Chapter 137
Zhuge police and I went all the way eastward without stopping, until we arrived at Fishing Turtle Rock in the East China Sea.

In the South China Sea, there are strong winds and waves, with constant tides, but in the East China Sea, the weather is calm and the sky is clear.

A small boat landed on the surface of the sea, and sitting cross-legged on it was a handsome young Taoist, holding a fishing rod, with a leisurely attitude.

Zhuge warned me to land on the boat lightly, without saying a word.It wasn't until an hour later that the Taoist lifted up the fishing rod and found nothing, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Master, my disciple messed up again. I lost a magic weapon last time, and this time it was even worse. I lost an arm."

The Taoist is the first disciple of Daoist Changmei, Xuan Zhenzi, a senior brother of the Emei School, looks elegant and handsome, much younger than Zhuge Jingme.

This kind of youth is not just the youth on the face, but the light from the eyes, which looks at everything with love.

For example, when he fishes, he enjoys the process for an hour, a day, and a month, no matter whether there are fish hooked or not.

Another example is that he is now listening to his apprentice, his eyes are fixed on each other, his face is listening carefully, and he is full of a gentle smile, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, and he will reveal more.

"It doesn't matter, victory or defeat is a common matter in the military, and we will continue to work hard." Xuan Zhenzi comforted Zhuge to warn me, like a good friend.

"There are only three things." Police Zhuge I lifted half of my shoulders, sighed heavily, and said:
"I'm a little hesitant, if I try for the third time, if I fail again, if I really prove that I can't lead the Emei faction, will my mind be confused.

This will not only affect my reputation in the Emei Sect, but may even affect my path. "

"That's right, then it's better to just give up, why bother clinging to the position of Emei's head teacher."

Xuan Zhenzi changed his tone again, and said: "There is no luck in this world. No matter how high your position is, you can't help you ascend. Why bother to work hard and do useless work."

"I'm just not reconciled. Why can't I take back the position that Master didn't fight for back then, and I was an apprentice?"

Police Zhuge and I smiled wryly, and said: "At present, it seems that both my master and my apprentice have no such fate, and I can't control Emei."

"I'm different from you." Xuan Zhenzi shook his head and said, "I've said it many times, you can't win, but I don't want it."

Zhuge warned me: "Master, you can lie to others, but don't lie to yourself. Emei is the leader of the righteous way, and commands the world. The position of head teacher is extremely precious, how can anyone refuse?"

"Why can't I refuse?" Xuan Zhenzi said with a gentle tone, "I have served Master the longest and have the deepest affection. If I really want it, how could he not give it to me?
Even if he doesn't designate a successor, we are left to fight among ourselves, as long as I open my mouth, Junior Brother Miechenzi will retreat, how dare Junior Brother Qi and Junior Brother Jian refuse to accept it? "

I still don't believe Zhuge's policeman, Xuan Zhenzi shook his head and said: "Mie Chenzi's newly learned magic is really powerful, and it really made you fall into a bewilderment. If you can't get rid of this demon, it's hard to see the immortal."

Zhuge warned me and said: "The third uncle didn't harm me. If it weren't for him, how could I face the demons? As long as I become the chief of the third generation of Emei, my obsession will naturally disappear."

"Chief." Xuan Zhenzi smiled and said, "What are your abilities to compete for this chief?"

"I have to ask Master." Zhuge warned me, "That Junior Sister Zhou Qingyun was given the Qingsuo Sword when she was still practicing Qi, if Master gave me such a treasure, how could I lose again and again?
Right now, the door is obviously ready to support the next generation and compete with me.In addition to Junior Sister Zhou, there is also Junior Sister Li Yingqiong, with Ziying Sword in hand, even I have to avoid its edge.

Uncle Qi is in charge of the sect, which is obviously biased towards Buddhism, and everyone has a treasure in their hands.

I am the first disciple of three generations, and I am only a bright pearl. I worked for the sect last time, and I did not see compensation for the damage.

After all, even if you are not the head teacher, master, as a major disciple of Emei, you should have a few magic weapons that you can pass on to me.

Looking at it now, it is clear that the master was eccentric and left nothing for you. "

"Okay, even if the old man with long eyebrows is particularly eccentric." Xuan Zhenzi saw that the more he talked about Zhuge police, the more paranoid I became, and he had no choice but to say:
"But even if I have a heavy treasure in my hand, can you hold it?
Did Junior Brother Qi choose two disciples who were close to him to wear the purple and green double swords, or were the two young girls the most talented, and they were the only ones worthy of the second sword? "

"I don't think my aptitude is bad, why..." Zhuge policeman I just said halfway, Xuan Zhenzi said: "Your aptitude is far worse than mine, I didn't take it, why do you?"

Zhuge police and I remained silent, Xuan Zhenzi flicked the fishhook again.

After two long hours, no one said a word, until the pole was raised again, and nothing was found.

Only then did Zhuge Police speak, "Master, what should I do with my arm?"

Xuan Zhenzi said: "I have the Nine-Turn True Essence Reconstruction God Pill. Although your injury is serious, after taking three pills and retreating for three years, a new arm will naturally grow, and the operation will be perfect."

"I can't wait." Police Zhuge shook his head and said, "Three years later, the time limit for hunting down that villain will pass. At the beginning of this matter, I failed to protect him, and I ran away in embarrassment the second time. If I don't solve it within a time limit, how can I have the face to compete for the chief?"

"That's right, that's right." Xuan Zhenzi said: "In this way, we can only connect the arms.

I know of two elixirs that work.One family is the ten thousand-year-old continuous bone bone-building muscle spirit jade paste of the ancestor of the Beihai sunken sky, which can restore the dead to the flesh and bones.

Not to mention that your broken limb is still there, even if it is gone, as long as you find a substitute with a foundation, you can make do with it and restore it to its original state.

The second family is Cui Haike, son of Lingxu from Juping Island in the South China Sea. After a hundred years of hard work, he took more than [-] kinds of elixir and the essence of ten thousand years of spiritual jade to refine the Nine-Turn Returning Golden Elixir.

For all cultivators, no matter whether the soldiers dissect the corpse or the primordial spirit reaches the age limit, as long as the dharma body is still there, it can be used to restore the body.

Which do you want?I'll fetch it for you. "

These two types of elixir are so precious, but Xuan Zhenzi said that it was like his own home, and he could get it as he said.

Police Zhuge didn't find it strange, he said: "Zhikong Island is far away, but the South China Sea is near. But this matter does not require Master to come forward, I will do it."

"Also." Xuan Zhenzi said: "You healed your arm, and you still want to trouble that kid surnamed Meng? I remember Junior Brother Zui wanted to introduce him to my family back then."

Zhuge policed ​​me and said: "Hmph, Uncle Zui is drunk, how can this kind of villain be worthy of our Emei, worthy of our master?"

Xuan Zhenzi said: "I have heard of him, but he is not considered a villain."

"I am an enemy of Emei, why not?" Zhuge Jing asked me: "He is not, so I am, Emei is?"

Xuan Zhenzi laughed and said: "Emei never kills innocent people indiscriminately, so she can be called righteous. I heard that Meng Qiu is quite chivalrous and a good person.

The same is good, why do you care about each other?The way is different, it's just not conspiring with each other.

If you want to kill him, it doesn't matter if it blocks your way or doesn't look pleasing to the eye, don't call him righteous. "

"I understand, don't be naughty, just leave it alone." Police Zhuge nodded and said:
"If I can come back next time, either I have already fulfilled my wish, or I will give up completely and accompany you to practice until the ascension."

"Okay, you go!" After he flew away, Xuan Zhenzi picked up the oars and rowed to the shore a hundred miles away, saying loudly:

"There is no nature, the essence of nature. There is no creation, the end of creation.

It is bold and clear, and its shape is lumpy.You can see what you see, what you think, and what you think. "

(End of this chapter)

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