Chapter 144
There was a rumbling sound, and the Taiyi God exploded like thunder, and suddenly the light and shadow were magnificent, like the sun in the sky, and the lightning flashed, making the night as bright as day, and the stars and the moon disappeared for a while.

Then there was a bang, meteors fell, sparks splashed, and smoke filled the air, like clouds in the mountains, gorgeous and colorful.

Taiyi Shenlei is the most common spell in the Orthodox Church, and it is different from each sect.

Among them, the most powerful one is naturally the real person of bliss.It's just that he hasn't appeared in the practice world for a long time, but now he is more famous for his ascetic Toutuo practice.

Toutuo combines the strengths of Taoism and Buddha. It not only has the effect of Taoist thunder to destroy demons, can break the magic of demons, but also hides the sound of Buddhist thunder to shake the soul.

Meng Qiulei's method is taken from the ancient Taoist method, which is more primitive. It directly points to the essence of thunder, the cardinal of yin and yang, and the root of all things.

The beginning of the universe is due to the temporary explosion of yin and yang, which is the use of thunder.Therefore, this thunder is so powerful that it appears everywhere.

If the envoy of Emperor Xuanyuan comes, this thunder method can control the disasters and blessings of the sky, and hold the balance of things.In charge of things and people, in charge of living and killing, in charge of opening and closing, in charge of key generation, all of them are orders, adding three points of majesty.

As soon as the thunder came out, the monks hidden in other places on the island all let out surprises in unison.

"Cough cough cough", Shenlei didn't last long, with a burst of coughing, Zhen Hai and Xiao Xiu escaped.

Due to the sudden incident and the miscalculation of Lei Fa's power, the two of them were caught off guard and suffered more or less injuries.

Zhen Hai was fine, after all, his realm was one level higher, but he was a bit disheveled and dressed in rags.

Xiao Xiu was different, there were several crackling sounds, and a bloody scarf fell from his head.

This protective magic weapon is a magic scarf that he and his wife killed a deep-sea submerged ray monster with an earthly fairy realm, skinned it, supplemented it with the blood essence of thousands of mortals, and extracted the spirits of 49 foundation-building monks.

The offense and defense are integrated, and when you come out, you will cry and howl, and you will be haunted by a hundred demons; you will have thousands of ghosts in pieces, which can block thunder and fire, and have 49 pieces of spirituality, which can isolate the Buddha's voice.

Originally Xiao Xiu was planning to use it to resist the catastrophe of the Celestial Immortal, but he didn't want Meng Qiu to have a burst of Taiyi divine thunder pouring down, and his ghost and spirituality would be wiped out like a natural enemy.

Even if the essence of the ray skin is still there, there is not much power left, and even the aftermath of the divine thunder cannot stop it.

The light of Xiao Xiu's body protection shattered in an instant, several thunderbolts landed on his body, and several holes were blasted, his flesh and blood were mutilated, his breath was weak, his injuries were serious, and he immediately lost most of his fighting strength.

Not only that, the two of them avoided far away, and suddenly felt a burst of exhaustion, only to realize that the primordial spirit had been shaken, and their faces were ugly and shocked.

They also know this thunder method, but even if they use Zhen Haidi's magic power, they can't make the enemy so lightly, and still have such fierce and miraculous power.

Zhen Hai possesses his own mana, and has always acted in his own way in the central area of ​​the South China Sea, lawless.

Moreover, he has a violent temperament, and what he practiced was an evil method. Not to mention that countless creatures in the sea were robbed. In the past, monks only encountered him, and most of them could not survive.

The Qilu Islands were the hardest hit. When Meng Qiu hid there, people often heard about the atrocities committed by the demon king, so Hong Zhenwu had many conflicts with this person.

Originally, seeing that Meng Qiu was just a loose fairy, Zhen Hai restrained himself and wanted to deceive some news.He also thought that even if he couldn't, he could ask the other party to stand in front of him and explore the situation of the sea of ​​fire underneath.

Now that he encountered this divine thunder, he immediately realized that the other party was not an uninitiated monk, so he took the ghostly thoughts and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Meng Qiu didn't answer, but waved his hand and there was another burst of thunder from the Taiyi God, and he rumbled away.More than half of the thunders ran towards the opponent, and the remaining few fell to the bottom.

Zhen Hai didn't dare to be negligent, seeing this situation, he was terrified, hurriedly took out his storage bag, shot a piece of red-yellow brilliance, divided into two paths, and at the same time rolled up the oncoming divine thunder, and at the same time chased the fallen ones.

There is a sea of ​​flames below, and only at a height of a thousand feet, the whole body is already scorched by fire, and the heat is unbearable. It is conceivable that the bottom is definitely the lungs of the earth where the magma is lurking.

When the divine thunder fell and exploded, it might anger this sleeping volcano.

Once it erupts, not only will the treasure house of Lianshan be destroyed, but it will also stir up the ground fire that has accumulated for 10 years underneath, covering a radius of thousands of miles, and it will be a sea of ​​flames.

Zhen Hai is not sure that he can escape, let alone with Xiao Xiu's current state, he will definitely die.

When he picked up the remaining few Taiyi Divine Thunders with his storage bag, even the monks who were hiding beside him all heaved a sigh of relief.

Those who didn't know Meng Qiu all said in unanimous agreement: "Where is the stunned young man!"

Of course Zhen Hai didn't dare to stay on top of the sea of ​​flames, cursed "lunatic" and fled far away.

Even a Sanxian can make him feel at a loss what to do, now he doesn't think about any treasures anymore, he just wants to leave.

Meng Qiu was waiting for this moment.Above the flames, you can't make a move, so as not to die together, and you are away from the dangerous place, that's easy to say.

Nanming's Lihuo sword was already in his hand, and he shot it out, the thunder sounded softly, and the long rainbow passed through the sky.

At the same time, a mass of fiery red light suddenly appeared on the opposite side, shining brightly, turning the originally dark red color reflected by the sea of ​​fire into vivid and bright.

Looking from a distance, the entire night has turned into the glow of the rising sun, like a dream.The mountains on all sides are more like patches of clouds, the vermilion under the light is illusory, and the light and shade are uncertain.

Under this beautiful scenery, there was a mournful scream: "Husband!"

Meng Qiu shot a sword qi into a rainbow, and shot it at Zhen Hai's body, and received the sword qi Leiyin again.

The other party had never seen this kind of miraculous swordsmanship, nor could he have imagined that there would be such a fierce flying sword that could cut through the Nine Palace Immortal Ring that he secretly sacrificed, penetrate the body-protecting magic light, and be unable to avoid it.

As soon as Lei Yin moved, his mind and soul disappeared; as soon as Li Huo flashed, his body was turned into flying ashes!

Seeing her husband's death with her own eyes, Xiao Xiu suddenly felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark, and she cried out with her eyes open, like a night owl.

Meng Qiu was about to turn back his sword to kill her, but saw her yelling "Wait for me" again, opened her mouth wide, exhaled black air, pounced on him, made two chi chi, and also turned into a puff of smoke, matching Zhen Haifei's ashes.

"It's true!" Meng Qiu smiled, stretched out his hand, and the treasure pouch and magic weapon left by the two fell into his hands.

The Nine Palaces Immortal Ring split in two, and most of its spirituality has been eliminated, so it can only be used as spiritual material.

The storage bag was intact, about three feet long, like cloth and not cloth, meat and not meat, it felt soft and greasy to the touch, and when you probe inside, you can see no bottom.

"Nan Mingli Fire Sword!"

At this time, there were two more figures in midair, the one who spoke was Mrs. Baiyun, and the other was no stranger, but Qi Lingyun whom Meng Qiu had seen in Baiyang Mountain back then.

Master Baiyun stared at the fiery red flying sword in the air with an extremely ugly expression, and then looked to the side.

Qi Lingyun's face was still a little noble, but he shook his head, sighed, and said: "If there is no master Bodhidharma's sword, even if the little thief is skilled in swordsmanship, I can kill him with confidence.

Nanming Lihuo is not inferior to Ziying and Qingsuo at all, his master knows the power of those two swords.With this sword in his hand, there is nothing I can do.

There will be disputes here, according to the patriarch's rules, Emei disciples must not offend Lianshan Grand Master's uncle, this treasure house cannot be contested, master, disciple resigns! "

After saying that, she took off with her sword, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder, which shook the surrounding fields and overwhelmed the turbulent waves.After the lightning, people have gone away.

Only Mrs. Baiyun hated and regretted that this kind of divine sword fell into the hands of an enemy who repeatedly opposed Emei; she also regretted not paying attention to this person earlier, wasting so much time, and seeing the other party grow to this level.

"Sword Qi and Thunder Sound?" Meng Qiu looked at the direction Qi Lingyun was leaving, and laughed dumbfoundedly.

The other party's move was clearly a demonstration, if it wasn't for the fact that he was about to take the treasure and cause trouble, he would definitely catch up and avenge his bullying back then.

Thinking of this, he looked back at Mrs. Baiyun, the flying sword in his hand was about to move.

Mrs. Baiyun immediately came back to her senses, retreated from Baizhang, and a wooden fish appeared in her hand, with a vigilant expression.

Meng Qiu glanced at the other hills, put away his sword, flew back to a hill next to the sea of ​​fire, and sat down cross-legged.

Master Baiyun's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he paused for a long time before jumping up and returning along the way he came from.

After half an hour, the sea of ​​fire below became more active, and the heat increased little by little. The stones at the foot of the mountain had turned into magma, flowing slowly.

The flames came alive, slowly driving away the darkness, illuminating the inside of the basin as bright as day, together with the surrounding ringed mountains, like a red-hot iron furnace.

At this time, someone couldn't hold back, and a ball of red light flew out, revealing a red-faced, long-haired, long-bearded, chesty, short and fat old man, with radiant eyes and a strange appearance, he cupped his hands and said:

"Old Lingwei old man, a disciple of the ancestor who fell into the void on Wuding Island in the North Sea, was greatly shocked when he saw the divine power of his fellow Taoist. I don't know Gao's surname or name. Where is the fairyland?"

"The high-ranking people from the South China Sea are not here, but the people from the North Sea are here to join in the fun." Meng Qiu's heart moved, and he replied: "Meng Qiu, a loose cultivator, comes from the Middle Earth."

Wuding Island in the North Sea is surrounded by three thousand weak waters, and it is difficult for birds to fly across. The ancestor of the sunken sky has extremely high mana, but he is dedicated to meditation, pursuing ascension, rejecting worldly karma, and never meeting outsiders.

He only accepted two disciples in his life, one is Lingwei old man, and the other is long-armed demon Zheng Yuangui.The two are far less talented than Naishi, and the dust is in trouble.

Decades ago, Zheng Yuangui made a big mistake and was almost beheaded by the ancestor of the sky, so he had to flee to the middle land and join the teaching of the five poisonous kings Liebaduo in the naked cave of Baiman Mountain in Yunnan.

And this Lingwei old man had also learned from his master not to care about foreign affairs, but he sensed that the second catastrophe of the Earth Immortal was approaching and he couldn't avoid it.

He has been to Central Earth, and he understands the differences between schools of casual cultivators. He was a little surprised and said, "Fellow Daoist is actually a casual cultivator. It's really admirable."

In particular, he has some friendship with Emei Miechenzi. Seeing that Meng Qiu not only killed Zhen Hai, but also forced away the always proud Mrs. Baiyun, I admire him even more.

Even if the other party is a loose immortal, he didn't dare to neglect him, treated him as an equal, and said:

"Fellow Daoists must have come here for the Lianshan Treasure House. Both of us are outsiders, and we are single. Why don't we join hands? If we can obtain the treasure, each will get half, how about it?"

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows, and without going around in circles, he said directly: "You must not have been in the middle land for many years, and you haven't been to the South China Sea for a long time, right?

Otherwise, how could I not know that I, the daughter of the Lianshan sect, and I are on the same road, and I came here to help her. "

"This..." Old man Lingwei has also heard of the name of Zheng Bagu, one of the descendants of Lianshan Treasure House who is serious.

He looked for his companion to find the head of the master's house, he felt a little embarrassed, forced a smile, and said: "But I was abrupt."

Unwilling to go away, he said: "Just the two of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop visitors from all over the world." He raised his hand and tapped the distant hills a few times.

"It doesn't matter." Meng Qiu shrunk the Nanming Lihuo sword to three feet long, played with it in his hand, and said with a smile: "The magic weapon in the treasure house can beat this sword?
I don't care about success or failure, I just have a friendship with Zheng Daoyou, and I can only do my best. "

Although the Nanming Sword became small and exquisite, and the flames it emitted were warm and bright, but thinking of the shocking blow just now, no one dared to ignore it.

Lingwei old man's eyelids twitched, he thought for a long time, and felt that it was difficult to dodge the sword.Although with the help of a heavy treasure in his hand, he may not be seriously injured, but he can't spare much energy to fight for the treasure.

After much deliberation, he couldn't make any sense, so he casually said a few polite words and stepped aside.If you can find a companion, stay, otherwise you don't want to easily offend others.

With the time of speaking, the flames became even more intense, the flames had risen to a height of [-] zhang, burning people's hearts.

The appearance of Lingwei old man seemed to send a signal, and then two groups of people came forward.

On one side are three boys over two feet tall, one girl and two boys, both of whom have a blue light, right or wrong.

The leading girl looks very handsome, about seven or eight years old, wearing a blue dress, with a purple belt around her waist, carrying a purple purse about seven or eight inches long, with a short sword more than a foot long stuck in her back, a pair of star eyes, revealing her majesty.

This girl is an Earth Immortal, followed by two boys, one handsome and one ugly, all Sanxian.

Jun's appearance is handsome and heroic, like a golden boy in a temple.The ugly one is surprisingly, fat and short, with a pair of yellow eyes on the forehead, a high nose, and a wide mouth and a big round toad head underneath, which looks like a demon.

The other party is the same three people, although they are dressed as bald monks, but the escape light is either dark or dark red, with awe-inspiring evil spirit.

One pair of twin brothers with the same appearance are both short and ugly, and the monk's clothes are as short as knees, covered with emerald fish scales, like thousands of strange eyes sticking on them, shooting fierce lights.

The remaining one was short in stature, as thin as a monkey, ugly in appearance, with a ferocious expression.

The two parties appeared at the same time, exactly, and when they met each other, they were both shocked, obviously they were familiar with each other.

"You bastards, you dare to go out of the Little South Pole, it's really too much life." The girl spoke first, and said:
"Yue'er Island is the place where Master Lianshan's cultivation is performed. You demons and heretics are worthy of stepping on it. Leave quickly!"

The skinny monk laughed repeatedly and said, "My dear niece, if you come to Xuangui Palace to change your family, why can't I come?

You must know that back then, I also listened to Taoism under the seat of Master Lianshan. To take this treasure house, am I not more qualified than you? "

When Meng Qiu heard this, he immediately knew the origins of the three dwarfs. They were the goddess Ying Yijing, the daughter of Yi Zhou in the Xuangui Temple of the South Sea, and the two grandsons, Yi Ding and Yi Zhen.

As for the three on the opposite side, they didn't know each other at all, and it was only through voice transmission that Zheng Bagu replied.

There is a sea area around the Little Antarctic, and there are 47 islands full of inspiration. This group of heretical monks gathers, and the thin monkey is the Wu Lingzhu, the master of the mullet island.

This person did come to Yue'er Island back then, but he was driven away by Master Lian Shan because of his evil intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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