiyun was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "The island owner misunderstood, I am not going to never come back, it's just that these juniors are carefully cultivated by me, and sacrifices should not be in vain.

When I send them back, I will come back to fight side by side with the island owner.Anyway, if I don't kill that little thief, I will never give up. "

Hong Zhenwu was a little displeased and said: "The disciples of your school are carefully cultivated, and the monks on my island have also gone through untold hardships to stand out, which is equally precious.

If fellow daoists are really interested, why don't you ask fellow daoists Zhuge and Zhou to send back the foundation builders of your sect, the master is here to deter the thieves. "

Master Baiyun will completely calm down now, and said: "Fellow Daoists also know that the thief is very powerful. If he ambushes halfway, I'm afraid that the two nephews will not be able to resist, and the disciple's life will be lost for nothing."

"Master said so, I have a solution." Hong Zhenwu suddenly thought: "Since this is the case, why not use the disciples of your sect as bait to catch that little thief out."

Master Baiyun's face suddenly turned cold, and said: "Fellow Taoist, are you determined to take the lives of Emei disciples in exchange for the safety of Guidao?"

Hong Zhenwu dared to admit it, and hurriedly said: "Master's words are serious, how dare I have such thoughts. Since you are unwilling, take it as my wrong words."

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is even more difficult for him to offend Emei. When the other party gets tough, he backs down.

Mrs. Baiyun and the others set off at Qichen to go to the Middle Earth.

Meng Qiu had already guarded Yiqinghe Island, and when they left, they would be far behind.

Not long after leaving the Qilu Islands, and returning for a long way, Emei and his party did not relax at all.

Meng Qiu thought he had no chance, and was about to give up, when suddenly a huge pocket appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

"Thieves, kill my son, don't even think about escaping." A dwarf boy appeared in the air, but it was Zhen Hai, who blocked everyone with his home bag.

There was a huge suction force in the bag, trying to swallow everyone.At the same time, hundreds of balls of Jade Phosphorus Yinhuo flew out and struck them head-on.

"It's you evildoer!" Master Baiyun saw this person on Qinghe Island last time, and thought he was Hong Zhenwu's enemy. The whole group took the blame for him, and without asking carefully, he shouted, "You're looking for death!"

Shaking out a wooden fish, it flew into the air, became the size of a small mountain, and suddenly rushed upwards, absorbing all the yin fire and smashing it to pieces.

With a loud "boom", at the point where the wooden fish and the storage bag collided, a huge mana force exploded and blew in all directions.

Meng Qiu couldn't hide his figure and showed himself.Master Baiyun's complexion changed, and she shouted: "The little thief is indeed coming, all the disciples line up."

But I saw the seven pictograms of dragon, snake, toad, turtle, golden rooster, jade, and centipede, soaring into the sky, meeting in the air, forming a light mask, enclosing several people inside.

It was Zhou Wenlin and Zhou Qingyun who replaced Wan Zhen and Yu Chihuo, and temporarily joined Yu Ying, Zhu Wen, Zhang Yuzhen, Zhang Qi, and Wuxiu to form the Qixiu Sword Formation.

This array was originally an offensive weapon, and it was not outstanding in defense.It is a last resort to use it to resist Meng Qiu at the moment.

As soon as the Qingxuan sword landed on the ground, there were waves of ripples. They changed several moves one after another, but they couldn't be broken. Everyone in Emei breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Meng Qiu raised his head and saw that Zhen Hai had been suppressed in a short period of time, and it seemed that he would be defeated soon.

He sighed, and was about to leave, but saw Zhuge Jing me flying out, shouting:

"Meng Qiu, you are so brave, you dare to chase after me, look at the sword!"

The last time he saw Meng Qiu, he was fighting for the Qiantianhuo Lingzhu in Tiancanling. The other party had just established the foundation and killed Li Wenyan.

Later, relying on a large formation of subduing demons, they besieged Emei and his party. In the end, Zhuge police and I blew up one of them in order to save the same sect, so we had to escape.

Seeing that although Meng Qiu had already become a Loose Immortal at this time, he was unable to form an array in a hurry, so he was not afraid.

I was a little unconvinced by the Zhuge police, and immediately confronted me, and the flying sword flew away like thunder, which was very sensational.

He is the eldest disciple of Xuanzhenzi and the first disciple of the Emei Sect, so his ability is naturally extremely high.

Meng Qiufei caught him with the sword, and he realized that his mana was stronger than his own, and the sword moves were not bad, so he didn't lose much.

He intended to make a surprise attack, but accidentally exposed Xingzang. Seeing that he could not win in a short time, but also afraid that Master Baiyun would be free, he wanted to leave even more.

Meng Qiu's move seemed a bit weak, Zhuge warned me that I was determined to win or lose, so he ignored Master Baiyun's warning and chased me away.

After chasing and fleeing, after traveling a long distance, Meng Qiu deliberately made a few turns before stopping and said:
"You and I are in a dispute of spirits. There is no grievance or enmity in the first place, but you insist on chasing after me. I must teach you a lesson, so as not to think that I am afraid of you!"

As soon as the Qingxuan sword was stretched out, the light of the sword was scorching, and he rushed away in a surprise attack, like a thunderbolt.

Zhuge warned me and said: "You have no personal enmity with me, but you have killed my disciple of Emei several times. As the first disciple of Emei, I can't ignore it."

While speaking, he sent the flying sword to hand over.In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen rounds, and there was no distinction for the time being.

He had already mastered all the sword skills within a stick of incense. Meng Qiu sneered, and said, "I thought you were so capable. If you dared to brag about yourself, let me give you a sword!"

The Qingxuan sword flashed suddenly, and a long rainbow suddenly rose, and it was at Zhuge Jingwo's side in an instant.

He had been prepared for a long time, the light of the body protection method was activated to the extreme, he concentrated and calmed down, his spiritual consciousness was faster than the rainbow light, and he caught the opponent's flying sword, and intercepted it earlier.

This is the method of cracking the sword qi into rainbow that he obtained after consulting his master, and it really worked.

It's just that although the Qingxuan sword stopped in front of his chest, it was true that he couldn't enter, but suddenly a little yellow light appeared on the tip of the sword, and then the thunder sounded lightly, falling into Zhuge Jingwo's ears, like a thunderbolt exploding in his mind.

"Not good!" He didn't expect Meng Qiu to pick up a sword qi thunder sound after the sword qi turned into a rainbow. He couldn't guard against it. There was a "buzz" in his ears, and then his head became dizzy. He could only turn his body hastily.

Sure enough, the light of his body protection method was scattered by the thunder, and the Qingxuan sword passed through it, and cut off half of his shoulder.

Zhuge Jingwo let out a pained snort, wrapped his magic power around the stump, and fled eastward without looking back.

Meng Qiu chased after a few steps, but stopped again. After all, the other party was not the main enemy, and went back to find Master Baiyun and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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